Thursday, October 28, 2010

Working With Wool or just Goating Around???

Way back in August I wrote that I had started buying jumpers to shrink/felt, Teresa and I did a bit of a swap with our wools and Melody has been great sending me some of hers and encouraging me to try sewing with them (she has a BOM starting next year so I wanted to practice some smaller projects first ) .. I made some birdies and now ...

Thanks to Elaine for the tutoring and to Debbie and Kim for the motivation to try a project wool - taaa daaa. - I have a Penny Rug..... 

Over HERE Elaine tells us some of the history behind a Penny Rug..... interesting... 

I'm not really sure I should be getting into something else............. but..... I have.........

Now we have a little 'goat adventure' going, or is a goatalong?  This is one Elaine made previously:

and this little fellow is off to Debbie for some pampering.......

I am hoping he/she will come visit me downunder - may like to take a break during the winter and spend a bit of time enjoying the Australian summer......

Sue also has a wandering goat at her place.........

I have been looking at a few sites with wool.....
Peg has this lovely project she is working on at the moment. 
Michele has a lovely needle holder HERE - on my to do list......
Kaaren has this amazing pincushion over HERE - I'd love to do that as a round robin activity..... any takers?

.... and if you are needing some additional inspiration pop in to Sue over HERE

The last of my new Iris's has flowered...... worth waiting for... I love splashes of happy yellows......

Lots of links today - hope you are able to pop by and visit them all - they really have lots of lovely things to see......


1 Sheila said...

Oh Fiona , that is so sweet , I absolutely love working with wool and infact will be posting a picture tomorrow of a needlecase I am making .I have made a few penny rugs and love it !

2 Crowing Moon said...

I love your penny rug. I have some patterns for a few I've wanted to try. Will have to put it on the to do list soon as I have th exmas gift making under control!

3 Sue said...

Your penny rug is beautiful. Definitely more beautiful than a goat. My sister volunteers at the local oppie and is collecting me shrunken knitwear. Some times my line is full of very small jumpers. now I need some more inspiration to use them up.

4 Chookyblue...... said...

I have been playing with some wool too and it has been nice to use a different medium.......

5 Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

That is just so very nice are very cleaver.....thanks so much the mention in your post....the BOM sounds interesting could you tell me a little more or maybe even send me a link..thanks Bubz..

6 Chrissie said...

Love your penny rug, thanks for the links couldn't sleep so had fun whizzing around visiting.

7 WoolenSails said...

Beautiful piece. Working with wool is fun, I do a lot of thrifting to find unique wools that I can use.


8 marina said...

Well done!
Another round robin? I would be in on that. I followed the one Kaaren did and made a felted pin cushion for a swap but would love one for myself.
Count me in for that!

9 Allie said...

Your penny rug is too darling!! I'd love to get into wool, I love the look of it but it doesn't like me - it makes me itch. Enjoy your goat-along - it looks like fun but I'm going to just be a spectator!

10 Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

I've never made a penny rug before but it is definitely on my 'To Do' list. Love your bright and cheery lilly.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne

11 Melody said...

Hi Fiona,
I'm so glad you had fun. I love your penny rug. Thanks for mentioning me.

12 Serenata said...

Oh so many places to go! Gorgeous penny rug.

Now a round robin?! Yes I am tempted as well :-)

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