Saturday, June 29, 2024

End of June

Once again I have no idea where the last month disappeared to.... I feel like I'm in some kind of time warp....

Eye test done.... new glasses needed (thank goodness for EOFY sales!) Skin test done - horrible cream treatment needed over the face!  Never mind the house renovations needed - it's a body renovation which is more urgent!!

When I'm at home I spend most of my time doing some quilting on the frame and then a bit of machine sewing when I need a sit down break.... Hand sewing/crochet is almost exclusively at night except on Tuesdays and some Thursdays when I am sewing with friends at club.  Some quilting on the frame takes a few weeks and other times it is done in a day. 

Embroidery Guild on Saturday saw two more Field Journal Hexagons sewn.....

Machine sewing time got me to work on this months chosen UFO - which was buttons I made last year for the rainbow scrap challenge ....

The button blocks are 3 1/2" finished... so it's pretty cute (well I love it a lot)

I had two spare buttons so I have bordered them and will make them up into coasters, or pincushions ..... 

I found a doona cover (new from the Swedish shop) that I think I will back it with .... lap quilt size

It's gone in a box to wait it's turn....

Tuesday was Quilt Group day at a friends house and 3 more Field Journals got sewn together....

That's all the embroidery hexagons done....

... next is a bunch of non embroidered framed hexagons to join it all together...

Embroidery Guild on Thursday I took my Sashiko style blocks and got these done....

I have rather neglected this project so hopefully will focus on it more this month....

The KOGO baby blanket is done so I will post this off next week.....

It's about 1m x 1.2 and I think it feels lovely... 
(the stripes are navy blue)

I really love my buttons!!!

Righto, Gotto Go.....

45th Wedding Anniversary tomorrow - we might go out for a pub meal ...... 

Have a lovely weekend......

Friday, June 21, 2024

Third Week of June

On the way to half the year done... and I can't say I have done half the projects I wanted to do!! 

This weeks crafting has included sewing face details......

I did these by hand embroidery 

Satin stitch and back stitch....

It does add some character to the faces....

Tuesday sewing I continued with sewing up hexagon flowers with Field Journal .....

5 more to go before I need to make the joining and border ones....

I put together the blocks for Blessings.... they had to be joined before adding the angel on top ... so that was done and she was blanket stitched around....

There is still a border to go which has a scalloped edge which will be blanket stitched and added on.

Happy with the progress this week... some crochet has been hooked - the blanket and the scarf are growing....

I do hope you have a lovely weekend.....xx

Friday, June 14, 2024

Second Week of June....

A busy but enjoyable week....

I had 4 full days at home.... and they were cold and windy so of course the most sensible thing was to sit inside and sew....

My neighbour has had a little winter baby girl so I pulled out my flannel fabric and made a couple of little quilts .... not pieced but flannel both sides, quilted and bound .....

Tuesday girls saw me sewing a couple more Field Journal hexagons....

The pile of sets is slowly coming down....

and a couple of Sashiko style blocks were done..... I'm at 50/365!! A way to go still!

Wednesday I had machine sewing here at our house, fire was lit and kettle boiled all day!

I continued with blanket stitching these Blessing blocks.... some of them are completed with that part and now I just need to hand stitch eyes and faces etc...

Marina has once again distracted me.... and I have started this scarf - a fun new crochet design for me using up some 4 ply sock wool

I am continuing with a few rows of the baby blanket but it's nothing new to see....

Righto, Gotto Go - I have kept my little machine (that does blanket stitch) out so I can do a bit more of that over the next few days .....

Friday, June 7, 2024

First Week of June

June is officially the start of Winter .... and it is correct ....we have got cold. 

 I just love the wood fire, the electric blanket and doona on the bed and hot soups and casseroles.....

30 blocks were sent off to KOGO and I included a childs green jumper

I have got distracted with orange peel blocks......

Quilt club day helped me to resume sewing some of my Field Journal hexagons together....

Two were completed before I took out my crochet baby blanket....

A fair bit of time spent as there are some repairs and improvements we need to do on the house so searching, looking etc is happening... doors/windows/blinds/carpets ...... that sort of stuff which to be honest I do not really enjoy....  (I'd rather be sewing)

Righto, today I want to sort out a few of my quilt tops and match them with backings and cut some wadding.... to make ready to quilt....

Have a lovely weekend .... I plan to be snug indoors ...

Tonight is Cheryll is hosting FNWF and I'll be working on some of my Sashiko style blocks

Saturday, June 1, 2024

May is over....

It's now June and officially the 'winter' months here ..... the cat is enjoying sunny spots (I have been trying to train him to move his tail more and do a bit of dusting whilst there - not working so far!!)

My UFO to work on in May was the embroidery....  I did manage to finish this section.....  

Now the table runner is 1/4 done!!! so lots more to do

This week the Quilt Group held its annual retreat at a centre about half an hour from where I live, so I attended during the days (most people stay there)

Those who wanted to participated in a swap for a table mat and this is the one I received

Here is a close up,  pieced back and then over-sewn with fun texture....

I did show this one before but this is the one that I had made

I sat there and blanket stitched my Blessings blocks... for hours and hours and I still have no finished blocks!!!  

My little machine does a lovely stitch but I did go and watch some other machines that have a tie off mode, a cutting mode and an automatic foot lift mode... and now I want a new machine!!!

Lots of little pieces and curves means slow stitching and lifting the foot to pivot ....and after each one I thread through the top thread and tie off at the back.

Good progress was made though and it was lovely to be there and chat to people in a different forum.

Righto, Gotto Go...... home day today and I will enjoy it!

Have a lovely weekend....

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