Friday, June 7, 2024

First Week of June

June is officially the start of Winter .... and it is correct ....we have got cold. 

 I just love the wood fire, the electric blanket and doona on the bed and hot soups and casseroles.....

30 blocks were sent off to KOGO and I included a childs green jumper

I have got distracted with orange peel blocks......

Quilt club day helped me to resume sewing some of my Field Journal hexagons together....

Two were completed before I took out my crochet baby blanket....

A fair bit of time spent as there are some repairs and improvements we need to do on the house so searching, looking etc is happening... doors/windows/blinds/carpets ...... that sort of stuff which to be honest I do not really enjoy....  (I'd rather be sewing)

Righto, today I want to sort out a few of my quilt tops and match them with backings and cut some wadding.... to make ready to quilt....

Have a lovely weekend .... I plan to be snug indoors ...

Tonight is Cheryll is hosting FNWF and I'll be working on some of my Sashiko style blocks


1 Janice said...

You are edging closer to finishing the Field Journal project. So pretty. The planning for your home improvements will be worth it when completed

2 Jennifer said...

Raining, cold and miserable here, a good day to stay inside and sew....if only I could! Love the field journal blocks.

3 Lin said...

A nice pile of crochet blocks there and your orange peels look fun. My FJ has surfaced again this week, two stitcheries completed and our weather has popped back to spring! xx

4 said...

Oh, Fiona, I love all your projects! I love winter and if I were rich I would spent my summers near you and then come back here for my winters. i don't like the heat and humidity and we are just going into summer here...I already have the AC on!
Your granny squares are so pretty with the 2 colors and I love your orange peel blocks! I've never seen hexies embroidered like beautiful! I need all that stuff for my house too but it would cost a fortune which I don't!
I'll try and come by more often...I need crafty people in my life! You're a great inspiration.

5 Julie said...

Lots of wonderful projects again this week Fiona. Those crochet blocks look great. I don't enjoy the tradesmen part of renovation/alterations but I do enjoy the bit at the end where you get to "dress the room" all fresh & nice again. xx

6 Narelle said...

Beautiful blocks and hexies ... stay warm xx

7 Karen S said...

Well done on all the crochet blocks.
Those orange peel blocks look lovely. And more gorgeous hexies.
Sounds like you are ready for big renovations. good luck!

8 Susan said...

it's got "cool" here too - the Field Journal is going well.

I'd love to be doing some house renos...but like you - rather be sewing and the decision-making process is difficult...I'll say no more about the other party to such

9 Michelle Ridgway said...

Field Journal is so lovely and I do love Orange Peel. A lovely donation to Kogo. Well done! Good luck with all your choosing xx

10 Chookyblue...... said...

I've been doing some orange peels also.........field journal is looking good..........making those decisions is exciting but also so hard........its ok if you don't like what you have but if you choose something new and you don't like it your stuck with it cause it's new.......goodluck......

11 Chookyblue...... said...

oh and love my wood fire in winter and snuggling under the doona.......

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