Thursday, February 6, 2025

First Week of February

I did show this panel before which I had been gifted.... most of the work having been done (I just blanket sttiched down felt on some leaves and gave some eyes.

I hadn't noticed some of the detailed handwork the original maker had done.... there are sweet little leaves sewn into the big leaves ...... such a lot of them and it looks gorgeous up close.

The birds have felt wings with embroidery detail on them ...

and the rabbits have a bit of extra on their one ear...

I didn't add anything more than finish the green felt and then trimmed it and have made up a binding.  I will leave it as a smallish wallhanging, which shows off the handwork,  I think.

Off to the Quilting Queue.

This week whilst sorting through some scraps I found these bits - I had made a quilt for a grandiegirl some years ago - maybe 10 years ago... such a sweet collection.

I chopped up the blocks and found some other coordinating fabrics and have made up this little cot quilt top....

Had enough of the yellow fabric to make up some binding.... 

Off to the Quilting Queue .....

Another Caswell block is done...... the purples look a bit dull but they aren't really....

... and a couple of Sashiko blocks stitched during TV time....

The quilt on the frame was this one I made in 2023 from a prize pack I had won from Glenrose Patchwork (now closed).  The prize included some completed circles and loads of templates and fabrics.  I think I only added some backgrounds and the borders.  EPP is not my favourite technique but I was determined to make this up.  

I did straight lines ruler work in the border and curved rulers in the circles - a small meander in between

The binding was made up so that's been added but I still need to hand sew it down

Off to the Binding Queue .....

Embroidery Guild this morning found me working on my blackwork.  This is the latest flower and I managed about 3 more leaves!

I am using 16 Aida cloth... those flowers are about 3/4" in size so quite little.  I use a magnifying glass light for sewing this.

My usual mix of different projects - there is a huge mess in one spare room whilst I continue sorting (and discovering forgotten projects and getting new ideas!)

Righto, Gotto Go - I have neglected my crochet this week so will work on that tonight....

Take Care and have a lovely weekend....xx

Thursday, January 30, 2025

End of January ......

I started this quilt top last year and took it out to sew up this week

The Fabric is a range called Odds and Ends and was a layer cake I somehow acquired.  I bought some grunge and chambray.

Quilt top size is 83 x 72 and the binding is made 

I do love it when there is no waste (or leftover scraps) from the layer cake....

I made this quilt top way back (2018ish I think)  This week it was quilted with these large floral sort of things and I added the binding.... Ready for hand sewing down.  I think there are 6 of them in the Binding Queue now but they have to wait for it to be cooler or an aircon hand sewing day.

I was given an almost finished panel.  This has been appliqued very neatly with some cotton and some wool and some embroidery.  I only had to do the dark green veins in the leaves above the bunnies.

Now I need to look for some borders to finish it off and I'll have a pretty wallhanging .... and I think I will add eyes to the birds and bunnies

This weeks evening sewing has resulted in these Sashiko blocks - I have been doing more crochet stripes and started another Caswell block

Stitching at Embroidery Guild has resulted in a bit of progress for my 'Blackwork".  

Week 5 flower is up to date and when that is done I keep going with the vines.....

After making the card holders for my daughters partners children, some others made a request (my daughters ex's children from after they split up).  

I greatly admire my daughter who has navigated split ups and extended families so well - they help each other out with lifts, child minding etc.  Really proud of them all...  Our Widget is very lucky to have a cohesive extended family.

A young girl who likes blue and younger brother who likes green....

Righto, Gotto Go - Another quilt is on the frame, blocks cut out for February Sew-a-longs with Susan, another ball of yarn for the crochet etc

Been a good week for me.... hope yours has too.... have a great weekend xx

Friday, January 24, 2025

4th week of January

Michelle and I are endeavouring to get back on track with our Caswell blocks (Marina if your ears burn it's because we are muttering!!!)  Lots of little pieces and odd curves in this quilt...

This is my Block 6 (there are 30 and a border!) It will be gorgeous and I do so much enjoy needleturn.

Last weekend I did another garment making day and made myself a dress from some vintage fabric given to me by a friend.....

A little more adjustment is needed on the front but it is nice and cool and comfortable

Tuesday sewing with friends I did the handsewing of this binding

I've called it Birch Forest and I don't remember when I made the top

Quilted in an all over woodgrain/topography style

This quilt is 79 x 64" .  The backing is quite fun and bright too.

I have brought out my Sashiko 365 out to play for handsewing at night.....  some blocks take long, others are quite quick....

Soon I will need to have a drawing out session again..... I am up to 90 I think

My local daughters partner has a couple of younger daughters who struggle holding the cards when they play UNO so I quickly made up a couple of card holders for them....

I raided the old Box Sets for CD's

Nifty little things..... good for anyone having difficulty holding cards... loads of tutorials on line

I have a new crochet project too for when my eyes are too tired at night, 

This will be a cot blanket for KOGO....

It is actually quite a pretty shade of blue and is based on another of Attic 24's patterns.

That's my crafting week ..... 

Righto, Gotto Go... hot day expected here so I'll stay indoors and sew... perhaps we will get a jigsaw out ..... have a lovely weekend...xx

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Third week of January 2025

Another busy week but very successful for me...

Introducing my Honeycomb quilt (made using the Field Journal embroideries by Cottage Garden Threads).  I started this in 2020 and it is completely hand sewn.

To be honest I am a little disappointed as I feel the embroideries don't show up and perhaps my teal was too dark.  However it is a finish and it will stay as it is.

Regular readers would have seen heaps of the individual embroideries over the last few years.  For newer readers there are lots under this label field journal

The back - well I love it!

It would fit the top of a queen bed comfortably.  It's not one I want out for the cat to sharpen his claws on so for now it's a cupboard quilt.

The other finish is my KOGO blanket which is done in Torres Strait Island colours...

I love the little mini bobble edging... it was surprisingly easy.  This pattern is the Meadow Blanket by Lucy of Attic24.  (I love her patterns and have done several - she is very generous in sharing free patterns and tutorials on her blog)

Next I will do a cot blanket using another of her patterns.

I had these 4 Bondi tops cut out for some time and over the week managed to get them sewn up.   They are not a complicated pattern and there are no zips and buttons to contend with ...

Several of mine are very faded now so these are replacements.

Righto, Gotto Go and hunt out some yarn for the next crochet project...

Have a lovely rest of the week....xx

Friday, January 10, 2025

2nd week of January

I did finish another quilt last year but as it was being gifted I didn't want to show it on my blog (just in case recipient had a look)

"The Bull' was finished off to give to my eldest brother for his 70th birthday.  Ken continues to live in Zimbabwe and my young brother (I have 3) who lives in Darwin was going for a visit and was able to hand deliver the quilt.

As you can see the background was quite heavily quilted to give it lots of movement

I just wanted the elephant pieces to show texture but not take away from the piecing

It was such fun to do - Foundation Paper Piecing.  I find this technique intriguing.  I cannot visualise sewing in reverse so I have to trust the design.... suddenly a picture gets made.

The pattern is Elephant Abstractions by Violet Craft.... step by step, follow the numbers.  I would use her patterns any day.

I am not consistent with adding labels, unless it is particularly special....

He is delighted as I knew he would be.  I haven't seen him since he dropped me off at the airport in 2002 so I was very pleased to send him something special.

Once the cat had removed himself from this quilt I got it on the frame and quilted this week....

It is made from jelly roll pieces (plus plain metreage).  I went for an all over meander.

Good lap quilt size, binding is made and ready to add....

This small table topper was finished.  I inherited the 15 blocks in a scrap bag and put them together. 

Feathers in each triangle....

A piece of scrap backing was enough for the back....

Otherwise I have been making a mess in my room choosing fabrics, cutting and preparing for a couple of new quilts to make this year.

My 'blackwork' project has started with the weekly fills.  They are really sweet.

I still have a lot of the leaves to do - there are 52 fills and I have completed 10 of the outlines.

At my sewing day with friends I framed my 17 half hexagons and am now beginning to add them to the edges.....

Righto, Gotto Go..... Field Journal is too big to carry to group now so I am going to start working on Caswell so I need to go and prep a block (I swear it takes me longer to choose fabrics than actually sew the block!)

Rain Rain Rain - I'm not complaining at all but there is concern about flooding in other areas.....  

Have a lovely week.....xx

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