Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday Treasure

This week I am sharing four of my favourite little pieces that I had from my Mum - she would have inherited them from her mum or mil - other than that I know very little about them except that I think they are so beautiful... and all so different....

This little round one is 10cm (4") high - both side aspects are the yellow rose design and the front and back have different pictures.....

This little one is also 10cm high and is more angular - an interesting shape and a little bit more cracked and weathered than the others....

This one is taller - about 12 cms (5") - I couldn't get close up without a blurry picture but the painting is so pretty and I love the blue and gold....

This one is definitely my favourite - as it has lovely little bugs - it is also 10cm and is different all the way round and has so much detail - so delicate and pretty.....

I hope you enjoy looking at these little treasures - now I'm off to Clare's to see what others are showing today.......


1 Unknown said...

I love them all but the last one is my favourite too . Thanks for showing us and playing along .

2 Allie said...

Aren't they pretty!!! I'm always amazed when something like this survives being handed down. They are so beautiful.

3 RG said...

Oh yes they are lovely Fiona.
The octagonal ones remind me of really old fashioned tea jar / canisters.

4 Janice said...

Your treasures are really sweet. Lucky you to have become their custodian.

5 Just Ramblin' said...

Beautiful treasures. You are lucky to have them to enjoy. Nola

6 marina said...

what lovely treasures Fiona.

7 Cheryll said...

Treasured items to keep and then pass on again. They are wonderful!

8 Barb said...

Love love love your treasures!!

9 Sheila said...

Just gorgeous Fiona , all these pieces are incredibly beautiful.

10 Kim B said...

My favorites are the first and last. So cute. I love little treasures. Have a great week. Hugs, Kim

11 Marilyn said...

These are very beautiful - I can see why they are treasures. Very special.

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