Sunday, January 6, 2013

Winners..... and UFO's

Just a quick note... there was a message on my last post from Sharon to ask the name of the tea stitcheries... Sharon your message came as a no reply and I couldn't find an email on your profile... I hope you read this post but I have also updated the last one.

The stitcheries are from a set called "Tea Time" and are by Crabapple Hill

At the end of last year I did a small tutorial for these little needlecases 

and I offered up these mini kits as giveaways

... I had a chat to Mr Random.... and these are the numbers he drew....

I'll send you gals an email and you just let me know the address to send it on

I wish I could send to everyone... but Mr Random is very forceful!!!


For the last couple of years Dawn and Wendy have hosted

there is a specific blog called Sew It's Finished where we can post about UFO's that we have found at the beginning of the year and then finished them... they count up all the finishes each month - last year 392 finishes were logged up on the blog.. excellent going ...

I have to admit to being a bit compulsive with starting projects ... and I had 30 UFO's listed and managed to finish 19 of them... I was quite happy with that...

Lots of cleaning of cupboard this last week, photographing and putting in bags and boxes....

Welcome to my Stash of UFO's

I have made a special photographic list on that page... really for my reference but you are welcome to pop over and have a lookie look .... I am a bit embarrassed but there are worse things I could be addicted to

!!!! 32 of them !!!!
and some of them have several in one (eg there are 4 selvage chooks, 3 christmas tags)

my goodness.. they are breeding in the cupboard

Righto, Gotto Go..... I'm tracing out some NEW projects.... haha


1 Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

ohh new projects are just the best :) enjoy them, as well as the UFO'S hugs

2 Susan said...

Sometimes if you leave a UFO long enough, it can be like starting a new project. I have on occasion realised that a project will never be finished by me, so try to send it on to a better home. Good luck with your list.

3 Jane said...

It's surprising what we find when we sort through everything. Have fun with your UFO's and with the new starts, it's going to be a good year

4 Michelle Ridgway said...

Yay!!!!! How exciting. Thank you so much. I shall stalk the postie. Good luck with the UFO's. I am staying in denial.
Hugs Michelle :-)

5 Wendy said...

I love the way you have organised your UFO page, great with the photos. At least this way you will always have something fun to work on!

6 Elyte said...

Congratulations to the winners and good luck with the UFO's - finishing them that is, not making more!

7 Maria said...

Oh Fiona thats a list.........
I have started to photogragh my but still need to post.
How do you set up the links you have under your header please?????

Anonymous said...

congrats to the winners and good luck with your UFO's Fiona.

9 Mistea said...

Wow! That sure is a list to play with this year.
New projects are compulsory - after all a new year is like a new notebook- it needs new ideas.
Enjoy all the projects.

10 barb's creations said...

WOW lots of UFO's there Fiona but I think I may have just a few more than you but I'm not looking to hard for them just the ones that I can see lol.....also how do you get the links set up under your header??? :) Barb.

11 Grethe said...

Congrats to the winners;aren`t they lucky:)) Your UFO list looks great!! Admire you telling us all,but then they all look tempting to continue,I`m sure:))

12 Anita said...

Congratulations to the winners. I can tell those girls that once they make one of those needle cases they're gonna get hooked!!!!
Cheers, Anita.

13 Jennifer said...

They do indeed breed, you know......the same as wire coat hangers do, and plastic containers.....

14 marina said...

oh boy that is a long list Fiona!
You achieved so much in 2012 I don't think that list will be daunting for you at all!
well done to the lucky winners

15 Katherine said...

Not too many UFOs and I like what Susan said about them being a whole new project after a while lol. Thank you Mr random generator too for my lovely kit and you too Fiona.

16 Susan said...

Is there no stopping us???

17 Susan said...

and I love how you are presenting your UFOs and FOs

18 Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Ha ha I love starting new projects...I think I am addicted to them!!!!

19 Quilt Kitty said...

There are some yummy things in your UFO list. I don't know if I am that brave enough to do that but it would be a good motivator. Somehoe I think taking the pics & putting the list together m ight have to go on my UFO list too. Tracee xx

20 Sunnybec said...

Congratulations to the winners! When I started quilting I always did one thing at a time, finishing a project before I started another. Not any more!! I have lots of UFOs just sat looking at me, waiting for me to finish them... Does this make me a proper quilter now?? Hugs xxx

21 Joy McD said...

I have joined up too... I need professional help I think with my, um er, 59 so far ufos!!!!!!!! I should take photos too I suppose.. but it will take too long :) xxx

22 Narelle said...

You have a beautiful stash of UFO's :)
The 'DONE' list is also impressive...lots achieved!
I find it good to have photos of UFO's ... keeps them refreshed in my mind.

23 Jindi's Cottage said...

You're a braver woman than I Gunga Din...I started to catalogue my UFO's was so terrifying I ran screaming from the room and had to promise never to attempt that again before it was safe to return...oh the horror!! *LOL*...good luck, I'm sure you'll actually use your list to be productive...and yep, definitely could be worse things to be addicted to! And to the winners, wahoo! enjoy!

24 Nicky said...

Congrats to the lucky winners! I know that you will make great progress on your UFO's Fiona...... good luck :-)

25 Sharon M. said...

Thank you so much for the name of the tea cup stitcherys. Sharon

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