Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The pressure is on.....

I am still shuddering that I put up a post that had so much to do with housekeeping.... (sorry to swear ladies)....

I am under pressure you see..... visitors are coming.... from overseas..... in-laws....

... now you understand...

..... look at my outside couch ....

so I have pulled out my scrappy spiderweb ......

.... not quite big enough .....

..... luckily I had some other blocks so I made up a couple more strips.... it's very long and thin....

.... machine is working hard.......

.... better.. but not quite right.....

...... I'm out with all those scrappy strips under 2 1/2" and making piano keys along the sides

...... do you do last minute fix up clean up things before visitors....

.... silly really.....

..... they are coming to see us... not check the upholstery....

.... pppffftt.... who am I kidding... they are the in-laws... of course they will look at the upholstery... and the dust.... 

OH NO.... I just remembered they will look at the windows too.....

.... at least I will have a tidy scrap box when they come....

.... and a lovely new kettle....

.... and iron....

...... and mop.....

.... I think they will need icecream???? ....

Righto, Gotto Go... back to the sewing machine... 


1 marina said...

Oh no you are not going to put that quilt on the outside couch are you?
Aaagghhh surely it has to go inside. Please...
It looks gorgeous.
we always run around in a panic when someone who we know might take notice is coming over. who cares I say.

2 Melody said...

Your couch looks fabulous with its new look. I have quilts outside, undercover. Why not have quilty loveliness everywhere.

3 Katherine said...

That is a gorgeous quilt and yes they do need icecream too lol.

4 Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

oh yes they have to have ice cream. hugs

5 Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

oh yes they have to have ice cream. hugs

6 Susan said...

Certain bits of housework might never be done if it weren't for visitors coming. I can't help myself and always do too much cleaning, but I do stop and remind myself that I never notice other people's housework when I visit. As you say, we are visiting them not their house. If the housework fails, ice cream will divert them.

7 Anita said...

Oh yes, the pressure is on!!! You will love your new everythings!! lol. Great thought, get the ice cream.
Cheers, Anita.

8 Grammasheri said...

They will only notice your sweet hospitality, the lovely things you make, the summery weather...oh, and ice cream! Enjoy the visit!

9 Susan said...

Absolutely need ice cream - they will need everything and anything to cool them down!! Yes, if we are having visitors. big parties etc - its amazing what gets done beforehand!! Your spider web quilt looks great - you can say its a throw and then it can be any size!

10 Michelle Ridgway said...

Your quilt looks wonderful. I always wish I was one of those people who had a daily house cleaning regime so I could avoid the visitor cleaning frenzy. Lol. I think litres of ice cream would definitely help. It would help me anyway.

11 Leanne said...

The quilt looks great on the couch, I think we all have a big clean up when we are expecting visitors. Don't stress too much though, if they don't like it, recommend a hotel, lol

12 Sandra :) said...

It's amazing how I can ignore dust/dirt/unfinished projects when it's just us here, but when I know somebody is coming over ("big" company, not just drop-in neighbours or something) I see all the things I should have taken care of a long time ago - this needs to be painted, that needs to be replaced, those need to be rehung - I hate feeling like that, but I can't help it! There might even be a direct correlation between distance travelled and my panic level, LOL!

13 regan said...

It's the only time my house gets when people are coming over! lol And yeah, I do the same thing....what will be the first thing they see and think "Really? She couldn't have taken care of that!?!"

My MIL used to write the date in the dust at my house....but she wouldn't tell me where. She pointed it out once to me, and the date was several months old! Who the heck looks on top of the fridge!?! LOL

My 6'4" neighbor used to say there was dust on top of my antique stove in the kitchen. He could see....I couldn't! The LAST time he said that, I handed him a rag and said "Take care of it!" LOL

I love the motto....A clean house is a sign of a wasted life! Ha!

14 Dot said...

Homemade vanilla bean icecream?

(you sound like me)

15 Mistea said...

Glad there is some pretty sewing involved in the sprucing up for the relatives. Those spiderwebs are perfect - they should divert there attention from the real thing!
Ice cream would be a given for visitors coming from somewhere so cold. surely?
Enjoy your sprucing.

16 De said...

of course they need will distract them from the dust!

17 barb's creations said...

Ice cream is a must at a time like this! I also madly run around cleaning etc when the in-laws come to visit and there's always one spot I miss and see just as they walk through the door lol :) Barb.

18 Jane said...

I've done the cleaning, but I can honestly say I've never made a quilt in time for visitors to arrive, lol. It could be you that needs the ice cream to get you through!

19 Valspierssews said...

What does the dog think of the new cover? Funny how all the things we happily live with are not good enough for visitors . Don't sweat it Fiona. You are a great cook just dazzle them with something yummy.

20 Maria said...

Your outside couch looks fabulous now...
Yes I also run around like crazy when I have visitors., as you saw from my weekend post... and that is for my Granndies who will have fun trashing the place in five minutes..
But I love them to come...

21 Marilyn said...

I'm guilty too. Big cleanups for visitors. Your spiderweb looks great - perfect for the outside couch. Plenty of ice cream, and just as well you have a new kettle to boil the billy for them.

22 Helen said...

Don't stress too much...... i think they are called out-laws lol keep sewing.


23 Sunnybec said...

Outside couch??? I wish!! ROFL some friends phoned us up last week to say there were calling round to see us. We were running around tidying and cleaning before they arrived...yes we all do it. The answer is to make sure it is YOU that always does the visiting..... Hugs xx

24 Cheryll said...

Don't believe anyone who says differently Bubz... everyone gets in a "clean up" mode! But it is true they do come to see YOU!
The new cover will be great too! :)

25 Unknown said...

Oh you poor girl, you are stressing so much, but I get where you are coming from. We clean and clean and clean for visitors only to have them mess it all up.

Anonymous said...

love your posts your spider web quilt looks fantastic ,have fun with the in-law out laws,lol.xx

27 Jennifer said...

That quilt is too lovely for an outside about a checked blanket instead? Definitely, your outlaw visitors will need ice cream.

28 Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

Hey Fiona! Love youe scrappy spiderweb quilt ... GORGEOUS!! Oh yeah ... I always do a mad cleanup when visitors are due and somehow get hung up on something like making a new cushion cover or hand towel ... never mind the actual CLEANING!!! :0) Hope your impending in-law invasion isn't too stressful ... and I really think they WOULD enjoy icecream! Tee! Hee! Hee! Bear Hugs! KRIS

29 Sheila said...

You always make me smile Fiona , the quilt looks marvellous on the coach , too pretty to sit on . Icecream sounds perfect , chocolate please. Hugs Sheila

30 Sue SA said...

Drag the couch out to the verge (in the middle of the night of coures) buy the dog a new bed, rescue the spider web quilt and display it inside (somewhere that will make them ignore the dust) and the go and make some ice cream, so your visitors are not overwhelmed by the heat! Isnt that what o/s visitors think of Oz, dust, heat and flies! Oh and sharks, all our good points LOL!

31 Karen said...

Oh dear! I thought I was crazy with my Spring cleaning!! Now I understand why you said you had been busy with cleaning. But that really is putting in a huge effort when you make a cover for a couch before the rellies arrive.
It does look great and is worth the effort. Forget the windows. Tell them to look at the couch!!

32 Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Love the quilt, looks fantastic...whats a bit a dust...I have learn' is just 'wow' them Bubz, with that gorgeous you...

33 Sisbabestitches said...

Of course they need ice-cream and we ALL know that home-made is best, so you must, MUST buy that maker you have been yearning for, naturally you are only thinking of his family, lol.

Surely you can blind the in-laws with your funky new mop! What on earth are they doing looking out the windows, it is rude not to look at the person you are talking too, heehee.

Love your quilt, it looks stunning there, although, could you be trying to keep them outside now??? LOL

34 Chris H said...

I love the sofa cover.
And I hope the visit went well.

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