Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday Treasure and StitcharoundtheBlock

This is Melody's first week of hosting Tuesday Treasure - thanks Melody - I know there are lots of us who expected last week to be the last week.....

Last week, whilst Hubz and I were quietly enjoying our sundowners and an end of the day chat.... we heard an almighty horrible noise...... my bookshelf in the kitchen had collapsed, tearing out the wood but of course leaving the screws in the wall.... bent brackets...... books everywhere.......

~ So this weekend, my treasure made me up a new treasure ~
~ which looks after lots of treasures ~  
(I love things to do with food!!)

This recipe book was the one my Mum felt was essential to all women... and I was given it when I left home
(I actually hardly ever used it....!!)

This is one out of my Gran's cupboard... good old fashioned recipes and I do use it occasionally .....

~ but not for the menu example ~

Being in Australia now I had to get this one.... $4 at an op-shop.....
~ no I haven't used it ~

I have quite a few of Jamie Oliver's recipe books - I do look through these for inspiration and have tried some of his recipes...... 
~ nice pictures ~ 

~ These are the one's I use most of the time ~ 
~ old favourites ~
~ mostly family favourites ~
~ stuffed into folders ~

One of them holds newsletters which were given with huge packs of organic vegetables I used to have delivered in Zimbabwe......

A blurry picture but you can see that the first delivery took place just after September 11 world changing event ....

~ The newsletter was inspirational with thoughts, recipes and information about vegetables provided in our lovely bags ~

~ I think that started off my love for flavours, different foods
 and the simple enjoyment of eating as a social activity ~
~ my body is evidence ~
~ SIGH ~

~ Mr Postman came by this week bearing parcels ~

This is the Stitching Around the Block section which arrived from Lorraine in England

It is Marina's original block and the colours are just lovely

The pretty tissue holder came with it - exactly what I need - I am so sick of scrunched up tissues at the bottom of my bag where I can't find them! - thanks Lorraine

Later this week I'll share some sneak peaks of the next round
~ but those bugs do get everywhere!!!! ~
~ Then I'm sending it off to Carol ~

~ All the others in the Stitcharound group have lovely things to see on their blogs ~

~ I am following Kerryanne's Simply Christmas ideas ~
~ and she was having this giveaway ~
~  a lovely book ~
~ and I won it ~ 

~ I just don't know which project to do first ~

This week Kerryanne is focussing on the lovely smells we can have around Christmas
~ you can have a look HERE ~


Sheila said...

Fiona, you have some great cookbooks , I love cookbooks and have quite a collection myself but if I showed you what where my favorite recipes are stored you would really laugh ;-) I also want to comment on your beautiful crosstitch tablecloth , just gorgeous !

Bev C said...

Hello Fiona,

Cookbooks are something we all have but only a few are actually used. You have a fantastic collection. Congrats on winning that super book.
Happy days.

Anonymous said...

Hi Fiona, I think I own one cookbook, an old Margaret Fulton one and the page most used is the one for pikelets - Miss Ten loves to cook pilelets and pancakes *smile*. Congrats on winning that gorgeous book! toni xxx

Allie said...

What lovely treasures you have, Fiona! I have some of my grandma's treasured recipes, but I'm such an awful cook I just copy them for everyone else, lol. Congrats on your lovely win!!!

Cheryll said...

Thanks for sharing your recipe books with us Fiona. I have too many to count.

marina said...

I'm not a big cookbook collector but the ones I have get used, the favourite recipes have pages that are caked in ingredients!
Can't wait for the sneak peak of my block.
Congratulations on winning the lovely book. I hope we will see lots of craftiness on your blog from this book!

Melody said...

What a fabulous post, Fiona. Thank you for continuing to play Tuesday Treasures, it is very much appreciated.
I too, love cookbooks. I've got lots especially ones about baking. I'm always trying to lose weight so torture myself by spending hours looking at the pictures of cakes and puddings.
Round three of Stitching around the Block has a lot of work, so I will have to get a wriggle on stitching it.
So glad you won a prize. You deserve it.

Serenata said...

Glad it arrived safely Fiona. Round three is a big project indeed. Need to get my studio sorted and my thumb mended so I can get a move on with mine.

Now cookbooks...I have loads as well, many I haven't used, some are firm favourites.

Anonymous said...

What a great collection of cookbooks. I unfortunately do not have many cookbooks, I have a terrible habit of jumping online to get recipes. I do however have a gorgeous Morimoto cookbook from a wonderful friend - hey maybe that could be one of my treasures to post.
Thanks for the inspiration and I'm glad to see you have a new place to house your treasured collection.

Sue said...

I love cookbooks too. Pity I don't love cooking.
I'm so glad your treasure fixed a shelf for your treasures.

Janice said...

It's good to see that your books are all safely on a new shelf. Isn't it fun looking at the old books and seeing how things have changed. Despite having quite a few cookbooks, like you, I seem to gravitate towards my old favourites in my folder.

Crowing Moon said...

Looks like a great collection of cook books. I'm on the lookout for Jamie Oliver books for Kayla for xmas.Checking out some book stores tomorrow while shopping She LOVES him and tapes all his shows lol
Congrats on your win :)

Kim B said...

Looks like a fantastic collection of cookbooks, hope you get to use them soon. Get to cooking :)

Aunty said...

I love old cookery books especially Margaret Fulton's. So glad your hubby fixed the cupboard.

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