Friday, March 17, 2023

Middle of March

This has been one of those weeks where I feel I haven't done very much sewing.... but in actual fact quite a lot has been done ... mostly finishing off things I had started

The Daisy in a Teacup has been sewn for Gossip in the Garden.....

... and the last of the Green blocks for RSC is sewn.... it still needs to be quilted

and I sewed together the little block from Joy's SAL .... I am using linen or linen/cotton blends - I seem to have a few smaller pieces left over from a variety of projects over the years

My favourite bit of playing this week is some big border feathers... this border is 10" wide and I haven't done this particular pattern before.  It needed some circles marked for guidelines, and I used THIS tutorial (now an unused blog unfortunately) 

I quilted this on my sit down machine (Sweet Sixteen) as it is a big quilt and can't fit on my frame.... took me ages but I got it done....

Now that quilt is waiting for the binding to be done..... it's just too hot at the moment to sit with it on my lap.

This quilt is Les Courtiers.  I had finished the top (SEEN HERE) at the end of 2019 after having the kit marinate in my cupboard for a few years

A couple more sweet LTMD stitcheries are done..... I have a mix of blue, red and green ones to be made into a couple of projects...

Part 3 of Gossip has a mix of blocks so these are all done now.... 

Another big dresden block goes in that space at some stage.....

One of the ladies at Quilt Group made a lovely backpack (which I thought would be great for when going to quilt shows etc and quilt shops where you need two hands for petting fabric).  Anyway last week she brought in her pattern for me to use.

I have a piece of Sashiko stitched (not by me but I picked up a Starter kit which had already one piece done at a destash) and I have some of these strips, also bought at a destash  and I'll put the two together....

The top is a drawstring which is what I wanted with a flap over.  I may just make a couple of adjustments with the straps and also add a pocket inside.

Hopefully I will get to play a bit with that over the weekend....

Righto, Gotto Go... busy day ahead and I need a second cup of coffee to kickstart my day....


1 Chantal said...

Whoah!! You sure did do a lot this week. Between applique, embroidery, piecing, and quilting, you feel you need to add a new backpack project? You go, girl! Have a wonderful sewing weekend. ;^)

2 Maria said...

Good progress on Gossip.
Nice stitchery blocks and your feathers are lovely
Enjoy making the back pack bag.

3 Astrid said...

Beautiful feathers Fiona! 'Gossip' is coming along nicely. I love the flower in the cup, so fun! Pretty stitcheries, blocks and the stitchery on the backpack is adorable! Can't wait to see yours done!

4 Julie said...

I love that big tall daisy Fiona - just gorgeous! Your stitcheries are so sweet & I think that back pack will be wonderful done in those colours. I look forward to seeing you bring it to life!

5 Karen's Korner said...

It looks like you hve been busy to me. The backpack is a great can also carry more fabric to the cutting counter with two free hands.

6 Jennifer said...

You certainly did get a lot done this week, ticking off a project is a good feeling!

7 Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Hi Fiona, you accomplished quite a lot and have moved so many projects forward. I love the combinations of stitching you are doing...I do the same thing. And the machine quilting lines are beautiful too. Happy Stitching from me!

8 Jeanna said...

Oh my goodness, Fiona. You were really busy this week. I love the daisy tea cup block and your embroidery is perfection.

9 Karen S said...

I think you have done plenty of stitching. All looking good.
That back pack does look interesting. Good luck.

10 Helenchaffin said...

If that's not getting much done ,I don't know what is 😄you've had a fantastic productive week!

11 Jenny said...

How kind of your friend to pass the back pack pattern on to you. Now you have showed it, we will all be waiting to see it evolve.

12 Ondrea said...

I love the Sashiko stitched in red and white. Very effective! All your blocks and stitching are lovely. Busy gal as always.

13 Michelle Ridgway said...

You sure did get a lot done. Gossip blocks are lovely and,that's an interesting RSC block. Your feathers are beautiful and I remeber your Courtiers quilt. You did well with your destash buy xx

14 Kathleen said...

Your feathers look great!

15 Pink Rose said...

Hi Fiona love your blocks you are always so productive and wow I love those feathers I absolutely love your FMQ skills,well done my friend 🌹🤍🌹

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