Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Last week of March.....

Starting with a quick note to say I'm sorry if I am not replying to some comments - some are coming in as no-reply (feel free to send your email and I can add to my address book) and a few are not coming in as email at all so I don't see them until I go back to the actual blog.

I love comments and I love answering them and have made good friends this way... so apologies. 

This week I made up the backpack.... it was easier than I thought once I read the instructions properly (funny that!!!)

I'm happy with the result and look forward to using it .....

It has a drawstring closure on top and a magnetic clip on the flap....

I added a thingymajig to clip keys on as they ALWAYS get lost in the bottom of a bag.... (inside is more maroon than red shown in the picture)

the front.....

... the back....  I did make the straps about 4" longer .... and did a pieced back and flap as I had strips of the fabric I was using

It is a pattern by Gail Pan... lent to me by a friend so I included a little needlecase when returning it....

I have been hand stitching more of the Field Journal stitcheries this week....

I do like the dragonfly....

The little hexagons get made into their own project (one day)

Righto, Gotto Go.....

I want to work a bit on Civil War Bride borders and need to do a bit of choosing fabrics and tracing.... not my favourite part of a project....

Have a lovely rest of the week....xx


1 Chantal said...

O.M.G. I really love your bag. Love the big stitch quilting all over. LOVE the thingamajig for the keys. I so admire your tiny little straps all over the top to close the bag. Congrats! It's just perfect. Love the FJ flowers. They look like little hearts but the dragonfly is the show-stopper! WOW! AWESOME! Enjoy! ;^)

2 WoolenSails said...

Love your backpack, something I have wanted to do but always afraid of messing up. Your stitcheries are beautiful, wonderful color choices.


3 Astrid said...

Your rucksack is fabulous Fiona! Love it! Your quilting is great and I love the thingamajig for the keys! Indeed, keys always get lost at the bottom of a bag! Cute little needlecase and your stitcheries are beautiful!

4 Lin said...

Your backpack looks great Fiona. Much as I like Gail Pann embroideries I do prefer your version!! xx

5 Jennifer said...

Well done on your backpack, Fiona! The thingamajig is a great idea.

6 Pink Rose said...

Hi Fiona I love your new backpack and what a lovely way to use your sashimo fabric,not sure I spelt that right lol.
A great idea to add a key holder ,and love your stitchery blocks,well done myfriend 🌹🤍🌹

7 Julie said...

Gosh Fiona - that backpack is just stunning!!! Well done! You must be so chuffed with it.
I have the same problems as you with some regular commentors coming in as anonymous & also a couple just come through to my emails but don't actually publish on the blog. Blogger seems to have a mind of its own lately. xx

8 Jeanette said...

The back pack looks wonderful. Certainly a different look using the sashiko panel. Pretty FJ blocks & cute hexie blocks.

9 Jeanna said...

Very nice backpack, Fiona. Adding the clip to hold keys is a great idea. I have the same issue with comments on my blog sometimes. It doesn't happen consistently so I can't even begin to troubleshoot the issue.

10 Raewyn said...

Your backpack is gorgeous Fiona - it's always interesting to see how different fabrics, etc, change the look of something so much. The use of the Sashiko panel was a great idea, as was including a key fob. Such a nice idea to include a wee gift with the borrowed pattern. Love your FJ blocks. Hope you got through the prep work on your CWB and are now at the happily stitching it part!

11 loulee said...

What a great wee bag. Your version is lovely. I adore anything dragonfly and your stitched dragonfly is beautiful.

12 Karen S said...

Lovely finish on your back pack. I like the designs that you have incorporated into it. It will be very useful.
More gorgeous field journal blocks, too. Will you be sad when they finish?

13 Jane said...

love the backpack, one of my ladies wants to make one next time. Been a few years since I've made one

14 Janice said...

The backpack turned out great. It’s amazing how your few changes give it a whole new look from the original. Your stitcheries are always so neat. Rather lovely.

15 Sharm said...

Some great work going on there - your backpack reminds me of ones I made many many years ago (wonder if I still have the pattern somewhere??). I'm only just able to write comments again in the last day after google/blogger locked me out for the past 6mths - It decided to use an old email as my main identifyer and yesterday I was finally able to find out how to delete it and get my google & blogger accounts back to the correct email - since then it seems to be working (at least this is only since yesterday).

16 Ondrea said...

The bag is lovely. Love the cute owl needlecase. I looove the hexie embroideries...hmmm an idea is brewing lol.

17 Susan said...

Great backpack

I hate tracing - but love choosing the fabrics

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