Friday, March 27, 2015

Stitching along....

This years Stitch-A-Long hosted by Chookyblue is Nature's Journey by Anni Downs....

these are my blocks for March.. the larger blocks are 6 1/2" and the smaller one's 3 1/2".

Even though the needleturn is a slow and fiddly process for me - as is doing blanket stitch inside out - I am enjoying it all and having it broken into workable amounts each month is a bonus...

Thanks Chookyblue for hosting this and so much support and encouragement on the Stitch-A-Long blog... I love seeing all the different colour choices

Our local council gives us an annual voucher for 2 free plants with our rates... I have always forgotten to go and collect mine but I did this week....

the plants in the front with the orange flowers are an Eremophila (or Emu bush) groundcovers and there were some lavenders going extra as they weren't labelled so I got 3 of those - both are hardy plants, the Emu bush being a native Australian plant ....

My Hubz is reaching the big 60 next week and how amazing that some friends that he worked are going to be here this weekend.  A couple from Sydney and another couple from Sunshine Coast are travelling up as well as friends and family who live locally.

The Sydney couple moved to Switzerland and then Aus, and the other couple New Zealand and now Aus.

We all lived in the same town in Zimbabwe 20 years ago... so it's a lovely reunion and a special time for him to spend with 'gold' friends.

Righto, Gotto Go, beds to make, beer to fridge, shopping to do, party to make....


Anonymous said...

Hi Fiona happy birthday to Dave my hubby went 60 this month too,and how lovely for him that his friends will party with you all. Lovely plants you got,they will be great for your garden xx

Anonymous said...

oops forgot to say how lovely your blocks are Fiona,well done xx

3 WoolenSails said...

Your blocks are beautiful and nice to get free plants. I got some lavender plants last year and seeds to start a garden of them, will be nice to have my own fresh lavender.


4 Raewyn said...

Your blocks are beautiful Fiona! I love the colours you are working in. Happy 60th to your hubby - hope you all have a wonderful time!

5 simplestitches said...

love your blocks....wish our local council would gift something to us with our rates!
and Happy Birthday to Mr BugzRugz, hope your day is extra special with "gold" friends attending

6 Oddbjørg said...

Your blocks look great!
Have a wonderful weekend!

7 marina said...

your blocks are gorgeous and love the fussy cutting too.
Happy birthday to Hubz sounds like you will be celebrating his '0' birthday in the most wonderful way!
happy planting

8 Flickenstichlerin said...

Dear Fiona,
beautiful stitchery and applique and what exciting time with friends ahead of you.

9 Karen S said...

Lovely work on the blocks. They are growing!
Have a fantastic weekend with the celebrations!

10 Cheryl said...

Natures Journey is looking fantastic Fiona. A big happy birthday to your hubby - what a coincidence - I am turning 60 next week also

11 Barb said...

You do the most amazing work....that quilt is awesome.

12 Sheila said...

Your blocks are beautiful Fiona , lovely work as always . Happy 60th to your dear Hubby !! Hugs Sheila

13 Sue SA said...

Lovely blocks, such neat stitching. Hope your hubby has a lovely birthday and you all enjoy catching up with old and new friends, sometimes we wait too long to simply enjoy each others company!

14 Jeanette said...

Lovely blocks. i just can't seem to find the mojo to work on them. Better get cracking today. Happy 60th to Hubby. Hugs,xx

15 Susan said...

Happy birthday hubz! Sounds like a good weekend of celebrating ahead. Your blocks are gorgeous.

16 sunny said...

Your quilt is going to be amazingly beautiful!

17 Michelle Ridgway said...

I hope Mr Bubz has a super celebration with everyone. Very special! Your blocks are looking great. Nice work on your new plants x

18 Jane said...

Those blocks are lovely, have fun catching up with everyone

19 Lin said...

How lovely to be given free plants! Have a great party. xx

20 Chookyblue...... said...

your NJ SAL blocks are beautiful..............
have fun with your visitors...........

21 kiwikid said...

You r blocks are just beautiful Fiona....great idea to get the plants...the ground cover one looks great......happy birthday wishes to your hubby, hope you all have a great time catching up with your friends.

22 Allie said...

Lovely blocks, and your needleturn is amazing! Happy Happy Birthday to your hubby, I hope you're having a wonderful party!!!

23 Elyte said...

Love the Nature's Journey blocks. Big projects need to be broken down into smaller enjoyable bits otherwise they can be very daunting. A big happy birthday wish to your hubby. How wonderful that special friends can be part of the celebration.

24 Chrissie said...

Love your blocks. What a good idea for the plants. Wish your hubby a happy birthday, have a wonderful time with family and friends xcx

25 Josie said...

Your blocks are gorgeous Fiona. Love your fabric choices and your fussy cutting is just perfect. Hope Hubz has/had a happy birthday and that both of you enjoy catching up with your 'gold'

26 Janet said...

I do love your fabric choices for Nature's Journey. Happy birthday to hubby. Fun to have old friends there to help drink the beer. :)

27 Anthea said...

beautiful work on your NJ blocks Fiona. I hope The Hubz has a fantastic birthday, how wonderful to meet up again with those friends...

28 Susan said...

Your NJ blocks look so lovely....

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