Sunday, March 22, 2015


Thanks Wendy for hosting us cyberly for March's monthly FNSI ... and thanks Quilters Angel for hosting me at their fortnightly sewing...

It was Kris' birthday so we had the most amazing chocolate cake.... I won't show you a picture 'cos that would be really mean (and besides I forgot to take one!!!)

Here is the Nature's Journey block I sewed......
(please note there are no chocolate cake stains on it!)

.... today I am working on some scrappy 9 patch blocks.....

Righto, Gotto Go.... those pretty little blocks aren't going to sew themselves..... and I want to pop over HERE and see what others did on Friday....


1 WoolenSails said...

Beautiful block and your new blocks look like beautiful colors to put together.
I actually got some sewing time in today.


2 barb's creations said...

Love your new blocks and what project will the 9 patch blocks be for? :) Barb.

3 Anthea said...

Great work on your choccy-free NJ block, Fiona... very pretty 9patches too

4 kiwikid said...

Great block you made and well done for not getting chocolate on it!! The 9 patch blocks look interesting!

5 marina said...

thanks goodnes s there are no chocolate stains!
love your new block. As I am attempting to learn the needleturn applique it makes me admire others work even more.
So beautiful and neat!
off you sew...

6 Jennifer said...

No, they don't sew themselves.......funny, that! Your new block is beautifully neat and tidy.

7 Michell said...

Love your block

8 Maria said...

The Natures Journey block is sew nice. Such nice sharp points and perfect circles...
Bet your 9patches are all stitched together now...

9 Käthe said...

Beautiful block ! Sew pretty.

Anonymous said...

Hi Fiona lovely block

11 Cheryl said...

Lovely nine patches Fiona. I need to get working on mine

12 Christine M said...

Your block looks great, Fiona.

13 Sheila said...

Your block is beautiful Fiona and I love scrappy nine patch blocks :-) hugs Sheila

14 Jeanette said...

Love your block Fiona & the scrappy nine patches. Hugs,xx

15 Deb R said...

Lovely needleturn Fiona,

16 Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

love this.....

17 Jane said...

Love that block

18 Flickenstichlerin said...

Dear Fiona,
great applique, look at all those perfect tips. Lovely work.

19 Helen said...

Lovely needle turn and block Fiona !

20 Lin said...

Your NJ block is pretty - and sew neat! xx

21 Josie said...

Your NJ block is gorgeous! Love the fussy cut circles. Can't wait to see that scrappy nine patch take shape... gorgeous fabrics! xxx

Anonymous said...

Your stitches are so correct, even and of the exact same distance apart and I love this block, so net.
Mama Bear

23 Chookyblue...... said...

oh loving that NJ block...............

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