... when you get surprised....
Dear sweet Shez sent me one of her prized kitchen towels and decorations....
I just love them and am thrilled to have my very own ... thank you so much Shez
... a very pretty doily came with the parcel.... so sweet and I think it will make a perfect cover for a needlecase? It's very sweet....
those tea towels that hang over the oven rail are so useful and I just love Shez's pretty decorations with the double row of shiny beads..
Shez and I are both making this little Santa and trees penny rug at the moment..... this is mine all pinned up and you can see Shez's HERE....
I had just recovered from opening my surprise when Mr Postie hooted at the gate with a box....
.... my 6 things Christmas swap parcel hosted by Maree .....
Thank you Cheryl ... so exciting
Righto, Gotto Go..... dishtowel to hang up, tea to make, parcel to open..... tears to dry.... (am I the only one who gets weepy at surprises?????)
PS Cheryl is hosting
this Friday
sign up HERE
Lucky. You to have received your great gift from Shez.. Love her. Hand. Towels and decos.
Oh it is such a great time in blog land with lots of love gifts flying all over the place.... Enjoy opening your parcels.
Surprises are always lovely. hugs
Glad to put a smile on your dial Fiona,thankyou for being a lovely friend,enjoy your gifts and wipe your eyes with the Dooley,lol.xx
What lovely post, can't wait to see your transformed doily. I've got some here waiting for attention too, thank you for the reminder
Such an exciting time of year.
I thought you were adding snow on the penny rug till I realized they're pins :o)
Lovely gifts.
And it looks like these penny rugs are multiplying through blogland. Enjoy!
Presents are so much fun, both to send and to receive
Love those unexpected surprises. Shez is such a sweetie.
Lovely gifts from Shez. Those tea towels are so pretty and practical.
Lovely to receive surprises in the mail.
Cute Christmas gifts from Shez and gorgeous box of goodies to enjoy.
Have fun opening your packages.
Lots of lovely goodies there Fiona. The package from Shez is lovely. Now the waiting for opening the other parcels!
How lovely Fiona...and no you're not the only one!!!
A lovely surprise Fiona from our sweet and generous Shez. Your big parcel looks very exciting too! I am a tad soppy too.
Wow, what a sweet surprise from Miss Shez, you and she are doing making a great job of your Santa penny rugs.... lovely to get exciting mail for sure... especially the unexpected kind.
That Shez...is amazing.....I have a parcel as well I was going to save it....but maybe I should open it...and I have save my 6 items as well....Oh dear I best email Marc...LOL
Oh sweet surprises! Now there's an idea, must put a tissue into any surprise package, lol.
Lovely wooliness in making-ness :)
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