Wednesday, May 3, 2023

May begins......

There are a few things I really want finished this month....

Get the binding on this quilt....

Knit up this beanie ......

complete the last few balls of wool on this blanket....  the nights are cool and this is perfect to have on my lap to work on.

Two more stitcheries for Field Journal (I think we have a few more to come)

Sew up the next section for Gossip in the Garden...

... and then of course there are the Orange blocks to make for my 3 RSC quilts - houses, QAYG and buttons... and time I did a bit more on Civil War Bride.....

I am up to date with Section 4 of Gossip and the little stars are sewn around the big block on 3 sides

This is how it's looking so far..... still a way to go....

I enjoyed this little one for Field Journal....

... and I got 7 little purple buttons made....

I forgot about this little FJ block last week....

I'm sure I will get distracted by one or two different things but at least there is half a plan in my head...

Righto, Gotto Go..... cuppa tea time.....xx


1 Susan said...

It's always good to have a plan or a list - helps you stay times...LOL
Good Luck with it all.

2 Jeanette said...

Love your gossip blocks & the FJ blocks are pretty. The button blocks are lovely.

3 Jane said...

Love those star blocks :) Have a happy May

4 Lin said...

That sounds like a pretty full list - have fun! xx

5 Karen's Korner said...

Looking forward to seeing those items ticked off your list as they pressure here.

6 loulee said...

My goodness you have so much going on, I would forget something..

7 Pink Rose said...

Hi Fiona beautiful work ,well done you are on a roll 🌹🤍🌹

8 Michelle Ridgway said...

Gossip looks lovely all laid out. I l9ve uour purple/green block too! The buttons is going to make a lovely quilt. I know that I will moan when it gets too chilly but the weather is so nice at present xx

9 Jennifer said...

Cuppa tea time (coffee time for me) is always good....recharges you for the next stitches.....

10 marina said...

so much loveliness! I love seeing your gossip in the garden. I loved making mine and seeing yours reminds me of it.
Your field journal embroideries are an inspiration. Mainly why I started my Petite Poche project. such perfect stitching x

11 kiwikid said...

You are so busy Fiona with lots on the go.

12 Cheryll said...

OMG... I'm exhausted just reading this post...but you got LoTS done.
Thanks for dropping in...xox

13 Chookyblue...... said...

I have a field making field journal and using liberty fabrics with it.......sooooo pretty.......Gossip is looking great also.....

14 Barwitzki said...

Have fun with your activities... the embroideries are awesome.
I wish you good progress with your quilt.
Hug of Viola

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