Sunday, April 16, 2023

Not much sewing.....

WE had a lovely few days at the coast, the water was perfect and the boys (big and little) spent a lot of time playing in the water.....  I even had a couple though I am too scared to go out as far as them ....

Not much sewing time at all.... board games and cards were taught and now I am getting thoroughly thrashed by youngsters...

I have sewn a few pies, easy transportable project as you know and I can pick it up and do 10 minutes when there is a break....

This last week at home I have been doing a little bit of crochet in the evenings.... to be honest I'm too tired to do much more.... Young people move so much!!!

They are lovely boys, so active and chatting.  Son has been great and now my shower is fixed, new lights are installed in the shed and the lawn has been mowed.

Before they came I did get a quilt of mine quilted..... I did large ripples to give texture.... now it needs binding of course....

Righto, Gotta Go... boys are back from their morning walk and will be requiring some food...

Have a lovely weekend.....


1 Pink Rose said...

Hi Fiona lucky to have a plumber in the family lol,the boys have grown so much ,how wonderful to have your Melb family visit .Lovely work on your quilt and love your pies,hope you have a lovely Sunday my friend 🌹🤍🌹

2 Sharm said...

The tarts sound like the perfect solution to sewing time at present! Love that ripple quilt

3 Jeanette said...

My GS always ask me why older people need a nanny nap & i tell him because we don't have as much energy as young people. I know i'm certainly worn out after i've been around the grandchildren. :) Lovely quilt.

4 Julie said...

Grandsons ARE exhausting Fiona ... I totally agree!! Mine wore me out last week too. Sounds like a wonderful time had by all though & your pies are such a great project to take along with you. xx

5 Karen's Korner said...

Delicious looking pies there. Enjoy having the family even though it is full on.

6 Lin said...

Sounds like you are having a lovely time. xx

7 Chantal said...

Oh yes! Boys do move the dust around a lot... and demand lots of food too. Enjoy the company, the sewing will still be here after the boys of summer have gone, as the song goes. ;^)

8 Barwitzki said...

It's wonderful that you're having a great time with the family ... well, it doesn't necessarily have to be sewn, crocheted or knitted :-)))
I went to the fabric market yesterday... and got started right away today, it rained all day so photos of my sewing will come later. Greetings to you.
Hug Viola

9 said...

That is so nice that your son did some DIY for you! I love your "pies" what are you going to do with them? I've been doing some crocheting in the that time of the day I need something mindless! LOL! Have a great week!

10 Cheryll said...

Nice pies... :) and this season starts us all crochet or knitting doesn't it...xox

11 WoolenSails said...

Sounds like you had some nice time with the family. I always take projects and never get anything done, always too busy being outside or at the beach. It looks like you have some beautiful pieces in the making.


12 Maria said...

It's lovely to have had a wonderful time with all your boys, big and smaller.
Great son doing many jobs round the house .
Good to get same sewing and crochet done.

13 Michelle Ridgway said...

Sounds like those big and small boys had lovely beach time. Your pies are lovely xx

14 Susan said...

I am sure you were busy feeding and enjoying the extra boys!

15 Karen S said...

Sounds like a great time with all your family. Nothing beats time with them.

16 Janice said...

It must have been great fun having the family around. No wonder you didn't have time for much stitching.

17 Chookyblue...... said...

the wavy bit looks good...........
nice to have the family up.......

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