Friday, April 21, 2023

3rd week of April....

The start of this week and we said goodbye to our visiting family.  A new budget airline now has flights between Toowoomba and Melbourne and they were on the first flight back (earlier flight being the first one in)  

It is so convenient and much cheaper so hopefully we can use it more often.

Being a small regional airport we could stand close and watch it all happening....

I admit to some tears.....

I have sewn up all the pies that I have fabric cut out for - depending on how far they go there may be more required.  This week I glued down a bunch to background and they are ready for me to applique on - then the tarts which are fiddly diddly small pieces... humfffffff

I have joined our local Embroidery Guild - a perfect group to take my Field Journal work.  I am quite pleased with the work that I do, but oh my gosh it is nothing compared to the beautiful handwork I see there... fine cross-stitch, crewel embroidery, whitework and others I can't pronounce ....

I did the mistletoe last night whilst watching a Series on TV

Some machine sewing has been done... but it was for someone else and so has my quilting but today I pulled out Gossip in the Garden and am preparing some more blocks.... 

This is some of what I have done to date..... mostly using up my Tilda scraps ...

Righto, Gotto Go.....  sorry to bring up boring stuff but I need to get the laundry off the line.... after guest sheets and towels.....

Have a lovely weekend.....xx


1 Lin said...

That new airline sounds very useful. Lovely to see different types of embroidery - I am sure you will be tempted! xx

2 Julie said...

That is wonderful that they now have direct flights Fiona - much easier on everyone! Love your new embroideries. I have often thought of joining my local group but I worry that I would drive them all bonkers while I tried to learn new stitches!!!! 😉

3 Pink Rose said...

Hi Fiona how good to have Micheal and the Grandiboys up ,I can’t get over how much the boys have grown ,fingers crossed for more visits.
Oh you do such lovely work and I just love your gossip in the garden blocks ,thankyou for sharing your beautiful work with us all , hope you have a wonderful weekend my friend 🌹🤍🌹

4 Susan said...

It will be great to join with crafters of another ilk - I'm sure you will pick up a lot of tips.

5 Karen's Korner said...

A good way of learning new skills by joining with a new group. It is a pity that we have to do the mundane domestic chores...just bites into our sewing time.

6 Barwitzki said...

It's always nice to break new ground every now and then...
I'm curious about your embroidery. The ones you show look great. Many greetings to you from Viola

7 Janice said...

Let's hope that you can have more time with family if it is now more achievable. Embroidery Guild sounds like a great group to join. We look forward to seeing lots of lovely stitching, not that you don't do that already.

8 Chookyblue...... said...

Oh thats always a sad time for me when they leave wonderful to have the new flight link......

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