Saturday, September 3, 2022


Thanks Chez for coming back from your holiday to host us all last night!

I was tired from a busy day but sat and did some of the binding for this flannel quilt.  It was a cool evening so lovely to be rugged up under this.

then when my eyes were too tired to focus I did a little bit more on my corner to corner crochet blanket.

A friend of mine taught me this a couple of weeks ago.  I can keep going as it is all repeat and turn, but I will need help when it's time to decrease....  I have 6 balls of this yarn and only on the 2nd one so I think it will end up a reasonable size.

Righto, Gotto Go... wet and soggy here today so to the sewing room I go!  And then later today I will pop over and see at the linky HERE what others did last night..


1 Chantal said...

I love the texture of your new crochet blanket and the colours too. It looks like waves. Fabulous! ;^)

2 Helen said...

A good nights work there Fiona..... well done.

3 Maria said...

Nice to have had the cosy quilt on your knee while binding.
Nice yarn and great new way to crochet for you.

4 Cheryll said...

Oh the crochet colours are beautiful & will make a lovely blanket.
Thanks for stopping in for awhile last night...xox

5 Karen's Korner said...

Love the colours in your crocheting.

6 Lin said...

Pretty crochet Fiona. I have never worked corner to corner like that. The pattern looks pretty. xx

7 Susan said...

Definitely a night to be snuggled under a flannel quilt

love the crochet blanket colours

8 Jennifer said...

I like the crochet pattern, looks nice and easy....been a bit cooler again here, too. The fire is welcome tonight.

9 Radka said...

The crochet blanket looks like an interesting method.

10 Susie H said...

It is chilly & drizzly here too. Nice to have something warm to work on. I love the colors of both the flannel and the yarn!

11 loulee said...

I like the pretty blues in your crochet.

12 Julie said...

Love those blues in your blanket Fiona 💙💙 It would be wonderful to have the flannel quilt over your lap on a cool evening. xx

13 Ondrea said...

Love your crochet! Such beautiful colours and an interesting technique.

14 Karen S said...

Your C2C is looking good. Lovely colours!

15 kiwikid said...

Lovely projects to keep you busy.

16 Flickenstichlerin said...

Nice to have a finished quilt for FNWF, Fiona. A nice size scarf is on my to do list as well. But in the faaaaar future.

17 Janice said...

Good to see you made some progress on Friday. I loved the rug. Is it a Caron Cake type yarn?

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