Friday, June 28, 2013

Bits and Bobs .....

Has been very chilly here... and I just happen to be housebound... so what could I do but sew a few blocks...

These are all 9" squares .......

Kurume kasuri tsunagi masumon
(Linked square pattern)
31 pieces

 I'm adding up the number of pieces I use as I go

Kurume kasuri masu tsunagi
(Linked squares)
53 pieces

 .... it's not hard... I just add up from the instructions in the book....

Kurume kasuri gakubuchi
21 pieces

 ... but you can count on the actual blocks if you feel like it...

Kurume kasuri masumon
(Kurume square pattern)
21 pieces

... I would appreciate you letting me know if I got any wrong...

Kurume kasuri sanju masu
(Triple squares)
33 pieces

These are going into my Scrappy Japanese block collection HERE.... trying to do a few a month but I have only done 19 since Feb 2012!!

I really like this block here in two colours...

There are only 53 pieces in the 9" square....

 I thought we could do a Kurume kasuri masu tsunagi exchange and each make 12 blocks (thats only 636 pieces) and send them to each other and swap colours and then send blocks to other people and then make things with them and then see what we come up with ..... anybody want to join in?

Perhaps it is not challenging enough?  I will try and find another block then.... there are still another 113 to choose from 

(PS... I'm sorry I won't be able to organise the exchange - I really can't understand what I have written so if there is anyone who does do let me know)

But the blocks are fun aren't they?  

This is what they look like all together

This is the second block of Scandanavian Rose (Rosalie Quinlan) that I have been stitching at night.... done lots... there has been so much sport on TV!!

.... and I never showed this finished giant pincushion I made for a shop sample ....
(can you believe someone stole their original sample from the shop!)

... lovely and big so no chance of the pins going through and stabbing you ...

... and so pretty to have sitting on the desk ....

it has 8 little pockets around the edge for bits and bobs, scissors, buttons and threads etc.

... so pretty with the lace and trims

(Quilters Angel has this pattern and some kits made up)

It was originally one of the projects from "Stitchers Dream Day Out" about five or six years ago and was designed by Debbie Magee from "Always Stitchin'"
Thanks Kris for letting me know

Righto, Gotto Go .... time for tea.....


1 Valspierssews said...

All your Japanese fabrics look great in the scrappy blocks. The triple square is my favourite. I love that giant pincushion.

2 Terry said...

I love that pincushion! I think I need to make a bigger one! :0)

3 Wendyb said...

Such lovely finishes Fiona.....never heard of the Japanese blocks before but looks great! Love that's always sad when people feel the need to steal other people's things though! good on you for making a replacement! Your Scandinavian Rose block's looking great too!
xox sugary hugs
wendy :O)

4 Jennifer said...

Interesting use of Japanese fabrics in those blocks! That is a very pretty pincushion, you wouldn't believe that people would be so nasty as to steal the original, would you? Especially people who frequent quilt shops......

Anonymous said...

wow Fiona such lovely blocks and so many pieces in each one,well done and i also love the pin cushion,it looks awesome,you clever girl you,have a wonderful day Fiona.xx

6 Cheryll said...

You are one busy bubz Fiona!
LoVe the pin cushion...just gorgeous! WOW... sums those blocks up I think!! Well done!

7 Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

Lovely blocks Fiona and that pincushion looks to be a great size. Quick question on the S/Rose. The pattern says 5-6 skeins of floss ..... is that for every packet/block/installment? thanks in advance, hugs

8 Anita said...

Hi Fiona,
So that's what happens when you're housebound hey? Looks great to me. lol. Love your pincushion, the pink tone is the best.
Cheers, Anita.

9 Daisy Jayne said...

All your Japanese fabrics look great in the scrappy blocks. love the pin cushion ... would not have a problem losing that one

10 Michelle Ridgway said...

Looking beautiful. :-) Love your Japanese blocks. Gorgeous pincushion.

11 Sheila said...

Wonderful scrappy Japanese blocks , and I especially love the pincushion , that is just gorgeous . Hugs Sheila

12 Marilyn said...

Well it sounded a good argument didnt it. Love your blocks though. Imagine stealing that pin cushion. It is not able to go in a pocket and would need a rather large bag to hide it in. Makes you wonder doesnt it.

13 Jeanette said...

Your Japanese blocks are gorgeous. Mmm have tat giant pincushion patterns somewhere to make. :) Hugs,xx

14 Sue SA said...

I think the pincushion is very pretty, but almost big enough to double as a footstool! Although you are so right, all the little ones "bite" me when I pick them up, from the pins sticking through!

15 marina said...

now that is a pincushion and a half, it's gorgeous.
Love all your japanese blocks. I can barely manage a 9 patch let alone all those pieces, and don't even talk about a swap of them omg!

16 Grammasheri said...

Such a variety of projects and all so lovely. The Japanese blocks are fascinating and I admire your skill in making them. Love the red work piece and, of course, the jumbo pincushion is a winner.
"Chilly" sounds pretty good to me right now. Hope you're doing well.


17 Janet said...

So many pieces in the blocks! Pretty in those Japanese fabrics. And I love your stitcherie!

18 Jane said...

I hadn't realised the pin cushion had pockets on too, it's fabulous. Such a shame the original had been stolen.
I have some Japanese fabric somewhere, actually bought for me from Japan. I hadn't realised they have their own quilt blocks. I may have to do some investigation and make a little Japanese quilt

19 Wendy said...

Your blocks are lovely, they look great together. That's a lot of pieces in each block!! Love the pincushion, beautiful!! Hugs Wendy

20 Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

You are your works...

21 Mistea said...

Nice! I too have no clue about swapping blocks with a few hundred little bits of fabric. Enjoy all your lovely blocks while making something bigger.

22 Helen McNaught @ AuntyHennys said...

Hi Fiona! lovely work!! I think we all want that pin cushion:-)

23 Karen said...

They are fascinating block and I do like those fabrics. Great to see the stitchery,too. Amazing how much can be done with the TV on.
And the pin cushion looks wonderful!!

24 Barb said...

Talk about an inspirational blog...oh my.....

25 Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

Hey Fiona! WOW! You have been a busy stitching bee! :0) And that pincushion came up a treat. It was originally one of the projects from "Stitchers Dream Day Out" about five or six years ago and was designed by Debbie Magee from "Always Stitchin'". You did a beautiful job of stitching it as always ... you clever-clogs! :0) Bear Hugs! KRIS

26 donna said...

You have been one busy bee. Your blocks look great and your stitching is so pretty. I think I am in love with your pin cushion. It is gorgeous.
Hope you are having a great day.

27 Cath said...

Oh I agree, love the red and gold block....STUNNING! I also love the pin cushion and really I can't believe the cheek some people have in taking things that don't belong to them. I especially like the letter stitching....LOL
Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

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