Friday, August 31, 2012

Spring is on it's way .....

August has been and gone with all it's sadness, gentleness, kindness and caring ....

This is the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring here in Australia and there are lots of signs of new growth in the garden, fresh nights and beaut days

Here are my finished projects for August's OPAM hosted by the lovelies Peg and Kris

These are :  

  • OASS Spring swap for Tracey made using Allie's lovely pattern shown HERE
  • Fathers Day mini made for Raelene seen HERE
  • Patchwork and Quilted Christmas cards.... tutorial shown HERE
  • Little Birdies quilt - a UFO from last year - more pictures HERE

Some signs of Spring from my garden.....

The Wisteria hanging on my veranda (soon you will think I come from Wisteria lane!!)

this is a climber Ruby ....... an Ausi plant and just so gorgeous at this time of year.... vines growing inside the shaded area ....

This is how it is looking from the outside ..... 

The jasmine scent is awesome in the early evenings..... this bush is outside the bedroom and the breeze wafts the scent throughout the house .....

my prunus is full of flowers.... and bees....

Wishing you all the best of happiness for Spring.... or Autumn .....

We almost always get a cold spell in September so I'm not packing away the woolly slippers and trackie pants yet!

Righto, Gotto Go, the sun is out, the birds are feeding ...... and it's time for a cuppa....


1 marina said...

the buds on our plum trees are swelling too, no blossoms yet. Winter is going out with a bang here. A day of drizzling rain will be our forecast today.

2 Allie said...

Oh Fiona your projects are wonderful - love that Birdie Stitches, it's on my list! Your flowers are so gorgeous, makes me long for spring myself, but we still have autumn and winter to get through, lol!

3 Just Ramblin' said...

Your projects are lovely. Thanks for
sharing the websites. How I wish we
were going into spring. Your flowers are beautiful. I am not looking forward to winter. Hope we have a long fall. As I look out my window I can see the leaves are changing upon the mountains due to the dry weather we have had. Don't think they will be as vibrant as they usually are. Do enjoy your lovely spring weather. Nola

Anonymous said...

lovely pics Fiona,we havent got many things budding yet as its still very wet and cold,come on spring.xx

5 Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

Achuuuu ..... yep Spring is almost here and don't I know it! lol I love your photos and your new header. hugs

6 Jeanette said...

Love all your flowering plants. They are fabulous. Gorgeous finishes. Hugs,

7 Terry said...

Spring is the best time of year! I love your wisteria! I hope to have one of my own someday! :0)

8 Susan said...

I think everyone is starting to feel the joy of Spring. Your photos are lovely, especially the one in your header. It captures the essence of Spring.

9 Maria said...

Sew many lovely finishes.. Well done Fiona.

Your Spring garden looks fabulous.

10 Bev C said...

Hello Fiona,

I have only just planted a White Jasmine, hope mine is like yours in a year or two. Lots of lovely finishes. So looking forward to Spring, very cold on my walk this morning.
Loved the bee wings in your header photo. Amazing photo.

Happy days.

11 Jane said...

A beautiful new header!
We've had to put the heating on for the first time this morning, celebrating the last day of summer!

12 Sunnybec said...

Oh dear this makes me sad, because if it's your spring, it's our autumn which means winter is just around the corner, dark nights, snow and freezing temperatures...I think I am coming over to Australia!!! Hopefully I will get in a holiday before it all arrives. :-) Hugs

13 Karen said...

Beautiful signs of Spring. I do love seeing the Wisteria.

14 Susan said...

Love the Spring time header! And blossom is my favourite sign of Spring!

15 Jennifer said...

We've just gotten rid of our was taking over our little corner of the world! Is the Aussie climber a pandorea vine?

16 Lyn said...

It is wonderful to see the flowers appearing in have had a busy month finishing all your lovely projects..

17 quilary said...

Still a bit too cool here for much "springing" to be happening! Thanks for the link to those cute tree cards :)

18 Nicky said...

Wonderful garden pics Fiona, so pretty...... it is fantastic to be outdoors when spring is 'springing'.

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