Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Having fun ....

Before I left for my holiday there were some swap gifts to send.....

I have been enjoying the 12" mini quilt club hosted by Cheryll from Gone Stitchin'

The theme for this last one was Fathers Day and I was partnered to send to Raelene who requested something with a car theme......

I don't know much about cars.... I have a red one..... and occasionally I have to put petrol in it...

.... anyway I thought I would go with a classic style and found a picture on the internet ... 

I did it all in back stitch and some wriggly quilting background ... I was so pleased to find some cheerful wheel fabric for the edges .... 

Great fun swap... not too big an item but enough to be a challenge....

This swap is not a 'regular' but there are several through the year - you can join the 'club' and participate in the swap when you can...... for more information just go along HERE....

I also posted off another set of parcels for Cathy...... I knew I was going to have a busy time so I sent some extra for next month...... and a special little one for opening straight away - the idea being to help resist temptation to peeeeeep.....

.... I won't spoil the surprise but it did include this:

The other regular swap I like to do is the Once A Season Swap which also happens to be co-ordinated by Cheryll and this time I was sending to Tracey who does all sorts of lovely work so I tried to think of something a bit different for Spring for her ....

This is a pattern from Allie, who by the way has just started her own pattern designing - do pop along and wish her well and have a look at her brand new design over HERE

Done in raw edge applique and back stitch for the words - in the ditch quilting....

Thanks Cheryll for organising the swap, thanks Allie for the pattern and thanks Tracey for being my swappie this season.....

I do enjoy the swaps but will be taking a break for a couple of months..... you see I have a big trip to take in October .... far away.... to see special peoples .... grown up ones and little grandie ones too.....

Righto, Gotto Go, there are some BOM's I have got behind with.....


Anonymous said...

wow Fiona that car is unreal,awesome job you did and i so love that lemon tree,well done my friend and how exciting for you to see your lovely family.xx

2 Susan said...

Oh Fiona - I love that lemon tree - every time I see it - well this might only be the 3rd time - I just think "I have to do that" and the car is great too - a terrific design. Isn't the web useful at times??

3 WoolenSails said...

You made a lot of nice gifts and beautiful pieces that they will treasure.


4 Jeanette said...

Love the stitchery. It's fabulous. Hugs,

5 Jindi's Cottage said...

The car is fabulous...great job on the stitching and what a find for the border fabric...
The lemon tree quilt is so lovely...I'm looking forward to seeing it for real next time I visit its new home...

6 Unknown said...

Your car is great, but really love the lemon tree.
Hugs Tanya

7 Jane said...

Love both of these, especially the lemon tree.
You must be so excited about your trip. Enjoy the planning and hope it all goes well

8 Susan said...

You are so organised, and I'm sure they will appreciate all the thought and hard work you put into your swap gifts. The car turned out really well. X

9 Christine M said...

Your car mini quit looks fantastic Fiona. So does your lemon tree!

10 Michelle Ridgway said...

Very cute Vintage car...well done. I love Allie's Lemon Tree it is so fresh and just right for Spring.

11 Karen said...

Great idea for the car stitching. Beautiful work.
And the lemon tree is perfect!!

12 Susan said...

The Lemon Tree mini is very sweet! Very sunny and Spring-like!

13 Terry said...

I love Allie's lemon tree pattern, and yours is beautiful in those colors! :0)

14 Mistea said...

Thanks so much for my lemon tree it is beautiful and fits in perfectly - my kitchen is ready for spring.
That car is amazing and the wheels fabric is perfect - Lucky Raelene.
I really think Cathy should at least be allowed a peek!
Enjoy the planning.

15 Jennifer said...

Love your swap gifties.......they have turned out beautifully!

16 Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Your work is amazing, Fiona! Just beautiful. Enjoy your travels!

17 Barb said...

What an awesome gift for Father's Day...and love your lemon tree.

18 Anthea said...

Beautifully done Fiona, such lovely gifts... x

19 marina said...

your vintage car looks amazing! what a great idea. love all those little parcels and your lemon tree mini is so beautiful.

20 Tarnyia said...

OMG how busy you have been... love the car it is gorgeous and the fabric is just perfect xxx
PS. love everything else too xxx

21 Deb R said...

Ohh love the car, thought of my pop when I saw it. Your lemon tree is divine....

22 Unknown said...

Your Car looks Great...

23 Allie said...

WOW - oh my gosh - Fiona!!! I squealed when I saw your Lemon Tree, I think it's my favorite version EVER! The colors are awesome! AWESOME! Please please may I use your pics for a post?

The car is just wonderful, love the stippling around it and the wheel fabric, how cool is that!

24 Wendy said...

We don't have the same car then - mine is green.

Love your car and love your tree, gorgeous, both of them

25 Talin's Corner said...

Oh, Fiona your car stitchery is just beautiful. You did such a great job.

I love your lemon tree too. I saw it on Allie's blog post too.

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