Monday, August 13, 2012

Nana duties.....

Some things going in the post.....

Cathy's parcel for the Secret Santa Swap...... late for August but early for September....
and including an 'open today' little thing....

I had a couple of swap comittments for August..... my chook fairy light came to inspect....

this is a Fathers Day mini quilt going to the person written on the label ....

and this is my Once A Season Swap for Spring ... this one is going to a different person as you can see by the label ....

I am off to Tropical North Queensland for 10 days.... I HAVE to help with Nana duties.... tough gig...

I'll be playing with Jack

Photo: Look who I have spent the day with. Oh Fiona isn't he so cute and I'm not even biased. Hope there's a chance we may see each other. Michael is a wonderful father. You deserve to be proud of him.

I will be taking a bloggy break - not sure about connection etc there but if possible I will show you some photographs of extensive beaches and warm ocean waves and beautiful forests.....

of course I will take some stitching to do - incase I have time!


There is a bit of bushland above our house.... this time of year it is a cheerful sight....

The wattles are just lovely.... look at these little balls of yellow fluff

(I don't even care that they give me the sneezes) 

The lavender is looking wonderful too.... lots of bees in there

Righto, Gotto Go.... must find those shorts and sleeveless tops to pack.....  see ya in a couple of weeks


1 Quilt Kitty said...

Have a wonderful holiday Fiona & lots of fun with little Jack. He is such a cutie, sure to keep Nana busy. Tracee xx

2 Marilyn said...

Enjoy those Nana duties with Jack. And enjoy the warm weather. Gorgeous photos of the wattle.

3 Jane said...

Have a wonderful time, Nana duty is a special time

4 Maria said...

Have the best time with little Jack and family.. Even if it is cold it is always lovely to be by the beach....
You are a tease with the lables...

5 Cyndi said...

Fiona, I hope you have an absolutely wonderful holiday. Just enjoy every minute with your grandchildren, and those lovely beaches, the ocean, and forests! :o) See ya when you get back!



6 Sunnybec said...

Have a fabulous time Fiona, I can't see you getting much sewing done with a happy little chappie like Jack around. Enjoy!! Hugs xx

7 Jeanette said...

Have a wonderful time away. The lavender looks fabulous. Hugs,

8 Susan said...

Have a great trip. Warm weather and little boy cuddles - sounds great.

9 De said...

Have a lovely time and travel safe.

10 Jennifer said...

Have fun! Love your wattle, it's so glorious at this time of year. And that it smells good too.

11 Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

Have a great trip nd travel safe hugs

12 Mistea said...

Nana duties in such an inconvenient location! Make the most of it.
Enjoy your stay and those couplr of stitches.

13 Talin's Corner said...

Your lavender is beautiful. Mine did not do too well this year. We have had a really weird summer weather wise.

Anonymous said...

haha you are such a tease i couldnt work out the names on your projects,i tried really hard,and no clue what so ever.Have heaps of fun with your grandies and watch you dont get sunburned,wish i was going with you,take care my friend.xx

15 Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Lucky you...Nanna Duties.....I am jealous have that chook...

16 Sue said...

Have fun with Jack, that sounds like my sort of holiday....spoiling the grandy!

17 Michelle Ridgway said...

Lovely post the wattle and lavender. Just gorgeous! Have a great time being warm and fulfilling Nana duties...Don't get sunburnt!!

18 Joy McD said...

Have a great time Fiona! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!! xxx

19 Deb R said...

Have a wonderful time with your family and that gorgeous grandson...I leave in three days to see mine too....Yay for Nanny duty... xx

20 marina said...

Hope you enjoy your nana time, I am so sad- if they were still in Melbourne it would mean we could have a catch up!
can't wait to see your swap reveals.

21 Lyn said...

Enjoy your Nana duties..lovely spring photos

22 Katherine said...

enjoy your break and look forward to seeing some pics and reading about it when you get back

23 Susan said...

Hope you have had fun in the "warm" and doing your "duty"

24 Cheryll said...

Gotta LOVE Lavender!!! but ALL your pic's are wonderful! Have a great time WORKING with the grandies and putting up with all that sunshine!
See you when you return! Hugs :)

25 Miss Hillbilly said...

That ornery chicken! enjoy your break and family time!

26 Narelle said...

Hope you're having the loveliest time on Nana duty ... tough gig being a Nana in the lovely warm sunshine :o)

27 Wendy said...

I'm sure you're having a wonderful holiday and enjoying Nana duty. I look forward to reading about it on your return.

28 In stitches and seams said...

Have a great time Fiona .... enjoy the holiday and being Nana
in stitches

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