Sunday, March 6, 2011


The other night I stayed up late (stitching of course!!) and when I went off to shower a cold wet plop landed on me...............

I can only say I nearly wet myself..... now I love most little creatures - but not on my ready to shower 50something body in the middle of the night 

No good calling out for Tall Handsome... he can fix almost anything (today he fixed my telephone) but
.... he is scared of frogs ..... 
Shhh.... don't let him know I let the secret out

Having lept off me froggy chose my towel..... oh dear.... and after much leaping and giggling I got him in a little rubbish bin and off outside..... here he is ready for his leap to freedom....  I think he got a bigger fright than me with this experience!!!!

Only a 50somethingnakedbloggerwrapped inatoweloutsidethehouseat12.30midnight would rush off to get the camera..........

I needed a little drinkie afterwards I can tell you..... and a snack..... lucky I had done some baking....

I must've taken the picture after I had a few glasses the little drinkie....


Anonymous said...

Fiona what a funny post you had me giggling away

rozhearts said...

How cute at least he didn't take up too much room in the shower????
(((HUGS))) Roz.

Talin's Corner said...

Oh, he is so cute! Loved the story!

Bonnie said...

Great story! I like frogs but not in my shower.

Valspierssews said...

Funny story Fiona. Don't know about that image of you in the shower :)

Melody said...

I'm sure it gave you a big fright, but what a wonderful creature and wonderful you for catching him and giving him his freedom. This post brought a smile to my face. Thank you.

Love Bears All Things said...

You're so cute...I'm sending you a big o grin.
Mama Bear

Cyndi said...

Oh Fiona, that was so funny! Thanks for the laugh...I needed it! I just love frogs...if I had been there I would have gotten him for you! :o) And don't worry...your hubby's secret is safe with us!



Maria said...

Oh No!! How funny is that you running around half naked chasing a frog. OH I won't tell anyone your DH secret. LOL

RG said...

hee hee hee..
this is too FUNNY Fiona!
Cute froggy :D
Thanks for sharing... ha ha ha

Jennifer said...

Erk.....I would have woken the whole neighbourhood, naked or no. A short while ago I found a frog in the watering can - needless to say the plants didn't get watered!

Unknown said...

Too too Funny....well of course you Needed That Drink after all that komotion..didn't you.

loulee said...

You're right, only us bloggers would think to run for the camera at a time like that. LOL

marina said...

What a crack up! Can you imagine the post that frog will blog. (he he)
Did you do a frog dance, similar to the crazy spider dance?

marina said...

forget to mention the cake pic looks very arty.

Bev C said...

Hello Fiona,

Frog may be have a Prince in disguise, but I forgot you have a Tall Handsome man. Such a fun post,hope you enjoyed your shower in the end!!!!
Happy days.

Cardygirl said...

Stacks of these little princes here even got into my bedroom...and I put him out the window!

Barb said...

Oh my gosh.....that is way funny but so glad it didn't happen to me...sorry...not a good friend.

Just Ramblin' said...

I am sitting here laughing at your great story! And, at the same time thinking that I'm glad it wasn't me.
Thanks for making me smile! Nola

Sheila said...

Thanks for the laugh , I know I would have likely wet my pants or jumped to the moon but you handled it all so well camera and all :-) He is rather cute don't you think . hugs Sheila

Joy McD said...

Uhoh!!!! My sister has those frogs too and they freak me out!!!! I am not a frog lover, especially not in the shower or toilet, lol!

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

I know you have your prince - but did you give froggy a kiss? You know, just incase?

quilterfaye said...

Love It!! I would have wet myself as well as letting anyone in the surrounding 1 mile radius know that I was frightened!
Poor froggie ,but DON'T Do That AGAIN!!

Marilyn said...

My daughter was feeding her baby recently (in the dark, middle of the night) when the same thing happened to her - a wet slimy frog on her back. Needless to say, she made enough commotion to reawaken her baby.
You handled it very well, especially the well deserved little drinkies afterwards.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

My hero!!! This was down right hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xx, shell

Crowing Moon said...

hehehe I would have taken a photo too and I'm not 50something yet. Are we sad?
He was a cute little fella..I love frogs. We've had quite a few looking in the window lately of an evening and they're all over the roads out here at night

Bec said...

LOL we have four large ones living in our bath/shower, and let me tell you what they leave behind is very very yukky and a lot bigger than you would expect!
I love to see frogs about, if they're not about something is out of balance in the ecosystem.

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