Sunday, June 4, 2023


Friday Night saw me continuing with my Civil War Bride.... finally onto the last bits of the side borders...

The ends are left incomplete as when the top and bottom go on the applique vine will join up...

I am having a few days quiet at home with a bit of a chest infection - good time to do some catch up sewing...

Yesterday I trimmed and fudged and added the side borders to the blocks....

I love it and am excited to do the other borders... but I must catch up on other stuff first!

I also sewed up the edges for the Santa stitchery....  it's pinned on some backing now and ready for some quilting....

Then I did lots of cutting for blocks which I want to sew today.....  tiny little buttons, large houses... 

Have a happy Sunday....

Thanks to Cheryll for hosting FNWF .....


1 Jeanette said...

CWB is looking stunning. Love Santa & the borders.

2 Ondrea said...

OMG! That is absolutely stunning!!!! Wow! Your Santa quilt is looking good.

3 Sharon Kwilter said...

Your applique is stunning.

4 Jennifer said...

Oh wow, Fiona - CWB is spectacular! What an achievement to be proud of!

5 Raewyn said...

Oh wow your Civil Bride quilt is gorgeous - such a lot of work in it and you are so close to the end - no wonder you are excited...good on you showing such self control. The Santa piece is lovely too. I hope it doesn't take too long for you to get over your chest infection.

6 Karen S said...

Those borders are amazing. So much beautiful work.
And that is a lovely way to use your Santa embroidery.

7 Lin said...

CWB looking gorgeous with its borders on - nice to have those other two finished and ready to add. Santa looks great with his border. Hope that infection clears soon. xx

8 Maria said...

Hope you'er feeling better soon.
Your Civil War Bride is just stunning.Fiona.
Santa's looking lovely.

9 Pink Rose said...

Hi Fiona I hope you feel better soon my friend.
Omg your work is amazing I love it all well done.
I hope you get to watch the movie that I was telling you about it was really good ,I enjoyed it ,take care Fiona 🌹🤍🌹

10 Susan said...

Your Civil War Bride quilt is looking stunning - I must stir my friend a bit . .LOL
Hope you are feeling OK - it seems you are still busy sewing!

11 Michelle Ridgway said...

Your borders look fantastic with the quilt. Amazing work! Sorry you have been ill and glad you're on the mend xx

12 Janice said...

Your Civil War Bride is looking stunning. The end is in sight now. Santa is coming along nice too.

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