Thursday, June 8, 2023

First week of June.....

This week I was determined to catch up on a few things....

Last month I only managed to do the cutting of fabric for RSC oranges...

..... so I sewed some little orange buttons.....

... and this months light blue/green buttons which I mistakenly took as teal.... 

Then  I built the orange house....

... and the teal house....

These are all the houses so far  - not sewn together...

hand work in the evening was mostly more little tarts..

Back to machine sewing and I did the teal block for QAYG project....

... and the orange block....

There was a fair bit of reverse sewing done for those blocks... every single time I get the little HST's the wrong way in part of it.... EVERY time!

These and the previous month's one all still need quilting

... then I got distracted.......

I have loved this quilt for ages and when I saw a kit on a destash page for less than half the price of new I snatched it up.  Lovely low volume backgrounds and liberty lawn.  Some of it was already cut so I have been cutting it all up ready for sewing.

I still have some monthly projects to do....

  • Tea cup critters (new one is out and I have to sew up the last 2 months)
  • Gossip in the Garden next block
  • Quilting on the QAYG blocks
  • KK Drama - 2 months of blocks

I hope this weekend I will make some headway into them..... unless I get distracted some more!

Righto, Gotto Go..... I just want to finish cutting some pieces for that newest distraction then I can put it out of sight!

Have a lovely weekend.... xx


1 Lin said...

Your buttons look great. RSC was all very confusing, at least you have your teal done and if it comes around you can do another colour. The houses are great. A recent issue of Todays Quilter came with a set of house block templates which I am considering for next years RSC. Always good to have a new distraction - have fun, it looks gorgeous. xx

2 Michelle Ridgway said...

Your buttons and house blocks look great! Your machine has been getting a good workout. So many lovely blocks. I love your new to you pattern xx

3 marina said...

love all your colourful blocks!
your new project is gorgeous, how lovely to make it in the liberty fabrics.
Can't wait to see it finished.

4 Jennifer said...

Some very colourful sewing there, Fiona!

5 Maria said...

Gorgeous buttons , houses and blocks for the RSC.
Good progress on the pies.
And your new project looks sweet made from the liberty and low volume fabrics.

6 Karen's Korner said...

They are such cute buttons and your house building skills are awesome. I feel your pain of a mistake in every block. Nice pick up in the de-stash group. A busy weekend in he sewing room planned by the sound of it. Enjoy.

7 Sharon Kwilter said...

Those are some great RSC projects. Somehow I never managed to get started on RSC this year and it seems too late to try and catch up. Congrats on that great quilt kit score.

8 loulee said...

Great catch up with your rsc blocks. Love your distraction.

9 Janice said...

It didn’t take you long to get caught up with your RSC blocks. It doesn’t matter that your blue is a bit different, there’s no RSC police. Good on you for banning that kit. It’s a beautiful pattern and will be gorgeous in the Liberty fabrics. I hope you have a productive weekend and don’t get distracted again. Do you have many more pies to make?

10 Julie said...

Really love those Houses Fiona .... & love the kit you bought on a destash sale - gorgeous low volume prints 💗💗

11 Susan said...

all your RSC blocks look great.

I also have The Avenue - just the pattern . . . if I get to it I am sure I can find enough in the stash!...though buying the fabrics and some cut is a bonus!

Cute little pies/ tarts!

12 kiwikid said...

Lots of beautiful blocks Fiona, that quilt pack was a great pick up and perfect distraction!!

13 Chookyblue...... said...

making great progress on so many beautiful projects.......

14 Pink Rose said...

Hi Fiona lots of beautiful work ,well done clever lady 🌹🤍🌹

15 Karen S said...

Great work on all those blocks. You have been busy.
Looking forward to seeing the avenue quilt top grow with all its trees.

16 Ondrea said...

Those button blocks are sooooo cute! I love patchwork houses but have never made any. Such inspiration!

17 WoolenSails said...

Beautiful blocks and it looks like you got a lot of piecing done. Distractions are my biggest problem, I am trying to stick to one thing and hopefully finish my pile of UFO's.


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