Thursday, June 1, 2023

End of May

Well it's now 'officially' winter here since it is June - this year we have already had lots of cold nights and frosts.

On Saturday I went to Embroidery Guild (Saturdays meet once a month) and continued with my whitework....

Finished the last heart and started with the heart fillers.  I have been borrowing Hubby's light/magnifyer to do this and it has helped a lot and I have ordered my own....

Quilt Group was in a big cold hall so I took along a quilt to sew down the binding..... meant I could have the rest of it on my lap.....

Work is continuing with the side borders for Civil War Bride.... I'm on the last flowers - they need centres and then there is some embroidered legs to do....

A few more tarts have been done..... I still have quite a lot of these to go....

I found a Poinsettia flower to go on my Santa's hat.... It is just ironed on.  I still need to do piecing to go around the edges of this....

So progress has been made on several things..... 

The new colour for Scrap challenge is dark/bright blues - I haven't sewn my Orange's yet (they are prepped up) from last month! A bit of catch up needed there...

Righto, Gotto Go....  a bit of tidy up then go and sort through the blues....

Have a lovely rest of the week.....


1 Jennifer said...

Your whitework is coming along nicely, Fiona! I'm sure Santa loves his flower, it makes him look very spiffy. We have had a record-breaking cold month here.

2 Chantal said...

Bringing a quilt to work on is genius! The white work intrigues me: what is next for this one? Maybe your orange bits aren't sewn together but you sure kept your fingers busy. Lovely projects, all of them. Enjoy! ;^)

3 Jeanette said...

Love the whitework it's looking wonderful. Puzzled about the blues as that was the colour/s we did back in January.

4 Julie said...

I am loving your whitework & seeing it progress Fiona. Love the poinsettia on Santa's hat - just perfect!

5 Lin said...

The whitework is beautiful and you can't beat a quilt for keeping your legs warm. Yes, I too am puzzled about the blues - I have started some red hearts as I needed something mindless for a zoom chat yesterday. Love love love Santa's flower! xx

6 marina said...

wonderful progress on your embroidery.
Cant wait to see your Civil war Bride borders completed. Can't tempt you with Caswell or Mary Brown can I? lol
love the pointsettia on Santa's hat. Lovely pop of red.

7 Pink Rose said...

Fiona your white work is beautiful,well done ,you are a very clever lady ,hope you have a lovely weekend my friend 🌹🤍🌹

8 Michelle Ridgway said...

Your whitework is looking so good. Well done! Santa is lovely too. Yes it's a good idea to work on a quilt when its chilly xx

9 Janice said...

Good progress on all fronts there. I love the pop of colour on Santa.

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