Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Sewing with Friends


Kris hosts OPAM - One Project a Month where we keep count of our finishes.  It's a fun way to have a goal of at least one finish each month but add up together.  Free to join in and even a possibility of winning one of Kris's delightful patterns.

You can find all the information HERE


Cheryll hosts us virtually on the 1st Friday of each month.  Free to join and then blog about what you did in the next few days... visit the others blogs that were there - lovely way to get inspiration and make virtual friends....

Sign ups for this month is HERE   Cheryll adds a link each month so keep tabs on her blog....


Wendy hosts on the 3rd Friday of each month - same deal but obviously link up is on Wendy's blog.....

Last year there were prizes to be won ......

Wendy's blog is HERE

Scrappy Feathered Friends

I love little bird quilts and so I am keeping up with these patterns in the hope of some time to do another applique quilt.....  each year Cindy generously shares free BOM patterns for the month.  If you missed a previous one there is really a minimal amount to pay to get it - easy to keep up by keeping an eye out on her blog and going to her website....

Cindy's blog is HERE


Jenny is another generous designer who shares free patterns.... I love her idea this year on bookmarks - such a lovely gift and my favourite bookmarks I use are fabric ones from friends....

Jenny's blog is HERE .....

February Embroidery Month

Meg from Crabapple Hill is hosting another free gorgeous little mini stitchery plan for the month of February - which happens to be International Embroidery month....

I am sewing this one with friends - pattern is printed and I will do some tracing today.  I will not keep up strictly with one a day but that is how the instructions will be given on her social media.  I follow here on Instagram.

You can find her free downloadable Neighbourhood pattern HERE 

Scrappy Sampler

I really really want to do this sampler quilt .... at this stage I cannot see my way ahead to do it this year but the patterns are available freely for downloading - so I will put them in a safe place and do it someday.  I love her choice in blue and white.

Jessica's blog is HERE

RSC 2022

I haven't joined in Rainbow Scrap Challenge for a while but have decided this year to join in and sew my little scrappy fish....

You can read more about it HERE on SoScrappy's blog. 

These are the ones I am aware of  - I really enjoy sewing along with friends.

Meanwhile at my real life sewing Tuesday group I sewed up a few more half hexagons and a couple of pies yesterday...

Doesn't seem much for a whole day but my fingers were going all the time - I needed an extra bandaid on my one finger (I had an unpleasant meeting with my rotary cutter last week!) 

Righto, Gotto Go.... houses to be traced,  a quilt to be worked on, masks to be made, trip to the tip to drop off branches with hubby.... 
Have a lovely day.......xx


1 Chantal said...

Wow! So many new projects. I looked at all the links you gave us and I downloaded Crabapple Hill patterns and the Scrappy Sampler. Now I just have to remember to continue to download that one as the new blocks are published. I won't be doing them now but how can I resist a blue quilt? Really? It's not like I'm on a project diet or something. Lol. It'll be fun. Thanks for sharing all these lovelies. ;^)
P.S. Sorry to hear about the rotary cutter meeting.

2 Maria said...

Oh My Goodness Fiona so many new projects you'er starting lucky you'll be joining in with all these sewing nights and challenges to keep you on track.
Was tempted with those cute Bird Houses....

3 Jennifer said...

Ouch about the rotary cutter! Oh my, so many projects......I will enjoy seeing your progress.

4 Flickenstichlerin said...

Hope your finger heals quick with all the beautiful projects you are working on. What a treat.

5 Jeanna said...

So many opportunities for sewing fun. Thank you for gathering this information and sharing with everyone! Hope your finger heals quickly.

6 Kathleen said...

This is my first year joining the RSC. Her blog is inspiring. I got so much done with red last month - the start of 5 quilts! I don’t have a blog but am keeping myself accountable. Having goals helps. I love seeing everything you do

7 Susan said...

What a great collection of things that are shared...I might go look....DO NOT NEED MORE PROJECTS!

Hope your finger heals quickly - ouch!

8 Karen's Korner said...

It is a good idea to sign up for the various challenges on offer as it keeps us motivated and pushes us along to the finish line for some projects that seem to just sit on the sewing table or in the back of the cupboard forever. I look forward to seeing what your goals and finishes are during the year.

9 kiwikid said...

Very interesting and tempting blog post Fiona! So many wonderful projects to try and make! Hope your finger heals soon, those rotary cutters can bite!

10 my alabama bears home said...

Hello Fiona, long time since I've visited. I don't keep up my web page. I got to wondering this morning about all the ones I used to visit so finally found you. My email has changed. It is now Wish we were still doing the quilts together.

Sammie used to be Bears at Home.

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