Sunday, February 13, 2022

a bit of this and a bit of that

A friend Marina was doing a clean up and mentioned she had some French General fabrics ready to leave her home..... I do love love FG but don't have much so I put my hand up and this beautiful bunch of fabrics came.... I don't think there are any there that I have so it is a wonderful addition to my stash - and I have a project in mind I am longing to start with them.  Thank you so much Marina.

There was also some patterns she was rehoming and I asked for this Christmas one.  I love KS patterns and I remember lusting over this little mini when Marina made it..... so it snuggled in with the fabric... 

I finished off the February stars after doing most of the stitching on Wednesday....

I found there was enough fabric to cut 2 of each colour so I am sewing doppelgangers .....

this picture is the 8 different fabrics sewn into stars so far.... 4 more to go then the borders.  These are not sewn together so no need to be concerned about the one facing the wrong way... 

Sometimes all a busy quilt top needs is some texture and I love this watery ripple effect ....

I have been continuing with the birdhouses.... not getting to one a day but loving them

My cast on stitch flower is a bit mangled.... but I tried!

some of them are simpler (but still sweet) than others...

In the dark colour it's hard to see but this is a bullion rose (also not very good but I tried)

And I made up the first three into the little tags I want them all to become - sewed with some wadding and backing and cut to shape, blanket stitch around the edge and a piece of silk ribbon to tie (I have no idea why I have a selection of silk ribbon but I do) .  I think they will be sweet little Christmas ornaments.

This months scrap colour is teal .... so I have done a couple of teal scrappy fish.  there is not a lot of teal in my scraps so little variety but they are done.  I am not sewing them into blocks until later so I can spread out the colours as in this pattern the blocks cross over - the face of one fish may touch the tail or side  of another fish.

Another parcel arrived in the post from Maureen - she had seen the little snap purse I made with that quilted type fabric and mentioned she had some cream and would I like it....  I haven't found the cream one before so very pleased to have a piece and now she is going to help with some ideas on what to sew on it besides the daisies and french knots.  I'm not very imaginative - probably should get myself an embroidery stitches book.  Any recommendations?

I sewed the tree, grass and horizontal fence post at sewing on Tuesday and now have the other fence posts and other bits ready for sewing up this week.  this is the last block for From the Heart before tackling the border applique.

Righto, Gotto Go.... I have set up my new stitchery for tracing so that is this mornings entertainment sorted....

Hope you have a lovely week... catch up soon...xx


1 Chantal said...

WOW! That's a lot of FG fabrics. The pieces look big too like fat quarters. Awesome! Cute Santa. Kind of vintage Santa. I know you'll have fun with this one. Love the ripple effect on the quilt but which quilt did you do the ripples on? Is it one of yours? The tags are such a cute idea! I love them! Enjoy your week. Happy stitching. ;^)

2 Kaisievic said...

Wow! Lucky girl to be gifted such lovely FG fabbie.

3 Karen's Korner said...

Lucky you scoring those FG fabrics. Love those star blocks....very effective with a shadow?

4 Julie said...

What beautiful French General fabrics you were gifted Fiona .. & that pattern is a darling too. I would definately have put my hands up for those beauties.

5 Susan said...

What lovely friends you have!

6 Jennifer said...

You have had a lucky week, Fiona! I have a couple of embroidery stitch books, have had them forever....I can let you have their details, if you like. They are quite precious these days. There is a lot on the internet, but a book you can carry round and refer to is still very useful.

7 Ondrea said...

Enjoy your yummy FG fabrics.Your little bird houses are sweet. So many lovely projects happening.

8 Janice said...

You have been spoiled with fabric and patterns. Have fun with them.

9 Linda K's Stitching Corner said...

You are so talented - wow....I love all of your Quilt Blocks - Your Bird Houses - and so on. Wow.

Everything is so pretty - so cute and adorable

Take care & Happy Stitching
Linda K, Buttercup

10 Shelina said...

Those birdhouses look cute as tags. I still haven't finished last year's Beautiful World stitching, but I might add a birdhouse or two to it.

11 Lin said...

Lovely stash of FG fabrics. The little tags are looking very sweet and I like your teal fishes. My teals are all a bit dark and boring. The best stitch resource I have found is on Sharon Boggon's website Pintangle. I know its always good to have a book but her illustrations are so clear and she offers some super variations. xx

12 Cheryll said...

I'm exhausted just ReADinG what you got up to this week... lots of wonderful projects. Lucky you scoring the beautiful FG fabrics... xox

13 kiwikid said...

Wonderful French General fabrics and pattern, your stars are coming along well and the birdhouses are very cute! Love that they are going to be decorations.

14 Karen S said...

Have fun with the fabric and patterns. Marina has been very generous.
I am loving the stars and the bird houses.
And those fishies are super cute.

15 marina said...

Your stars look so pretty. Great way to use the stitcheries as ornaments.
looks like you couldn't wait to start on the santa stitchery. I really loved doing that one . You may have noticed that I altered it a little by adding a sack I think. In case you were wondering what the extra paper was in there.
I'm looking forward to seeing what loveliness you create with those fabrics.

16 Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

How lovely to get a bunch of FG fabric from Marina! You'll have lots of fun with that I am sure! I love your birdhouse tags and your teal fish! xx

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