Saturday, February 19, 2022

FNSI ..... and the rest of the week

I'm going backwards with my week.....

Thanks Wendy for having us for FNSI ......  always a fun time to sew and then catch up with what others have made...

I did this sweet Field Journal embroidery.....

I then continued with some birdhouses which I had started earlier this week .....

These ones were finished into tags this week....

and the applique block was finished too.....  I now have some machine sewing blocks to do and start putting the main centre together.... still some needleturn on a border...

I spotted a blue banded bee looking for food around the fernery.... hard to get a picture...

... can see it's stripes a bit better here... they are fat little bees - a bit bigger than the usual honey bee

Mr Postie swung by with a lovely gift from Michelle....

It is totally the perfect saying to be hanging in my sewing room!!!

Thank you so much my friend...

Righto, Gotto Go..... we have noticed a decent crop of olives on our tree so are going off to pick some and then next week we will start soaking in brine.  I did a try a few years ago and they tasted really good.  

Hope you all have a lovely weekend......xx


1 Sharon Kwilter said...

Such lovely projects, I especially love the applique.

2 kiwikid said...

Lovely stitched flowers Fiona, your bird houses are so cute! Lovely applique and that was a great spot of the bee. Beautiful gift from Michelle. Good luck with the olives.

3 Rosie said...

Lots of lovely things being stitched at your place. Gives me inspiration to get going on some of mine!

4 Helen said...

Great stitching.....gorgeous gift as well.....good luck with your olives....

5 Jennifer said...

Those little bees are very cute, they pop in here from time to time. What a lovely gift from Michelle, how special is that!

6 Lin said...

Surprised you have olives - they are a winter crop where we visit friends in Spain. Beautiful gift from Michelle and some pretty little stitcheries. Your bee is cute too. xx

7 Chantal said...

Wonderful post, Fiona. I love how the stitches in the Field Journal's flower look like a stitch we do with crochet. Very nice. You are progressing very well with the tiny birdhouses. Love, love, love your applique block. Love the red background too. I didn't know bees in Australia had blue bands. I googled it up and that is very interesting. Thanks for sharing for mentioning that. Is Michelle is spoiling you again? What she did is simply gorgeous. I think she knew exactly what to do for your sewing room. Enjoy! ;^)

8 Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Love the variegated thread you used for the flowers in the first photo, and what a lovely pressie from Michelle! xx

9 Ondrea said...

Loving your stitching and applique. Michelle's gift is beautiful and so apt. Enjoy.

10 marina said...

your needleturn is as perfect and beautiful as your stitching.
lovely mini from Michelle.
love the chubby little bee.
Enjoy your olive preserving!

11 Maria said...

Pretty Field Journal block with stitched with the variegated thread.
Sweet bird houses...
Lovely Needle-turn block and beautiful gift from Michelle.

12 loulee said...

Such lovely projects. How lucky to receive such a pretty wall hanging.
Oh Yum, I love olives.

13 Anorina @SameliasMum said...

You've had a busy week. I think your little stitched tags are lovely and what a lovely gift from Michelle. Lucky lady :)

14 Michelle Ridgway said...

Such lovely embroidery and stitching....such sweet birdhouses. Your applique is beautiful! LOVE seeing the bluebanded bees buzzing special! So glad you have found a spot for the mini....and it can remondmyou to sew FASTER lol! Good luck with your olives...sadly not a fan here xxx

15 Karen S said...

Gosh, you have been busy.
The little bird houses look great and I love the field journal bloc.
I have never seen those blue banded bees. They are rather gorgeous chubby little fellows.

16 Susan said...

Very cute birdhouses - I love that they are becoming tags, and of course, the rest is gorgeous too - always the busy lady.
Like Michelle - have fun with the olives - but not a fan myself.

17 WoolenSails said...

Your stitcheries are beautiful and love the idea of using them as tags, a nice personal touch with a gift.
I miss olives, cannot eat those anymore.


18 Raewyn said...

Sweet stitcheries, Fiona. The birdhouse tags have turned out extra cute. I haven't heard of a blue banded bee before - interesting! What a beautiful gift from Michelle ♥

19 Pink Rose said...

Hi Fiona beautiful stitchery I love the colours and what a wonderful surprise from Michelle ,it sure is you to a T.
Oh that bee is cute ,he looks like he is wearing a yellow jumper,thankyou for sharing him with us,take care lovely lady 💕💕

20 Janice said...

Such lovely projects. We occasionally see blue handed bees. It’s always exciting when we do.

21 Vicki said...

Lovely stitcheries. Good luck with the olives.

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