Sunday, August 16, 2020

Bits and bobs....

A fair amount of fiddling around has been happening...

I have finished the stitching on this piece for  Natalie Birds banner.... still have a few more to do

I thought I'd show some quilting I did for an all over request.  I noticed some butterflies in the fabric and so did a meander with butterflies.....

when it was all done I went back over the meander and through the middle of the butterfly to create a ribbon effect....

Looks so much nicer with the ribbon instead of one line.... this is how it looks from the back... gives a lovely texture but still light quilting ...

I am preparing for a retreat with the Sunday Stitchers... my lovely Tim Holt fabrics have been cut for the block shapes.... in the middle are some pretty fabrics I will sew together for a baby quilt and in the big box is my next red and cream pineapple quilt.... I cut up all that was in my scrap baskets for them and will see how far they go....

I then messed around trying to make a template I can use (instead of EPP) some little half dresdens....
The first one is far too big but it has the right amount of blades.... the second one is the right size but only 5 blades... but I feel I can manage that size so will stick with that.... they are for a later border on my Love quilt....

This week I want to start cutting pieces for this round.... elongated hexagons and squares.... they are small and fiddly but I've procrastinated long enough....

Righto, Gotto Go.... we had some lovely rain yesterday and when the fog lifts we will be out and about today.... but in the meantime I smell the fresh coffee and I need some ....

Have a lovely Sunday...


1 Ondrea said...

Love your banner stitchery. Pretty blue flowers. The quilting is lovely and does look better with the extra lines. Hope you have a fun time on the retreat. Lots of preparation there.

2 Michelle Ridgway said...

Your banner is lovely and beautiful quilting 💗 Enjoy your time with the SS girls xx

3 Jane said...

I like how optimistic you are with how much you will get done on retreat :) Love your little dresden fan. It's one of those blocks that's on my to do list, they can be so versatile.

4 simplestitches said...

love that banner stitchery...and you have been busy with the cutting...enjoy your coffee

5 Jennifer said...

Such pretty blue flowers! Love the butterfly quilting, butterflies joined by ribbons is a lovely effect. Have fun at your retreat!

6 Maria said...

The ribbons and butterflies look great . You do such lovely quilting.....
You are sew organised for the retreat with the ladies .
Chatted with a couple of the Sunday Stitchers on Zoom with Chooky today.
Bet you enjoyed your coffee.

7 Chantal said...

I love the ribbon effect in the quilting. It is soooo much nicer than just one line. I need to try this technique the next time I make a scrap basket. I'm procrastinating on that front... but I'll get it done. Love the stitches on the banner. Enjoy the retreat. ;^)

8 Cheryll said...

I'm sure you will have a great time on retreat. You've prepared lots of sewing so lots to see once you return home. EnJoY...xox

9 kiwikid said...

Your quilting is beautiful, love the butterflies. You are well prepared for your retreat, have a wonderful time. I am interested to see your Tim Holtz come together. Good luck with your epp.

10 Pink Rose said...

Good morning my lovely friend,oh i love your beautiful work,and the butterfly FMQ is beautiful ,well done my friend .Have lots of fun on your retreat,stay safe and take care Fiona xx

11 My Sister Made Me Do It.... said...

Love what you have done with the FMQ is perfect for that quilt! them!

12 Karen's Korner said...

You look well prepared for some serious sewing at the retreat. Looking forward to seeing your r/cream pineapple quilt.

13 Julie said...

Your banner looks wonderful Fiona. I have not done that block as yet. I love the quilting you have done ... just gorgeous. I hope you enjoy your retreat & get lots of projects done.

14 WoolenSails said...

The stitchery is beautiful and I do love how fill stitching, looks in a piece.
The butterfly design is perfect for the quilt and a nice idea for floral quilts too.


15 Louise said...

I had to double check that your first photo was actually stitches and not a printed piece. Your work is so precise and lovely! The ribbon quilting does look better than a single line. Someday I might be patient enough to go back and do a second line, but usually when I'm finished with that one long line, I'm happy to stop for good! :)

16 Karen S said...

You have been very busy. I like the way the quilting turned out. That ribbon effect works so well. Love it.
Looks like a lot of preparation going on for projects, but we can't get out of that.

17 marina said...

Your projects are always so beautiful.
How lucky you are to be going anywhere let alone on a retreat lol

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