Saturday, August 8, 2020

August FNWF

Thanks Cheryll for hosting FNWF last evening......

We had a nice little shower of rain in the afternoon.... lovely.

I worked on the crochet border for my blanket.... each round takes a while now but I am impatient of having it lying around now so determined nothing else till it is done..... a few more rows of double crochet to give it a border and it will be done....

Hubz found some footy on TV which I don't really like so I just crocheted and got lost in my own thoughts.... then the game finished and he found cricket on TV, which I like, but that got rain delayed, and then we turned to golf which I don't mind but I had trouble keeping my eyes open....

But I got one round finished and that was my goal!

... woken up to a misty day, so I have stoked up the fire and I'll go and play...

I did treat myself to this pattern and fabrics this week from The Quilters Angel....
Nice simple blocks to show off fabrics and it will be a perfect man quilt... I am going to cut out the pieces as this is what I want to make at retreat with Sunday Stitchers ladies in a couple of weeks time.....

Gotta love a pile of delicious fabrics to play with....  and then I will visit and see what all the others who joined in last night got up to....

Righto, Gotto Go... hope you have a lovely weekend


1 Susan said...

Looking forward to seeing it come together...yes - very manly. The blanket looks warm & cosy - and not a project you would want hanging over until summer.

2 retdairyqueen said...

Great fabrics for a man quilt

3 Michelle Ridgway said...

Your blanket is looking lovely and nice and cosy to work on. Nice treat from QA. Rainy day here yesterday too!

4 Cheryll said...

EnJoY your "playtime"... in a warm & dry space.
Your crochet is progressing nicely too. Thanks for joining in FNwF...xox

5 kiwikid said...

Love the Tim Holtz fabrics, and that looks like a great pattern.
Your crochet blanket is coming along well, sometimes you are close to a finish and just want to get it done. I successfully avoided the footie 😁

6 Maria said...

Well done on a border round on your crocheted rug.
Oh how nice to be joining the Sunday Stitchers for retreat .
That will be a great quilt to make while there..

7 Janice said...

Crochet is a nice, no think project for the evening. You must be pleased you are getting towards the finish line.

8 Louise said...

I love Tim Holtz's fabric lines. I think I have that same bundle, plus a few jelly roll strips. It's good to have some manly options in the stash, just in case :)

9 WoolenSails said...

I wish we would get more rain, the grass is drying up so hopefully we will get more this week.
Beautiful yarns for a blanket. I need a fabric fix, but hard to find anything locally and most of the stores online are always out of stock, for ones I want.


10 Jennifer said...

A very cosy blanket, for sure! Those are interesting fabrics - looking forward to seeing what they become.

11 KaHolly said...

I no sooner read that you stoked up the fire when I got a whiff of smoke! Pretty weird!

12 Helen said...

The blanket looks warm & cosy - great colours for a man’s quilt.

13 loulee said...

Those do look like blokey fabrics. They can be hard to find. I'll look forward to seeing your progress on this one and a better look at the fabrics.

14 Chookyblue...... said...

That's a lovely bunch of fabrics to use in the pattern..... Have fun at your retreat......

15 Raewyn said...

Oh I know that feeling - so close to finishing a blanket but it takes forever to do a round!! Your crochet looks very cosy. Good self control not starting something else! That looks like a great man-bundle. Lucky you having a retreat coming up.

16 Karen's Korner said...

A delicious looking bundle of fabrics there. Yep a project gets to a point and needs to be finished.

17 Ondrea said...

Your crochet is looking lovely. Love your fabrics for the new quilt. Enjoy.

18 Sharon Kwilter said...

I look forward to seeing the finished crochet blanket. I love the colors. And those fabric fat quarters are lovely too. Have fun using them.

19 Lin said...

Isnt it a nice feeling when you get to the end of a round! Looking good. Those fabrics do look rather nice too. xx

20 Karen S said...

If it is a cool day it is perfect for getting the crochet going. I am not that keen on watching sport but will happily do it if I can stitch or knit at the same time as watching.
Lovely fabric bundle there. Looks good.

21 Susie H said...

Those are absolutely beautiful fabrics. I can see why they had to come home with you! As for the sports, that happens around my house too. Some of it I like, some of it I get engrossed in whatever I have in my lap. Sometimes it leads to a snooze!

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