Wednesday, August 5, 2020

A gift....

My lovely friend Michelle had a birthday last week.  Stuck at home as there has been virus nearby, but Mr Postie was very good to get her gift from me exactly on the right day!

This cushion pattern was a project provided in the Field Journal Club (the lovely little botanical prints that I have been embroidering)

Each of the houses was done in a different main colour

... using the Cottage Garden Threads which are very prettily variegated....

I love all the detail added to the houses....

I used some civil war fabric I had with colours that matched for the applique and back of the cushion

It is only a small cushion with the idea it would be a nice one for Michelle to rest her arms on whilst she is stitching......

.... but it a good football size too if she needs something to throw....

The patterns are sweet and I loved stitching them... 

Take care everyone, keep safe, keep stitching

Righto, Gotto Go..... food to cook.. one pot roast chicken and vegetables tonight 


1 Jennifer said...

That is very pretty - such a sweet gift!

2 Michelle Ridgway said...

I adore my beautiful gift xxxx The stitching is just gorgeous! Big hugs xxoo

3 Chantal said...

Excellent work on this cushion. Just perfect for a sweet friend. ;^)

4 Allie said...

Absolutely gorgeous! That's a lucky birthday girl!

5 Karen's Korner said...

Your stitching is amazing. Cute houses.

6 kiwikid said...

Beautiful gift for Michelle, very cute pattern, the houses are lovely.

7 Julie said...

Thats just so beautiful Fiona. Lovely design & colours you have used & love the vareigated threads. Must pop over to Michelle's & wish her a happy birthday.

8 Susan said...

I love the details too - just gorgeous!

9 Karen S said...

What a gorgeous gift. Your stitching is beautiful. Lovely design and great choice of fabric, too.

10 Terry said...

It's so pretty! :0)

11 Jane said...

that's lovely Fiona, lucky Michelle

12 Pink Rose said...

Hi Fiona this was a perfect gift for Michelle ,oh those houses are adorable and the fabric will look fantastic in Michelle's home well done my friend on the perfect gift xx

13 KaHolly said...

Fiona, this little cushion is absolutely delightful! I’m sure Michelle was over the moon when she unwrapped it. What a good friend you are! XO

14 Louise said...

I love that one house is up on stilts! Safe from the storm surge :)

15 Lin said...

Absolutely beautiful! xx

16 Janice said...

Just beautiful! I'm sure Michelle loves it and hopefully refrains from using it as a football.

17 Raewyn said...

Such a lovely gift Fiona. Beautiful stitching.

18 Ondrea said...

How gorgeous is that! Love the arched stitching in different colours. Michelle will be treasuring it.

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