I've had a few blocks for Splendid Sampler I have had to catch up on.....
All sorts of techniques and degrees of difficulty with these blocks....
Not managing perfect edges - my dress is not a good fit and my lemon is lumpy .... I had to unpick parts of my heart ...grrrrrr. Quite a few of the blocks have not come out the correct size.
The blocks pile is getting impressive - I think I have about 35 of them done now...
I wanted to show you closer work of Widget's quilt for our dog..... I had a pile of squares already cut up so he just chose the ones he wanted and put them up together. It was impressive to see how confident he was with the machine... the seams were not straight but they hold together.
He even did the quilting himself.... used decorative stitches and every single line had to be in a different colour and a different pattern......
He learnt how to choose the patterns but I was doing the threading of the maching...
We ended up doing self binding bringing the extra from the backing over to the front.... again a different pattern and colour chosen to sew them down.
I thought he did a great job with it....and experimented a bit too. It's lovely to see youngsters so brave and keen to create.
I am enjoying the Dutch Treat blocks and working on some in the evenings ....
The sewn part of the blocks is finishing at 3 1/2" to give you an idea of size
5 of Diamonds |
It is hard getting those edges done.... they are small and not perfect... threads show in the corners and some fraying is happening....
90 Degrees |
Like widgets quilt and my splendid blocks ... perfection is not there but I am learning lots and having fun.
Righto, Gotto Go ...... I still have some more Splendid Sampler blocks to catch up on and Dutch Treat blocks to trace out...
Have a lovely stitchy week......x

Oh, didn't he have fun with that quilt and well done you for letting him just doing whatever he felt was right. Funnily enough, it was the dress block that caught my eye, I didn't even notice the lines until you said. It looks like a fun quilt to do
Lovely SS blocks Fiona. Some of them are a bit tricky, but you've done a great job. Oh that quilt from Widget is cute
Hi my lovely friend,i love your blocks and i bet you are so proud of Widget ,he did an awesome job of the blanket,well done Widget ....
Love the blocks Fiona and love Widget's quilt... Especially the fancy stitches and binding!
Splendid Sampler blocks looks great. Well done to your clever boy....awesome job! Cheering you on with DT xx
Widget did a great job on his quilt! Just remember......finished is better than perfect.
I don't have any quilts that are not wonky or have mistakes, that is just my style, lol.
Widgets quilt came out wonderfully and a fun way to learn.
You be careful what you sow, Fiona. Widget might get the sewing bug and you'll lose your sewing machine every time he comes to visit. lol. (I know, you would really be proud if that came true.) He explored the different stitches on your machine very well. That's so cool. Did he made a label too? This very important day has to be remembered somehow; Widget very first quilt. Precious little boy. I find your SS blocks lovely. You did an excellent job. I found a saying not so long ago that I really like. It goes like this; we were born to be real, not perfect. I am so into that lol. Love Dutch Treat too and starting to regret not participating. ;^)
Congrats to Widget, he's done a mighty job of that quilt!
Lovely work on the Splendid blocks - we see only a thread or two out of place, but you see more than that - we are our own harshest critics sometimes!
Well done Widget. Fabulous job on the quilt for Tarka. The blocks for both quilts look great. Hugs, xx
I think Widget did a fantastic job - he must be very happy with it. That second Dutch Treat block leaves me speechless...it looks absolutely fine from here...but they will be perfect by the time you get through some more.
Hello Fiona and Little Widget.
What a special quilt made by LW so much detail in the stitching,a wonderful quilt and it will be interesting to see what he sews next time.
Happy days.
I am impressed with how people are keeping up with the SS blocks. I love the inventiveness of Widgets quilt - what's his next project! xx
Your blocks are beautiful and handmade doesn't have to be perfect!! Well done Widget on his sewing and quilting skills...a quilter in the making!! he has a wonderful role model!!
WOW Widget has done an impressive job with his quilting, well done....yes we often think youngsters can't do stuff but the 4-5 yr old munchkins in my room at work I've been teaching them to knit for the last few weeks and last week one of them actually did two whole rows without me helping or saying anything the look on her face was priceless and I was so proud of her I could have bust a button!
Your splendid sampler blocks are progressing along nicely and I too love seeing the variety in the block styles being offered, will be interesting to see how they'll be put together once it's done :) Barb.
Perfection is well over-rated!!! Unless it happens by accident.
I think all is looking good and as long as it works for you it is fine.
I love the work on your grandson's quilt and i agree that it is wonderful that he is willing to give it a go. Very special.
And those dutch treat blocks scare the daylights out of me!
The blocks do look complicated but lovely, funny we can see our mistakes but no one else can. I love the way children do not have inhibitions with colours or patterns and just go for it, Widget should be very proud of his quilt, let's hope he has got the bug now and carries on. He has a great teacher Xcx
The SS blocks are looking great. Like you some of mine are smaller than 6 1/2"s ... Have decided NOT to do PP ones , not my thing.
Widget did a wonderful job of choosing fabrics, threads and different stitches for the doggy quilt. Wonder if he'd like to make one for my Lacy?
Your DT blocks are sew tiny and you are doing a fantastic job making them.
Fun is the name of the game!
Your blocks look lovely.and definitely a degree of difficulty.
Widget did a great job of his first quilt.
Those Dutch treat blocks are lovely and look very tricky. Enjoy
The blocks look great and Widget has done a fantastic job! Remember what the Amish say about their quilts - only God is perfect :) xxx
Love your blocks and Widget is soo clever!!! Need to get back to mine!
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