Monday, January 25, 2016

FNSI and this weeks Design Wall

Thanks to Wendy from SugarLane Designs for having us over for FNSI ... it's always lovely sewing with everyone.  I had real time sewing with friends too .. there was about 15 of us and it got pretty noisy!! haha

I was sewing violets on this little teapot.....

... and again on Saturday night so this is finished now..... 

All four teapots are done for the corners for my table topper and this brings me to this weeks Design Board hosted by Cath at Bits 'n Bobs ..

First up is planning for the teapots and teacups...
I want them to go around the edge with the green fabric as sashing and border and then a patchwork from a Butterscoth and Roses charm pack that I have.  I think all the colours go nicely together and I want the stitcheries to be the noticeable thing in the quilt.

What I need to do is fiddle around with sizes of sashings and what to cut the blocks too... not my strong point at all!

I also have a bundle of pretty romantic fabrics awaiting .. they are included on the Design Board as I still want to add a few more darker colours but will need to go shopping for that (do I hear an "Aaaaaah ... poor Fiona having to go shopping for fabric!")

This is going to be for "The Splendid Sampler"  hosted by Pat Sloan and Jane Davidson.  Not that I really need another sampler but I couldn't resist.  Stitchers from all over the world have joined up and I love community sewing groups ... these fabrics I had in the cupboard luckily awaiting for the perfect project and now I've found it!

I have finished last weeks quilt and have worked out the design for this weeks....  these are other peoples quilts so I'm not able to show the finished quilt and this doesn't really show what it will look like!  I do tell people my quilting is better than my drawing!!! haha

Do you remember my tuffet?    Well my DIL paid  me such a compliment by asking me to do her one in similar fabrics.... so these are on my design wall and I will be sewing them together on Thursday,  I am not making the tuffet up as she is doing an upholstery course and can do that herself.....

My box for 6" Sampler blocks was overflowing last week ...... and a friend found another box just the right size but with no lid... so the base of my last box is going to be the lid of this new box.... 

The reason it is on my Design Board is because I want to make the lid a bit prettier....

.. and of course life would not be good for me without a bit of handstitching... so this is happening.... which may or may not be a secret surprise!

My lovely second pile of 9 patches is on the Design Board too as I want to get a start on cutting some sashing for the blocks... I am using light neutral pieces ...

... that's a fair amount to get done .... especially as I am decorating my sewing room at long last with a selection of mini quilts sent to me over the years....

Hubz is off work today ... so I needed to find him jobs to do that suit me... or he gets into his own stuff!!! 

Righto, Gotto Go.. he's up from his snooze and needs supervising - and much excitement it is raining... I hope we get heaps


1 Michelle said...

Lovely stitching!

2 Michelle Ridgway said...

My goodness....your beautiful stitching is keeping you busy and out of mischief. Love it all x

Anonymous said...

hi my lovely friend sounds like you had a great Friday night,wow i love your tea pots and good heavens you have been busy,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

4 Jane said...

oh what a busy time you are going to have, can't wait to see all the different projects begin to take shape

5 Cheryl said...

Love your little teapots Fiona. And gorgeous fabrics for the Splendid Sampler

6 Janet said...

Oh my, you have been busy! The teapot with violets is very pretty.

7 Narelle said...

Wow! Lots of gorgeous projects on your design board.
Love the idea of your feature mini quilts wall and keeping Hubz busy :o)

8 Maria said...

You do have a lot on your design wall Fiona... Good luck with all your lovely projects and quilting....
Look forward to seeing your walls decorated with your minis...

9 Käthe said...

Wow ! Very lovely stitching ! I love little teapots !

10 Susan said...

So much to show!
Lucky you don't need to make the tuffet..those teapots will be so pretty.

11 Jennifer said...

It's been raining here too. yay! Good to see you have had a productive weekend.

12 Anthea said...

So much happening at your needles Fiona... love your Splendid fabrics... and the little teapot stitchery is super-cute... have fun decorating your room!

13 marina said...

lots of loveliness in your post. can't wait to see your teacups and pots come together. the fabrics look great.
New sampler sounds good, will happily follow your progress.
hope you got a decent drop of rain!

14 Flickenstichlerin said...

Dear Fiona,
lovely post to read, and what a fun way to spend FNSI with 15 friends, awesome. Like the supervision part because I really can relate to it.

15 Allie-oops Designs said...

I think you need a bigger design wall, lol!!! Such loveliness, Fiona! And I love your mini-quilt display!

16 Sue SA said...

Your a very busy lady! Love the start of your mini quilt gallery, look forward to seeing it finished. Very sweet stitcheries and still in love with your nine patches.

17 Deb R said...

Now who is busy??? Love your design wall, I need to finish a lot of things this year, Ill be joining too :)

18 Helen said...

Lots going on at your place, love your stitcheries !

19 Barb said...

Love your tea pots

20 kiwikid said...

Lots of creative happiness at your place Fiona!! Love the tea pots..looking forward to seeing that together...and your sampler!! Hope you kept hubby busy and out of trouble!! Lol!! My 6 inch blocks fit inside the front cover of the book!!! Lol!! Better get a few more made soon!!

21 Karen S said...

You do have a lot planned. I can't imagine having so many blocks that they need a bigger box - wow! Good luck with all your planing and stitching.

22 Elyte said...

You sure are a busy quilter. Then you have to fit in all the normal day stuff too.

23 Lin said...

Had a long comment written and the firefox crashed - again!! Much frustration here. Suffice to say I love the tuffet colours. xx

24 KaHolly said...

You sure know how to keep busy!

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