I'm linking up to Melody's Tuesday Treasure ...
This is a central bed in the backyard......
..... you can see it has become a bit of a jungle....
Hubz used a 4 wheel drive to remove bushes....
I got out the power tools for some chopping of the smaller stuff...
(My family get nervous at this stage... I have been known to cut through power cords!)
there was a really persistent plant that amused us...
Hubz did most of the work and this is the comparison at the end of the weekend...
just a bit more tidying up and then we can let it grass over....
Job done.. (oh and we found 3 missing balls - dog is happy)
I get a bit too tired so I needed some soothing therapy....
and for the handsewing in the evenings a bit of this ....
and this ....
without the mechnical power of tools (and vehicles) it would have taken a lot longer
so they really were a treasure this weekend
Do you powertool???
Righto, Gotto Go.... things to sew ....

I have my own jigsaw ... and scrollsaw ... and circular saw! I used to play around with making small wooden items, and even made a bench 10 years ago that still sits on my front porch :) I don't do much woodworking any more, though - I really should fire up the scrollsaw and cut out some wooden flamingos for my front yard, lol!
I don't powertool Fiona. I'm dangerous enough with a hose! I tend to talk and gesticulate with the hose and squirt anyone silly enough to stand closeby. Good on you for a job well done. Time to dash out and buy some lovely flowers to put in that bed?
fiona that will give you so much more room in your back yard.Lol,i dont trust myself with power tools can honestly say i have never used one.xx
now that a job well done .... good team work
in stitches
The yard looks great now Fiona. Yes I have a Brush Cutter too but not with a cord. I would cut it for sure.LOL.
and of course you need theropy afterwards..
Gotta love the power tools!! Good job, although I would have been tempted to leave that persistent plant, lol!
Yeah - of course I have power tools - a sewing machine, an iron (for patchwork - not clothes) - they are tools and they use power - right??
Your garden will be recovered in no time at all! Is that maybe a rainbow I see you stitching?
That's a huge job to get done. But very satisfying. I do agree - it's great to have the power tools. They save so much time and effort.
Now you are ready to plant out again!
That was a lot of work, even with power tools! Well done! And I really like your sewing projects! Sweet!
I'm with susan, the only power tools I use are the sewing machine and iron (not for the clothes, hubby does that most of the time!) I also use a Kindle and my computer :o)
Great progress but if I was to do that my eyes would be popping out and driving me mad with their itching :o)
Go Fiona..what a great job done on the yard...my husband is the one with all the powertools for his work and he sometimes lets me 'have a go' if he is doing something at home (though usually I am the 'labourer')
Oh we power tool! More him than me. We have a field at the side of our house so need a sit on mower, we have chopped trees down with a chainsaw (do like the "we") LOL I help! I shout instructions!!! We have 2.1/2 acres so would never manage without power tools. That was a lot of work you did in a weekend...well done!!! Hugs
Wow! You did give the garden a good going over!! No, no power tools here! I'll stick to my sewing machine, thanks!
I know someone else that cut through a power cord on a hedge trimmer! (not me, hub)
Very nice garden tidy up lovely therapy afterwards.
Yes I own a power tool...2 actually. Hubby and a sewing machine...lol !
Huby does the work like yours and I do the work like quilting... :)
Great story Fi...
I bet you get more pricks from needles and pins , which are quick and hurt like hell for a minute than big trouble with a power saw , do like the tiered hand piecing or what ever what is it ?
Power tools - the only way to prune is a cry I have heard & debated against lots. In your case it worked a treat, great job. Love your rainbow. Tracee xx
I have problems even hammering in half a dozen nails without using a bagful! lol You and your hubz did a marvellous job. You chose an excellent way to recover afterwards, too.
Looked like you meant business and you and hubby made quite a change , looks great. Oh and no you would never see me with that power tool :-) I'd probably cut myself . Hugs Sheila
That has opened up your back yard heaps. Will be great once the grass grows over it. Of course you needed that therapy afterwards.
Oh and power tools. I have been known to use the odd thing at times, but I prefer Susan's type to the other ones.
OH! I do love your gardening tips...not going to show my hubby might give him ideas
Job well done! You deserved some sewing time, for sure.
Are you sure you are not Mr. R. in disguise. His nickname is Dr. Hackin-a-bush!! He is lethal to all vegetation with a power tool. Boy it looks like you guys really worked hard and well and truly earned your quiet time. You would have been there for ages doing it by hand.
lovely job on the yard Fiona ... and the grass will cover that patch in no time at all .... great job ...
as for power tools .... i used to have some ... but they only lead to work ... so i gave them to the children .... now if i need stuff done .. i just get them to do it for me ... cos they have all these great tools I gave them ... and last time hubby used a power tool ... (blower vac) he was removing the leaves from a gutter and fell off the roof ... landed on his head which was lucky .. and now he is not allowed to play with things unless he is supervised by an adult ....
Sometimes it feels good to make these kinds of changes. Great stuff!
I don't mind using power tools but my hubs is much more talented. He's stronger which gives him an edge, I think.
What a difference you guys made! Was that little tree there in the middle of all that or did you put it there afterwards? Love the plant growing up through the birdbath! LOL
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