Friday, January 24, 2025

4th week of January

Michelle and I are endeavouring to get back on track with our Caswell blocks (Marina if your ears burn it's because we are muttering!!!)  Lots of little pieces and odd curves in this quilt...

This is my Block 6 (there are 30 and a border!) It will be gorgeous and I do so much enjoy needleturn.

Last weekend I did another garment making day and made myself a dress from some vintage fabric given to me by a friend.....

A little more adjustment is needed on the front but it is nice and cool and comfortable

Tuesday sewing with friends I did the handsewing of this binding

I've called it Birch Forest and I don't remember when I made the top

Quilted in an all over woodgrain/topography style

This quilt is 79 x 64" .  The backing is quite fun and bright too.

I have brought out my Sashiko 365 out to play for handsewing at night.....  some blocks take long, others are quite quick....

Soon I will need to have a drawing out session again..... I am up to 90 I think

My local daughters partner has a couple of younger daughters who struggle holding the cards when they play UNO so I quickly made up a couple of card holders for them....

I raided the old Box Sets for CD's

Nifty little things..... good for anyone having difficulty holding cards... loads of tutorials on line

I have a new crochet project too for when my eyes are too tired at night, 

This will be a cot blanket for KOGO....

It is actually quite a pretty shade of blue and is based on another of Attic 24's patterns.

That's my crafting week ..... 

Righto, Gotto Go... hot day expected here so I'll stay indoors and sew... perhaps we will get a jigsaw out ..... have a lovely weekend...xx


Jeanette said...

The Caswell block is pretty. The quilt is lovely. What a great idea for holding cards

kiwikid said...

Beautiful Caswell block Fiona, and a lovely dress. I really like that quilt and the quilting and your sashiko is gorgeous. One of the local quilting ladies makes those card holders, she sold a lot at the exhibition. They are a great idea. Beautiful baby blanket, that will be much loved.

Astrid said...

Your appliqued block is so beautiful! Love your finished quilt! Pretty fabric for your dress too, it looks comfy. Such a great idea to make card holders out of CDs! Love your crochet project too, nice pattern. Hot and humid here, rain yesterday makes it even worse.

Maria said...

The Caswell block is beautiful.
Nice bight finish.
A lovely cool dress for you.
You’ve been keeping busy with the Sashiko stitching.
Those card holder are a fantastic idea.
The crocheted block will make a great baby blanket.

Karen's Korner said...

A busy week for you. Love the colour graduation in Birch forest. Great idea for the card holder. I could have done with one when Miss M stayed with us during the holidays. I seemed to end up with more cards than the others.

Janice said...

The Caswell Quiltis stunning. I look forward to watching yours evolve. The card holders are a great idea and you did make them pretty. Enjoy working on your other projects.

Sue2sew said...

Hi Fiona,
You have had a productive week. I love the Birch quilt with the stripes running both ways and your choice of quilting. Great work. Sue

Sue2sew said...

I've also made a dozen or so card holders recently for my friends grandchildren and my grandchildren. This has spread as I took them out to hand stitch. Everywhere I went people wanted to put in orders. They are popular with older people as well as young people to manage their hands of cards. x

Lin said...

Pretty fabric for your new dress and your Caswell block is gorgeous. Lovely finish of your quilt, gorgeous colours and the card holders look like a great idea. Have a great weekend. xx

Chantal said...

Always fun to see a Caswell's block. Was the fabric printed with the rick rack on the blue flower or did you add that? You did a perfect job of cutting that one ... and all the others too. Congrats on the garment sewing day finish. It does look light and comfy. But that quilt! Wow! That's a lot of strip piecing. I see the birch forest. Card holders! I love this. I have to bring this idea to my club. Maybe we can do some for a residence or two. Enjoy your crochet time. It already looks good. ;^)

loulee said...

So much happening. Love your Caswell block and your Birch forest. The card holders are a great idea, we use something similar at work.

Michelle Ridgway said...

Your number 6 is pretty...number 5 is begun....yes Marina there is muttering lol! Birch Forest is an effective design. Wow didn't realise you'd done 90 Sashiko blocks! The cardholders are a near idea....lovely crochet xx

Julie said...

Caswell is gorgeous Fiona. Love the colours & the style of the dress you have sewed. You have made me want to get back to clothes making for myself! I have never seen those cardholders before but what a great idea they are!! xx

Cheryll said...

And a wonderful craft week it looked. Lots going on up your way... keep up the good work on the Caswell blocks...xox

Susan said...

Those card holders are so clever
Love the Birch Forest quilt - great use of many different coloured fabrics

WoolenSails said...

That block is gorgeous, love the colors and fabric choices. The card holder is a fun idea. You have so many projects going on, I am lucky if I can finish one a week.

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

I've seen patterns for card holders before and wondered if they were any good - looks like they might be, and yours are pretty too! Love the quilting on your forest quilt, perfect for it! xx

Barwitzki said...

It's wonderful to have light, airy summer dresses. I sew one for myself every now and then. It's a lovely pattern that you use.
Your birch forest quilt is beautiful.
And the card holders are just great.
Lots of love from Viola.
Best wishes for you and have fun crocheting.

Karen S said...

You have a mountain of projects on the go.
I especially like the card holders. Great idea.

Anonymous said...

Keep calm and carry on making Caswell blocks!
Beautiful and I think I need to get the cheerleader outfit on to encourage you and Michelle lol

Anonymous said...

Oops that anonymous comment was from me

marina said...

Try again the keep calm comment was from me. Seems I’ve forgotten how to blog and comment

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