Sunday, June 19, 2022

FNSI (and all day)

Thanks to Wendy for hosting FNSI.....  I had more of a FSI......

I went and pulled out a bunch of fabrics to make into new Bondi tops..... it started with the new Tilda fabrics but if I am making one I may as well make 5 and have a bit of a factory worker routine going....

The pattern calls for some binding around the neck and I didn't have matching binding for a couple of the tops so I made some.... 

a 10" square gives double what I need but a smaller piece would mean too many seams.... I use THIS method to make continuous bias binding....  

I draw and cut my strips at 1" and then fold up to make 1/2" bias using this gizmo (I have 3 sizes - 1", 1/2" and 1/4" and use the smaller ones quite a bit)

Then I got to chain piecing a bunch of Churn Dash blocks for Chookyblue's sewalong.... I am trying to make quite a lot at the moment while I can....

Not sure how many I will do but I need at least this amount again....  I will swap the colours round next time....

While I was chain piecing..... a new recipe was being tried....

Secret ingredient in this one is Sweet Potatoe.... I had a huge one I was given which needed using and this recipe just happened to be in a chain supermarkets free magazine this month...

It makes a large bundt cake... I adapted the glaze to maple and honey (as I didn't have enough maple) and used almonds instead of hazelnut (as that is what I had in the house)  The recipe is HERE and I can recommend it.... 

Friday Night was stitching another Field Journal embroidery ....

Yesterday I woke up to a message letting me know there is a new baby in the family coming along - I went scrummaging in the cupboard and found a kit I had bought some time ago and never made up...

Lovely soft flannels....

Sooooo.... in spite of not wanting to start a new one and work on others... I am doing just that ... starting a new one!  But it's a lovely excuse to do that! (you know I love starting new things)

Righto, Gotto Go.....  I might have a slice of my new cake.... then make some tops and start slicing and dicing those yummy flannel fabrics...

Hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend..... 


1 loulee said...

Of course you had to start a new project, new babies mean new projects. Enjoy your cake, it sure looks good.

2 Jennifer said...

Your cake looks good....that new baby needs its own new project, for sure!

3 Chantal said...

Those lovely fabrics will make wonderful tops. A new baby needs a quilt of his own so you definitively have to start a new project. (Best excuse ever!) Love the Field Journal's latest flower. The center is so different then what one expects. Gorgeous! ;^)

4 Karen's Korner said...

I agree....why make 1 when you can have multiples especially summer tops as they are always in the wash. Another gorgeous baby quilt in the making. You are flying through those C/D blocks.

5 Maria said...

Great idea to add 5 new tops to your summer wardrobe…
Lots of Churn Dash blocks there….
Of course you need to make a cut cosy quilt for a new babe…..
Bet that cake was delicious 😋

6 Julie said...

I saw the cake you'd make on Instagram Fiona & thought how absolutely delicious it looked! Lovely & moist. I think I might need to invest in a bias maker as it looks great & I use lots of bias binding for my buntings. Enjoy your week Fiona.

7 Janice said...

Boy! What a day. Your tops will be lovely for summer and a baby on the way is the perfect excuse to start a new project, especially if you already have a suitable kit. The production line is working well for the churn dash blocks.

8 Susie H said...

Your cake looks and sounds so tasty! Good for you to start a new project. It's for a baby so no excuse needed! See you next FNSI!

9 Susan said...

busy little beaver - looks like you are going to have a huge churn dash quilt. a new bub - how exciting!
Love how you adapt your I say "recipes/patterns are jsut a guide"

10 Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Cake looks yummy and you've done a lot of churn dashes already!! I love your new flannels - looking forward to seeing what they turn into :) xx

11 Sharon Kwilter said...

It's always fun to start new projects. That cake looked amazing; thanks for the recipe.

12 kiwikid said...

That cake looks yummy and amazing! Well done on the Churn Dashes, beautiful stitchery and always good to start a new project even if we know we shouldn't be!!

13 cityquilter grace said...

pretty churn dash blocks...cake looks delish!

14 Tazzie said...

I love your churn dash blocks, and you got so many made, well done! While I was scrolling down thru your posts, I was fascinated by your Bondi top, I had to google the pattern. Your garment sewing looks wonderful, I'm still such a beginner with it, so I always appreciate a job well done.

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