Saturday, June 11, 2022

Another week gone....

Still working on using my lovely Terra Australis range....

This quilt top was made (had to finish off sewing the blocks into rows)

The background is a dark grey though it looks closer to charcoal/black.  I love the bright contrast.  the other two I have made using this range are HERE on this post ...  I still have another to go with black and white background that I worked on the blocks this week...

I have started making the pieces to put together for Chookyblue's Churn Dash Sewalong.....

Sewing loads of HST's by going through both sides of a diagonal line in a square - I cut up many blocks at a time this way...

Line them all up with a bit of an overlap (not too close or the fabric gets too thick for a clean cut....
I use a line on the cutting mat to keep the marked diagonal nice and straight....

Set your ruler carefully to line up with the lines on the fabric and rotary cut....

there we go.... lots of HST's cut in one slice....

Now of course they need to be pressed and trimmed neatly (no short cut to that part)

So far I have been sewing the 2" strips together to cross cut to 3 1/2" for the sides and making up the HST's.... I am using these two fabrics throughout....

I did some 'couching' on my quilting machine this week......I had some sheets I had bought cheaply to try this out and it was a lot of fun.... using 4 ply acrylic yarn and a matching thread in the machine....

there are certainly areas I need to improve on (even though I did a large quilt) I kept going too fast and it didn't catch in places....

The top was a dark grey sheet and the bottom a sand coloured one...

I'm not sure if I will cut it to make 2 smaller throws for spare beds or leave it as one large one.... then of  course it will need binding... which I am thinking a teal matching the yarn....

Of course hand sewing at night continues ... and I am going steadily with Field Journal

All different.... which makes them a lot of fun....

Righto, Gotto Go, the mist has lifted outside and the sun is brightening the rooms, the air is cold so I will stay indoors and stitch!

Have a lovely weekend.....


1 Chantal said...

Love the last picture. That is so cool. Your top is awesome! Great job! Never thought of cutting HST this way. I've been cutting HSTs for the last year and now you tell me I've been doing wrong all along? :^P I will try this next triangle session. Couching doesn't look easy to do. I can just picture myself going all over the place with that. You did a great job on your first try. Bravo! Love your Field Journal flowers. One is all summer and cheerful and the next one is more like September. (Well September up here, haha.) Have a great weekend too. ;^)

2 Jeanette said...

The top is gorgeous. Your couching project is pretty. FJ flowers are lovely. Hugs,

3 Maria said...

Your Terra Australis is looking great.
What a fabulous way of cutting your HSTs quickly…
All the FJ blocks are so pretty ….

4 Pink Rose said...

Hi Fiona wow and double wow you do such amazing work and you are so inspiring I love your crouched top it’s awesome and your stitched flowers are beautiful,well done lovely lady 💕🤍💕

5 Flickenstichlerin said...

One project nicer than the other. Lovely work on the top and stitching and couching, what a treat to look at.

6 Jennifer said...

Inside is a good place to be right now! Love your HST cutting idea.....and your couching/quilting is a fun thing to try.

7 loulee said...

So many lovely things to see today. The couching looks interesting, very pretty too.

8 Ondrea said...

I love the dark contrast with those lovely colours. A clever way to cut your HSTs . Still loving your FJ embroideries. Lots of projects happening again. Keep warm.

9 Lin said...

Your lanterns do look lovely as does the couching. Speedy speedy on the churndash! I am going small and hand sewing! Lovely Field Journal. Stay warm and sew. xx

10 Helen said...

Love the Terra Australis quilt, lovely and bright....that is certainly a quick way to do HSTs....well done....

11 Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Beautiful chandelier quilt top!!! Just love it!!! And those couched feathers are wowsey!!! So good!!!

12 kiwikid said...

Beautiful quilt top Fiona and your stitcheries are gorgeous! Your couching looks really good, well done! Great idea for cutting the HST's.

13 Karen's Korner said...

Your pretty quilt reminds me of "dangly" earrings. You are steaming ahead with the SAL blocks.

14 Susan said...

That is a very handy tip re cutting the HST - thanks

Love the dark charcoal & brights - they really stand out.

15 WoolenSails said...

Love seeing all your new pieces and works in progress. The couching looks beautiful, that looks like fun to try, I do have a couching attachment.


16 Chrissie said...

What a cheery bright quilt top, lovely. Great idea using the 4 ply yarn, love the swirly pattern. Love your hand stitching too xcx

17 Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Gorgeous quilt, love the colors! The couching turned out beautifully - did you do it on your longarm or domestic? Thanks for sharing the tip for cutting the half square triangles! xx

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