Sunday, March 27, 2022

Terra Australis

I loved this range from when I first saw it ....  and wanted to use it for some more modern quilting...

Naive Melody was an online sewalong with Lucy Engels in 2020/21.  I used needleturn applique for mine....

(I don't think I ever shared the completed top here)

We tried for a stain glass windows look in the sunshine .... hmmmm

I have that delicious teal/blue/green backing and some binding done in the same fabric as the orange background blocks in the quilt...

I will have to think hard about the quilting....

Then I used leftover fabrics for this online BOM by National Quilt Museum...  these blocks are all finished now ... shown HERE ....

Still lots of fabric left so I have cut up big and little squares to go on that dark grey for  a Chandelier Quilt... (free online pattern) by Lella Boutique

Then I cut up a whole bunch of circles which will go on top of black and white 4 patch blocks

Pattern by me (though I expect there are similar out there)

I have to put notes in the boxes ... since I tend to forget what it was all for!!!

... and I still have a good little pile of the range (though a couple of them are finished - eg my much loved lizards)

- so I will need to think of something else to make with it.... any ideas?????

Righto, Gotto Go ... I have black and white fabric to slice and dice....


1 Pink Rose said...

Hi Fiona wow you do such beautiful work ,you are very inspiring well done my friend 💕🤍💕

2 Jennifer said...

That fabric is certainly the gift that keeps on goes on forever!

3 kiwikid said...

You are so busy!! I looked at a similar pattern to Chandelier in a magazine this morning. Part of the big sort, it stayed! No bright ideas here sorry, unless you do a 9 patch?

4 Maria said...

It’s a never ending lovely fabric range which you have used for the flimsy’s with more to come!!
Maybe a few quilts of love ??

5 Ondrea said...

Oh my! Such a lovely quilt and yummy leftovers. You can always cut teeny pieces to make a little quilt????

6 Lin said...

There's and Angel in your window! Your fabrics have gone a long way - and some nice stitching to look forward to. xx

7 Chantal said...

I'm with Lin. I saw the angel too. Happy to see this top completed. I'm not much of a modern quilter but this is very interesting with all the different shapes. Well done. Chandelier will be spectacular with those prints and a darker background. I presume the circles will be hand-applique to the background during the long winter evenings. How to use the leftovers? Well, it depends how many hours you have to read all that I can suggest, lol. If you have a constant background, you could do the block I'm doing with solids. It really doesn't need much of the print fabrics. Unless you have a lot of print fabric, then ... we'll talk in emails. Enjoy! ;^)

8 WoolenSails said...

That is a fun quilt, love all the colors and designs.


9 Cheryll said...

Busy Busy... and on some wonderful projects.
Gotta LoVe playing with fabric and quilting ...

10 Helen said...

Your quilt is great.... you are such a busy lady.... well done.

11 Karen S said...

You sure do know how to make your fabric go a long way!
Your quilt top looks great and I like the plans you have for all the next ones!!

12 Chookyblue...... said...

its great to be able to use it in so many projects......all so different and lovely.......

13 Susan said...

Love your two modern quilts - the circles will look great.
use for the leftovers?? you will think of something.

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