Wednesday, March 2, 2022

March madness time.....

It rained and rained and rained...

Our fernery couldn't cope with draining....

I'm not complaining about it as we didn't get affected anything like some people had... it was just more water than we had seen at our place.

tanks are all full ( approx 70,000 litres) not been so in 6 plus years we have been here) and all the garden is very happy.  

Roads were blocked off and there was nothing else to do but stay indoors and sew....

Blocks were stitched

and sashing sewed.  The vine borders finally came to an end

I'm very happy with it all....

The pattern is for blanket stitched edges but I chose to needle-turn.... I didn't always remember when tracing so several of my pictures go a different way to the pattern ...

Now it's all folded up with some backing and the binding... and in the Quilting Queue box

Now all those vines are done I am back to sewing some of the birdhouses.... these designs were given freely to celebrate February International Embroidery month by Crab Apple Hill..

The 'Sweets' little group is up to date for February....

In the close up you can see the little touches of metallic blue and beads that have been included.  I vow to never use metallic threads again.

Hubz retired properly at the end of last year and one thing we are enjoying is cooking together and trying new recipes.  

Pork and Pumpkin Chimichuri

Recipe is HERE 

Righto, Gotto Go....

I am looking forward to planning another block for Civil War Bride .....

My special thoughts (as so many of us are having) for those affected by floods here in Australia, and by war over in Europe and still Covid worldwide.  

Take care....xx


1 Pink Rose said...

Oh Fiona so much flooding everywhere not good,stay safe my lovely friend.
And wow I love that quilt it’s stunning ,well done on your beautiful work 💕

2 Jennifer said...

Oh wow, that is a heap ton of water! We had a very heavy downpour a few hours ago which fortunately has drained away now; for a while there our backyard looked like yours. Well done on the sewing, I love it all!

3 Lin said...

Your ferns must be very happy with all that water! So sad for all those people who have been flooded though. The panel is lovely and I am sure much nicer for being needle turn rather than blanket stitch. Did you use a thread conditioner with your metal threads? I find it makes all the difference. Lunch looks delicious - yes please? xx

4 Maria said...

So many folk have been flooded so I’m pleased you stayed safe…
You’re working on many lovely projects and I really like your quilt…
Nice lunch you made together…

5 Jane said...

glad you are all safe and that you're enjoying hubby's retirement

6 loulee said...

Wet weather is always good for sewing days.

7 Julie said...

Gosh the quilt is stunning with the vine borders Fiona .. just adore it!!! Yes I have read of all the flooding over your way ... its hard to watch when we are all so very dry & crisp here & would love some rain. Aren't we lucky we can shut away & sew when the weather patterns go crazy.

8 Cheryll said...

Yes the rain/flood was terrible in some parts...
On a lighter note... your works in progress are all gorgeous.

9 kiwikid said...

Water lying around is always a worry...the garden will be happy so long as it is not too water logged. As Julie says, we could with a little of that here, so humid and dry and I have had enough of it. Your quilt top is beautiful, it seemed to go together really quickly. Beautiful stitching and yummy looking lunch,

10 Janice said...

That’s a lot of rain. At least you had your sewing to keep you occupied. The quilt has turned out beautifully. Have fun with your other projects, despite the metallic thread.

11 Michelle Ridgway said...

Yes I have never seen so much rain....glad that you weren't badly effected by the flooded fernery! Your sweets are looking very pretty! Love your beautiful red quilt...its a stunner! You've got some lovely blocks and projects on the go. Well done to retired chef xx

12 Susan said...

Our back was like that too - water just sitting - nowhere to go - DH cleaned it all yesterday (Sunday) and last night - another flooded backyard!
But our lot is nothing compared to those who got flooded and lost everything, or the poor people of Ukraine. Feeling so sad.

13 Raewyn said...

That's a lot of rain - I can see how you would be happy to have had it - full tanks and all but so sad to see the damage further south. (By the way, any spare rain can come our way!) Good use of your time inside - From the Heart is beautiful. I do that too sometimes - have back-to-front blocks sitting in my quilts. Your Blackwork is looking so good as well. And the recipe sounds delicious - and not too complicated to make!

14 Karen S said...

Great to see that you are safe and out of the main area with the flooding. We can all put up with a wet yard when we realise it is nothing in comparison to thousands who have lost homes. Stay safe.
You have made the most of staying in. The stars blocks look great. And your quilt top has come together so nicely. I love all the reds but they can be overwhelming. Not so in your quilt as the cream sashing does a great job of breaking up the reds. Love the end result.
Looks like you are definitely having a good time with the cooking. Obviously hubby has settled in well to retirement.

15 marina said...

Stunning finish!!
looks like your fernery didn't suffer too much from the drenching.
Crazy how much water you guys have been getting

16 Chookyblue...... said...

so much rain in some places.........beautiful quilt.....dinner looks good even if I don't eat pork.........

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