Thursday, January 13, 2022

Stitching Happening.... and unhappening...

I've had a fairly busy sewing week with one thing and another....

As much as I am avoiding going out to busy places as much as I can.... I am still having my small group sewing days with friends while we can....

Tuesday hand-sewing I glue basted a bunch of half hexagons ready to start sewing into pairs for my Inner City quilt ...

Then I sewed a couple of pies .....

Wednesday machine sewing I started by doing some machine applique on blocks that were part of a BOM last year...

They still need quilting as it is a QAYG project...

Then I started on my stars.... and being the clever thing I am I decided to get several done at once and chain sew away happily.....  I realised pretty soon I had made a big cutting error and not cut enough of what I needed but too many of what I didn't need.... Not sure what I did as I am usually so careful about cutting but I think I got the different fabrics mixed up.....

They are in a box whilst I sulk and get brave enough to take them out and see what I can salvage.... I am making this with a few friends and there have been some good ideas passed on.

So then I got onto my pretty little pinwheels and made them into bigger blocks.....

These bigger blocks (6 1/2") are not sewn together yet and there still needs triangles to square it up.

I mentioned I am basing my plan on a quilt Jennifer made... she has done a blog post showing hers HERE if you would like to see.....  

Today I did some handsewing... and maybe too much talking....

Shopping is done, went to specialist butcher and greengrocers, more expensive but at least we could get everything we wanted... 

Righto, coffee is drunk and I'm working up the energy to try and sort out my Star DisaStar....  I did say a few bad words.

Keep Safe, Keep Smiling and Keep Stitching



1 Jennifer said...

Love your pinwheel quilt - it's very sweet! Perhaps think of your DisarStar as a design opportunity, rather than a failure?

2 Maria said...

I’m tired just looking at all the different things you are working on Fiona….
Good luck with your disaSTAR! 😉

3 Jeanette said...

Lovely projects. I hope you work out something with your DisaStar. Hugs, xx

4 Chookyblue...... said...

wow you sure have had a big week.....well done......
goodluck with the stars...

5 WoolenSails said...

Those are all great projects and you do work, I have no patience for. I do not go out during the week and weekends are outside adventures when the weather permits. I miss having a butcher, meat isn't the same from the stores.


6 kiwikid said...

Good idea to stay close to home, we are trying to do the same thing.
You are working on wonderful projects, hope the DisaStar can be sorted ok.

7 Karen's Korner said...

How annoying with the cutting. I am sure you will come up with something for the extras not needed. Delicious looking pies.

8 Ondrea said...

Beautiful projects. The stars are best put aside for a while and reappear when you are in are in a better state of mind lol. I am sure it will work out in the end. Love your pinwheels. Pies are lovely too. Take care, keep safe and enjoy stitching.

9 Preeti said...

Yummy pies and delicate embroidery. Staying home to sew sounds like a perfect plan :-)

10 Chantal said...

Sorry to hear you started the star quilt on the wrong foot. Sometimes, we win, and sometimes, we learn. I'm sure you will find a way to turn it into a masterpiece. The best inventions were made by accident after all. It will just be a different quilt than what the pattern shows, that's all. Love those little pinwheels. So cute. Enjoy! ;^)

11 Karen S said...

The pinwheels are great, but oh so tiny blocks!!! Better you than me.
Good luck with those stars. Not what you wanted. Hope it sorted out.

12 Raewyn said...

I'm pretty certain the DisaStar (!!) won't stay that way for long! Your wee pinwheels look great - it's not taken you long to get those done!

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