Saturday, January 22, 2022

Friday Night ......

Many of you already know about a couple of online events for sewing together..... 

On the first Friday of each month Cheryll hosts FNWF (Friday Night With Friends) and anyone can join.  Just register on her post which she puts up a couple of days before ... have a virtual sew in and in the next couple of days blog about it so anyone can come and visit....  It's a lovely way to catch up on blogs and see what others make.... 

On the third Friday of each month Wendy does similar - FNSI (Friday Night Sew In).  Same thing as above and anyone can join.  There is also a Facebook group which is nice for the non-bloggers and can be as chatty as you feel like.

Last night for FNSI I kind of sewed most of the day....

The little pinwheels blocks were all put together and a border added....  

It is a small quilt and the pinwheels were made from the little corners trimmed off when I made this quilt last year

Both quilts are going into the Waiting to be quilted queue now!

I have started a new block for From The Heart.  I needle turned the hill down last night. 

Then I added a few more little flower outlines to this little Field Journal embroidery....

Righto, Gotto Go.... I want to prep up the next bits for From the Heart... it is a house and tree.

Have a lovely weekend..... xx


1 WoolenSails said...

That is a beautiful little quilt ad great way to use the leftovers.


2 Karen's Korner said...

It is always nice to be able to make an early start in the sewing room. Love the "leftover cut off bits" quilt.

3 Cheryll said...

The quilt is a little cutie Fiona. Nice having a whole day to sew too...xoxo

4 Ondrea said...

I love all the petite pin wheels. It looks fantastic. Looks like there is no stopping you girl!

5 Julie said...

Love those pinwheels Fiona. Gosh I can't remember the last time I had a whole day to sew .... I would love to do this but first I would need to clean the sewing room so I can find things 😉😊

6 Janice said...

You did achieve quite a bit. The pinwheel quilt is very cute.

7 Chookyblue...... said...

the little pin wheels are lovely.....

8 Maria said...

Your pinwheels quilt looks good, would you like some more HST ?????
Nice start on both other projects...

9 Helen said...

The pinwheels are so sweet....

10 Raewyn said...

Well done on the finish - great to get all those bonus HSTs out of the way. Lucky you having a day to sew, you used it well :-)

11 Jennifer said...

Pinwheels is looking very sweet! Well done on the other stitching too.....

12 Jeanette said...

The pinwheel quilt is so pretty. Hugs, xx

13 Jeanna said...

Your little pinwheel quilt is a great way to use up those little bits. And your Field Journal embroidery stitches are so delicate and sweet. I was away at a cross stitch retreat last weekend and missed FNSI but I'm having fun checking in with everyone to see what they got up to.

14 Dresden Quilter said...

I love the pinwheel quilt. I have lots of small half square triangles left over from other quilts. Thank you for the inspiration.

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