Saturday, July 27, 2019

An empty box....

I have had this box of half done projects sitting in my sewing room for ages..... this week I determined to empty it....

First up was this mug rug which needed binding ….. sweet pictures on fabric which I couldn't think what to do with them.  

 Originally it was to be a zippy pouch but I realised I would spoil the picture by putting the zip over the top

Then  I did the binding on these two coasters.... perfect for the table next to the chair where I sew in the evenings.

… and finally I did make some zippy pouches with the last 3 vintage sewing machine pictures I had 

Great to have that box out the room now and some quick finishes done..... all these were made using up fabrics from my stash which is even better!

On the hand work side I have got behind in a project Thursday sewing group has been doing so I decided to do homework and do these bullion roses which I have been procrastinating about...

I'm not sure I really enjoy doing them!

I didn't make soup this week but I did prepare a bunch of toasties (my standard weekend lunch food)

A whole loaf of bread is made up and prepared then I put pieces of baking paper in between  so the butter doesn't stick (yes I like butter - it tastes nice)

Then I freeze them and quick and easy take out and toast. 

Righto, Gotto Go..... I'm going to tackle hundreds of French knots next.....

Hope your weekend is going splendidly.....


1 Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Love your coasters, and what a great idea to make and freeze your toasties ahead of time!!! xx

2 Karen S said...

Yay! It is a great feeling to empty a box of projects and have them completed. Your determination has paid off.
And good luck with the french knots!!

3 Janice said...

Well done! It must feel good to have the box emptied. I wonder if you have any other boxes with WIPs/UFOs lurking somewhere. I wish I was as organised as you with your toasties. They are a favourite of mine too.

4 Jennifer said...

Emptying a project box must feel good! Your bullion stitch roses are beautifully done.....I don't mind doing them, they are easy.

5 Chantal said...

Congratulations on all these finishes. A box emptied of its UFOs is always a wonderful reward. Love your roses but look like it takes a lot of time to do one. Good luck on producing an army of French Knots. ;^)

6 Kathleen said...

The roses are beautiful. I’ll admit ignorance, what are toasties?

7 Raewyn said...

A great use of those pretty pieces of fabric Fiona, and you have got the zippy pouch down to a fine art - a great idea; I must make some of these too. (Are you putting more of the same panel on the backs?) Love your bullion roses - I've never tried them, thinking they are way too fiddly?!! Good planning with the toasties - they're a favourite here as well!

8 Jeanette said...

Love your coasters & zippy pouches. Your bullion roses look beautiful. Great idea with the toasties. I use butter too. I haven't had margarine in my house in years. Hugs,xx

9 Karen's Korner said...

Your bullion roses are gorgeous. It is nice to have a few quick projects that have been sitting around for ages to be finished and out of the sewing room.

10 Susan said...

You are like a machine !!! Zippy pouches do present as problem don't they?? put the pretty stuff facing up and then the zip and the contents hide the pretty stuff - or put the pretty stuff on the back and hardly ever see it. (though you could have added a top to the pretty picture so the zip didn't hide it...???)

11 kiwikid said...

Well done on the finshes, lots of beautiful blocks turned into great things. The zippy pouches look wonderful. It is a great idea to make the toasties ready to toast..makes for a quick lunch. Your bullion roses are fantastic, well worth the effort. Hooe the Fench knots went well.

12 Pink Rose said...

Good morning Fiona ,beautiful finishes my friend,and nice that you got them finished and out of the UFO pile.
Oh wow i think your bullion roses look fantastic,its always a stitch that has frightened me and what a great idea with the prep work for your toasties,hope you have a lovely Sunday my friend xx

13 Louise said...

Finishes feel good no matter what the size! And getting them out of the box and into use is wonderful. I love those zippy pouches especially :)

14 Maria said...

Sew nice to finish off small things that have been hiding in a box....
Cute Mug Rug, coasters and zippy pouches too.
Your Rose Bullions look great, I've never been able to master them...

15 Lin said...

Good to have those small projects done. Your roses look great - very brave you are, I hate bullion knots! Enjoy your French knots, I love doing those. I would not use anything other than butter - hope they were good. xx

16 Jane said...

I have a box like that too, well done on emptying yours! I love the zippy pouches

17 Helen said...

Fantastic work with your project box finishes.....what a terrific idea for toastie, might have to pinch that

18 KaHolly said...

Finishes are awesome no matter how small! Buttering your bread before freezing.....never thought of that! Your right about butter....there’s no substitute in my house!

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