Thursday, May 9, 2019

Something new.....

For many years I have promised myself a luxury item.... hand made socks!

My friend Jane, in the UK, is a whizz at making socks and is running an online workshop.... it's just so great for me who has no idea with needles sizes, 4 needles at a time etc as she is there to answer all questions...

I ordered this beautiful sock yarn from Bendigo Woolen mill and went in search of sets of double ended needles.  Luckily I found an odd needle the same size as I needed 5 needles and not 4 for this part...…

I had this lovely bag given to me some years ago which is just the right size for the needles and yarn.... 

Yarn is still thread... right???? 

I finished another needleturn block for Wings (by Michelle) …..

I couldn't make ChooseDay sewing this week but I did sneak in a bit of me sewing time to keep up with this months Garden Sunshine blocks...

The beehive

 … and some flowers....

These are both 12 1/2" blocks... so much quicker and easier than 3 1/2"!!

As you can see I have managed to do a bit more of my sock! 

Meeting up with friends this weekend...... I hope I will get a bit of crochet done in front of a log fire in the evenings.....

Righto, Gotto Go.... my donation towards the weekend needs to be cooked!


1 gracie said...

Socks are wonderful to knit and then wear.... hugs for the feet. I love your blocks.

2 Pink Rose said...

Good morning Fiona oh i love your blocks,they are all so lovely.
I look forward to seeing your socks grow i have done the band and that is as far as i got,lol,enjoy your time with friends and knitting in front of a log fire sounds perfect,hope your day is a good one my friend xx

3 kiwikid said...

Sitting in front of a log fire sounds wonderful!! Enjoy! Your blocks are beautiful and best of luck with the sock knitting.

4 Michelle Ridgway said...

I agree with Sue.....sounds delightful! Love your blocks and I do think that you are clever knitting socks! Have a wonderful time xx

5 Jane said...

Beautiful bag for your socks, if you get addicted, you'll have to make a yarn one :) loving the garden sunshine blocks

6 Marly said...

Lovely wool you've chosen. A sock knitting workshop is just what I need too; can anyone join in? Could you pass on the address please?

7 Lin said...

You have made a nice start on your socks - I love knitting socks. They make perfect travel projects, are complicated enough to be interesting but not so huge that they take forever! Your applique block is lovely. xx

8 marina said...

I admire your new wooly venture, you are too clever.
Very pretty blocks too!

9 Elyte said...

I have enjoyed knitting socks and I hope you do too.
Love the Wings block.
Good to see you playing with some bigger blocks this week.

10 Maria said...

Of course wool is thread, perfect bag for your sock knitting... maybe I should learn 🤔
Lovely Sunshine blocks. Are they another SAL?
Nice to be off for some time with friends and sit in front of a Fire and knit...

11 Jeanette said...

Everytime i see someone knitting socks i think i should try & knit myself a pair but then i decide against it as knitting really isn't my thing. Look forward to seeing your as the wool you chose is gorgeous. Love your projects. Hugs,xx

12 Sue SA said...

Many years ago I made a neighbour a little quilt and later in return she made me a pair of stripy green and purple wool socks...which today I still wear and treasure. I am sure you are going to enjoy these socks even more, because you mastered a new skill!

13 Louise said...

Sock knitting is a complete black art to me! I love the warm, beautiful color of your yarn :)

14 Allie said...

SOMEDAY I will learn to knit socks - so jealous!!!! LOVE your blocks, especially the bird!

15 Cheryll said...

Even one stitch (knit or sew) is an improvement... and a joy to achieve. xox

16 Raewyn said...

Hope you had a fun weekend Fiona and you also got lots of knitting done!! I think Imade some toe socks years ago but looking back how did I manage that!! Haha. Love the colour you are using. Oh and love your wings block too :-)

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