Sunday, May 5, 2019

FNWF and this weeks stitching.....

Double date FNWF and Friday night at The Quilters Angel and I started with the chain stitch for Block 8 of Flowerville.....

A lovely evening that went by too quickly....

ChooseDay sewing was spent doing some more blocks for Les Courtiers quilt.....

Lots of Flying Geese were trimmed and joined into various size strips....

Then I had a bunch of 4 square blocks to make and join.....

These will eventually join up with other blocks to fit into the quilt.  I am having a few difficulties working out the instructions and also some of the fabrics need a bit of fiddling around to fit them in....  I think it will all work out fine though...

Thank goodness for ChooseDays keeping me have my machine sewing fix.....

Jane from Loopy's place shared instructions for another block for her sampler.... This time flying geese for a 6 piece block..... the little triangles from the edges were joined... they are pretty small - the main block is 3 1/2"....

Here are all the blocks we have done so far.  A great learner sampler which I am making half size to hone in on my mini quilt skills, plus pick up tips from Jane as we go along....

Evening temperatures have cooled down and my heavier snuggly flannel quilt came out this week.  When Kris moved into Edward house she had a bit of a clearout, including all these pieces of flannel.  Of course I couldn't refuse the offer of giving them a loving home!

These are my latest postcards..... just need to find some time to cut out pieces and I can make a few more blocks for the quilt.....

The crazy hot dry summer ending with a nice drop of rain has made some plants flower out of season.... these ornamental pomegranate flowers are so lovely and bright.....

It's lovely having this pop of colour in the garden...  soon they will be dropping all their leaves for winter hibernation....

Righto, Gotto Go.....  going to have a look for that illusive time....


1 WoolenSails said...

You have gotten a lot done, wonderful blocks and the makings of some wonderful quilts.
We are finally getting warmer, but lots of rain this year. At least it will help when the summer heats up.


2 Elyte said...

So many little pieces and blocks, like pieces of a puzzle that will all come together.
Love following the progress of the Les Courtiers quilt.
Hope you didn't waste too much time looking for more time!!!

3 Maria said...

Nice to sit and stitch Flowerville with your friends real and virtual..
Lots of work on the blocks for Les Courtiers, sounds like you need to tweak it like MSW..
Jane's sampler block looks good with the others..
Kirs's floral blocks have made a cosy flannel quilt to snuggle under .
Well done with the Postcards..

4 Karen S said...

Great progress all round. Looks like there are quite a few different projects on the go. It will keep me guess as to how each one goes together.

5 Jane said...

That's a lot of flying geese! Look forward to seeing where they all end up

6 Narelle said...

My goodness, you've been busy ... look at that flock of geese.
Sweet little blocks and postcards going great xx

7 kiwikid said...

Loving all your blocks, I can not imagine making 3 inch blocks!!! Your postcards look amazing, bet that scrappy quilt is wonderfully warm. Let me know when you find where the time goes please, I lost a lot of it this morning while my head was in a book!!

8 Lin said...

Nice chain stitch and I do love flying geese. Your tiny blocks are looking great. Beautiful flowers. My pomegranates will be flowering soon. Have a good week. xx

9 marina said...

such beautiful stitching Fiona,
wow all those little geese and blocks, make me dizzy!
the pomegranate flower is so pretty, sad it will be gone soon.
happy sewing!

10 Susie H said...

I never heard of ornamental pomegranate flowers -- they're gorgeous! You have sure been busy as that was a lot of different blocks of different sizes. Your postcards are pretty too!

11 Pink Rose said...

Hi Fiona oh i love seeing what you get up too,you do such beautiful work,love the flowers in your garden,hope you have a lovely evening my friend xx

12 Sheila said...

Lots of lovely sewing happening, keep up the good work 😊

13 Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

oooh those flying geese look great on your design wall!! I really need to catch up (ie start) on Loopy's sampler when I get home... Your blocks are looking great xx

14 Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

So glad my abandoned flannel squares found a new loving home & are keeping you warm. Our flannel blankies are definitely in use as the temperatures drop. So not looking forward to winter!! Bear Hugs! KRIS xx

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