Molly's Place has a lovely Tree Time BOM - I hope I get to do some of these for Christmas...... It is her first free BOM and I think they are blogalicious..... Have a look HERE and let her know what you think....
Raylee at Sunflower Quilting has a great idea for a ruler holder.......... This will make fingers feel a lot safer.......
I had such a lot of fun with Sue's story at Charlotte's Cottage - you need to start this lovely fairy tale HERE - the end is amazingly beautiful..........
Polka Dot Pineapple has lots of cute goodies to make - I love her T shirt yarn posies ...... YS (younger son) left his T shirt collection with me when he went overseas......... they are in great danger .........
Marina made some really beautiful pot-holders for a swap ..... I don't think I could have given them away! I have found thermal lining so must get to work.............
I went in to visit Chookyblue as I remembered she has some very useful tutorials and I was getting very frustrated with loading pictures ever so slowly through blogger...... today was much quicker - thanks Chookyblue. If you have the same trouble you can find the tutorial HERE.
Whilst I was over there I noticed Chookyblue has some great photo's of ornamental spiderwebs in her garden...... so I went on the hunt for some gardenart myself. I found this..............

and this...................
and this...........
My spiders are obviously feral......... and then I realised my stitching work is a bit like that at the moment .... too many bits and pieces lying around and a LOT OF MESS....
Coffee time ................ leads to think time......

Don't you just love the bugs on the tray cloth??.........
.......... and so to work...
I finished the stitching on my Bluebird of Hope design of Natalie Lymers
The tiny little bluebirds are just so cute ......

Then I tidyed up a few of the tiny blocks for the cuddle quilt - these mushrooms were off mittens - they are little 1" blocks..... cute though....
I can never find my mobile phone in my bag - so I made this little carrier that can easily loop to bag handles......... (no escuses now for missing the call!)
Judith from has an Early Bird Christmas challenge running and I finished this two colour cushion for the July home decor......
Jenny has a cute Daisy-Do BOM running at the moment and I finished off this block.

I couldn't find the buttons I wanted so I improvised with beads..... I quite like the 3 dimensions they make....
The project box is STILL full .......... so I had better get back to it............
Your stitching is beautiful!
OMG you have been so busy. Well done!
Thanks for visiting Bubz and adding the link to my Faery Tale.
I love your feral spiders and all your sewing. My poor old 2009 Quilt Aid blocks are still sitting in a crate waiting to be started
pleased to know I helped you out again.........and yes your spiders sure have lots in there webs.........sometimes I take a spray bottle to lightly spray them............mind you this doesn't work as well as a good fog........
your blocks look great..........happy stitching........I am playing away too at the my cuppa tea waiting........
Spiderwebs can be so intricate!
You have been busy! I couldn't see all the photos (I seem to have this issue all the time! annoying) Is your bluebird block from this year or last year's quilt aid?
My mum did the quilt aid last year. Turned out lovely!
ps is that a new blog layout? love it.
My you sure have been busy blogging and sewing. well done.
Love the spider webs.
found your blog via chookblue. I am fairly new to blogging although I did start some time ago. I am an infrequent blogger but aim to get better.
Lovely stitching, some day I will try stitching. Thanks for surfing and sharing links to some fun ideas! And wow, you have some awesome spiders (eeeeekkk!) Our tarantulas were on the roam last night after a heavy rain.
Loved this gave me some great ideas.
Mama Bear
woweee, you have been ever so busy, lots of inspiration here!!
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