It's the beginning of April already..... over a quarter of the way through the year and I feel time is going too fast and I seem to be chasing my tail all the time ......
I know lots of us feel like that - never enough time to do all that we want to do...
I wanted to work on this long neglected project whilst sewing with the ChooseDay girls this week. This is a Bronwyn Hayes pattern and the kit was part of our Stitchers Dream Day Out in 2015 (I think)
It is a sewing case.....
Inside is a little bag, pockets and a heart pincushion.... I found that fun spotty ribbon in a box here - went perfectly with it....
I love the sewing ladies on the front, and there is another pocket on the back...
These birds and hearts are from fun fabric and I am making them into lavender bags. Some will have ribbon so they can hang over the coat hangers, others are plain and will sit in drawers....
Stuffing them will need a bit of motivation I think... and a good movie!
Even though I love to use my quilt leftovers to make backings my scraps still seem to grow. Last year I made baskets and sorted my scraps into colours.
This year I am going to make feathers with them...... some years ago I noticed this feather quilt by Anna Maria Horner . She has generously shared a free pattern HERE
Since I am using small scraps I am not doing it in strips... it's a bit fiddly but I am joining smaller pieces up in a slant so that I can cut the feather shape out.
I think I will love it......
Another bunch of Dutch Treat blocks have been sewn..... slowly slowly these are increasing in numbers.....
At long last I have started Angel Story (designed by Anni Downs). Michelle has been sewing hers for some time in needleturn and it is just stunning.
I have chosen to do blanket stitch using one thread. Now I need to do a lot of tracing and selecting of fabrics for the other blocks... that is the part that seems to take me the longest....
This is Hettie and she is shopping for Hats.....
Righto, Gotto Go..... my gardener is around and I like to keep an eye on what he gets up to!
Hope you have a lovely weekend ....

I'm feeling the same way. I think back on these first few months of 2018 & wonder what i've actually achieved. Love your projects, they look lovely. I'm sure scraps breed. I look at my big bag that is overflowing & wonder where they all come from considering a year or so ago i chopped a lot of scraps up into different sized squares & really shouldn't have the amount i have. Hugs, xx
Oh, was it that long ago? ... my girls are stitched and waiting 😊
Those will be cutie lavender bags and love that feather design xx
They say life is like a toilet roll. "The closer to the end the faster it goes" I think that's right...
Bronwyn"s pattern are gorgeous, I have a pile of "Brutus the Cat" stitcheries I need to make into something.
Sweet bags for your lavender, cute feathers too.
Oh your DT blocks are growing !!!!!
Love the Angel blocks..
My Angels Story quilt top needs to be quilted. Your block is lovely. So enjoyed making up Bronwyn`s patterns but don`t see them now. Happy Stitching.
Hi Fiona you sure have been busy my friend lots of beautiful work you have been doing,love those feathers,hope you have a lovely weekend xx
there never seems like there is enough time in my world either.
beautiful progress on your dutch blocks, they are so amazing.
you are so clever at finding ways to use up your leftovers.
pretty lavender bags and your sewing kit looks so perfect!!
well done.
Love the sewing kit, that is a great stitchery
Time seems to go by faster each year, even cutting back on things and having more time at home doesn't seem to help.
Your DT blocks are coming along well
Love Hettie in the hat shop..good luck with the lavender stuffing.
What a great little sewing case - the ladies are having a great time I think! I am enjoying following Michelle and her angels so it will be fun to see your version too. xx
Love that gorgeous sewing caddy! The Feathers are wonderful and love Hettie.....There are such so many pretties out there and to little time for one pair of hands....we don't do too badlyb Inhave to say lol! Some deep breathes my friend ❤❤
Lots of neat projects and lots of nice progress on them--
that feather quilt looks interesting--
and I really should do another Anni Downs quilt--
enjoy, di
The sewing case with the most! I love it. It is just perfect. Love the new project Feathers. Hettie is charming. Love all the details added to the hats. What a fun project. Enjoy! ;^)
And a very nice sewing case it is
Some nice projects there
Love the sewing case, great fun. Look forward to seeing your feathers grow. I keep thinking I should do some scrap busting soon. It'll be that or giving them away to be used by someone else :)
What a great blog post Fiona, and yes your words about time & demands, they ring true with me. I have a lot of changes in my life this year & it's busting my head that's for sure!
Great finish with the sewing case, and yes get get yourself a big bag of stuffing & sit in front of the tv for a while... I know you will get them done!
Have fun with your new projects. I do love the day.....
Great finish with your Bronwyn Hayes bag. It is gorgeous.
And the hearts are lovely, too.
The feathers will be really interesting. The start you have made looks great already.
And you must have a decent pile of the dutch blocks now?
Of course you have to start something new. First block is delightful.
That sewing case is soooo cute! Great to have a finish! xx
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