Saturday, November 18, 2017

My week......

We have a Hoya plant which didn't like it where we had it after our move 2 years ago..... we finally set up a trellis and moved it against a wall outside our bedroom - it's not in a good place for viewing but it is happy there and covered with flowers - I have never seen it flower so prolifically...

This picture gives an idea of the flowers... and the buds coming up for more....

Hoya flowers fascinate me.... they are waxy and have those wonderful drops of sweetness coming off them...

I have two plants side by side - different colours... the darker one has much more flowers ...

My parents home had a huge Hoya growing at their veranda door - I think I love them as it gives me lovely memories

the last colour for my houses was the browns.....

I now have heaps of little houses... and a plan..... I just need to work out how to make it work.....

I've been quite busy with various quilting lately and enjoyed some stitching in the evenings using just one thread...

Very relaxing and hard to put down.....

These are Tags for the quilt in No Fuss Stitch-a-long

This is a sweet cot quilt I worked on.... the panel and border fabric is from The Quilters Angel and is so sweet...

The leafy border suits the woodland theme ... and I love doing those little ribbon swirls in small borders...

The quilting on the wider border doesn't show so much but it does on the back.... I need to draw a guideline to get the waves ...

I like to outline pictures to show them off and then I did stipple swirls in the background...

There is enough quilting to show off the pictures, but also still keep it soft enough to snuggle

I am enjoying looking at some of the fruits of Hubz work in the garden

the other evening our outside sensor light switched on so we went to check what set it off..... this pair of Tawny Frog Mouth's were having a rest....   (poor picture but you can make them out)

Righto, Gotto Go... today I am going to sort out my embroidery threads.. they seem to have got out of hand and I can't find what I need when I need it...

Have a lovely weekend....


WoolenSails said...

You have been working on some beautiful projects and your gardens are beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Hi Fiona,boy you have such a beautiful garden,hubby sure has been busy.
Love your house blocks and your baby quilt is so cute,well done my friend xx

Chookyblue...... said...

Nice quilting on the panel......
The hoya sure is flowering well an be the garden wad a picture when I saw it just..... It's the time of the year to enjoy it......

Helen said...

Beautiful garden, gorgeous Hoya. Also so many lovely projects, very cute baby quilt love the quilting.

Karen S said...

The hoyas are looking great. Such a pretty flower. And I can't believe you have already been there for 2 years.
You must have a whole suburb of houses by now. What a great collection.
The embroidered tags are looking really good. great progress there.
And i am loving looking at the quilting you have been doing.
Your garden is looking lovely. No wonder the owls cam e to visit!

Lin said...

Those Hoya flowers are stunning - just crying out to be stitched! xx

Maria said...

Those Hoyas are beautiful. Have never seen such a dark one.
Will be good to see what you make from the sweet houses 🏡
Cute baby Panel and you've worked some pretty quilting on it...
Hubby done wonders with your garden....

Chrissie said...

Beautiful flowers, amazing how a plant recovers and flourishes so well after being moved. Love the cot quilt, adorable. Love your other projects too xcx

Jeanette said...

Love your Hoyas. I used to have several but over the years have lost them all. :(. Your garden looks beautiful. The houses are so cute, love the Ruth's quilt stitcheries & the cot quilt looks fantastic. Hugs,xx

Michelle Ridgway said...

Your Hoya plants are beautiful! Such a lovely memory for you too. Hubby definitely has a green thumb...great work. Love your quiting and those cute tags xx

Louise said...

I don't think I've ever seen a Hoya plant. Very exotic! I like how the flower is a cluster of smaller flowers.

Your cot quilt is very sweet! I love the little woodland creatures. Outlining them simply is very effective. And that loop-de-loop quilting along a wave is very interesting...gotta try that one! I can see how you stitched it and how nicely it fills the border.

Your garden is beautiful! Kudos to your DH for all his hard work!

Chantal said...

Hoya is a very interesting plant. Happy that you put your hand in a picture because I was sure these flowers were huge. Wow! They are so cute. Love your quilting on the cot quilt. Thank you for sharing Hubs' work. It's nice to see a beautiful garden when all I see around here is brown. ;^)

Jane said...

What an interesting flower! Love the quilt

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

I so enjoy the pictures of your quilting - they are very inspirational! your stitcheries are so sweet.. and I have never hear of a Hoya plant.. very interesting! xx

Shelina said...

Beautiful flowers! I don't think I have seen any around here, and all of your projects are wonderful and inspiring.

Raewyn said...

I havne't seen Hoyas very often but do know them as lovely wee sets of flowers - yours is a gorgeous colour. Love your quilting on the panel... it looks like a nice balance to keep it quilted and keep it soft! I'll be interested to see how you put your houses together - well done on keeping up with the RSC!! And lovely little tags - I didn't realise (or did I know and I forgot?) that you were stitching with one thread - a good idea for the smaller stitcheries.

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