Sometimes plans don't actually happen... and that was my story last evening... but I still sewed... but not what I planned...
I did carry on with the preparation for the next set of Nature's Journey blocks by sewing 1 1/2 inch squares together....
All the blocks are all ready now for the hand sewing.... I'll get some done this weekend....
Sweetpea quilt was whispering for attention so I put corners on the snowball patch blocks that are stitched with bears.....
... I just couldn't throw the corners away so I sewed two lots of seams and now have the snippets to play with....
... trimmed they make lovely little 1 1/2" HST's....
(I predict a mini quilt in my future)
I even sewed some blocks together and pinned these onto my flannel sheet....
... loving the look....
I will HAVE to shop when this part is done... I think it will definitely benefit from borders.....
Hubz was out of town so I had a marathon catch up of Miss Fisher's Murder Misteries and these alphabet blocks were finished....
U for Umbrella..... and Understanding the need to stitch....
and P for Pansy... and Perfume.... and Perfectly fun....
Righto, Gotto Go... no sewing tonight.....

A friend has asked me to go with her to this..... I have no idea about Country Rock but I'm sure I will have a lot of fun... they look like fun blokes......

hi Fiona wow you sure did have a great night,lots of lovely work there,well done and enjoy your country rock tonight xx
you have been busy, love that quilt, it's coming together nicely
They do look like fun blokes indeed! Yes, your sweet pea quilt will look gorgeous with a border, it need a frame. I made a quilt once from my leftover sewn-together's probably the prettiest quilt I have ever made.
Oh I am soooo jealous ... love the Wolfe Brothers!
Your fabrics in the tiny squares are gorgeous and those little HST will make a lovely mini :)
love those little blocks with the circles and your alphabet stitcheries look amazing in that setting.
Great to see the 'big picture'. Those little hst's will make a very pretty mini. I kept mine from my basket blocks.
Just couldn't waste those pretty little scraps.
enjoy your night out
lovely stitching........have a great night.......the Wolfe brothers should be good.......I have a lover of country rock in my house............
As long as you stitched it really doesn't matter!
Oh Fiona, it looks wonderful !
Happy stitching
Your quilt is looking fantastic, Fiona.
Dear Fiona,
lots of fun and beautiful makings, you have been really busy and everything, yes everything, looks gorgeous.
I enjoyed watching Miss Fisher with you lol. You will love the Wolfe Brothers, they are from my neck of the woods - lovely sewing with you last night!
I enjoyed watching Miss Fisher with you lol. You will love the Wolfe Brothers, they are from my neck of the woods - lovely sewing with you last night!
I enjoyed watching Miss Fisher with you lol. You will love the Wolfe Brothers, they are from my neck of the woods - lovely sewing with you last night!
Great circles for your NJ blocks....
The 9patch/snowball quilt will be stunning when you have finished it. Who will be the lucky owner?
I am loving your quilt , the alphabet blocks really add so much ! Hope you enjoyed the show :-) hugs Sheila
Your snowball quilt is going to be beautiful with all those looks great already! :0)
I love those circles of squares in nj......a very adaptable idea for other projects. So thrifty with your scraps, more mini love. Looks like you had a very productive night.
Lovely projects. I hope you enjoyed the com cry. They are great Tassie boys.
Your snowball quilt is going to be so cute!!
Loving the snowball quilt. I've been saving those cut off triangles from projects too. Never used to but now i do. They come in handy. :) Hugs,xx
Your Alpahabears quilt is going to be gorgeous...agree, needs borders, darn shame (not!) you'll need to shop, he he he...hope you had a fun time at the show...
Loving the snow ball quilt, beautiful colours! Your stitcheries are looking amazing too! How was the show??? Saw the McClymont Sisters recently and that was country rock...great night but VERY loud!! Showing my age now!! Lol!!
That Sweetpea quilt looks amazing. Such pretty soft colours.
You had a great night Fiona. hugs......
Oh, I really do love that Sweetpea quilt......just gorgeous....don't forget to show us when it is done!!
Love your sweet stitching Fiona, and how you are putting together your sweet pea. Sounds and looks like a productive time :-)
You have been super busy every thing looks fantastic ...have fun 💗💗💗💗
lots of beautiful stitches happening there Fiona. The Wolfe Brothers were the runners-up on Australia's Got Talent in 2012 - they were a very popular act on the show, as I recall. I'd love to know what you thought of them
I always enjoy my little visits to your blog Fiona. I think you sweet pea quilt is going to be just lovely when done. I will be checking in to see the progress on both the sweet pea and nature's journey. Thanks for sharing ..... in stitches
Lots of gorgeous things to share Fiona and yes, they certainly do look like fun blokes!! xx
Oh my that bear quilt - how perfectly gorgeous!!!!
I just love how you never stop, your bears are very cute
Your stitchery bears are so sweet, its going to be a beautiful quilt.
Beautiful work as always, the bear cute is going to be gorgeous, such pretty colours and design! xx
Love the colours used in the circles-- are they French General?. The bear stitcheries are cute and so neat.
Sewing friends are wonderful! I don't have any here in the small town where I live, so I connect virtually with quilters through my blog and Instagram. It's great to have so many like-minded friends, even if I've never actually met any of them!
obat kuat
obat kuat semarang
Hey Fiona,
I drug my feet the first half of the month on the Nature's Journey blocks but I'm happy to say I'm in the home stretch...I need to do as you do and work on something else occasionally as I get rather bored with the one project. Still loving the Alphabet Bears.
Mama Bear
your alphabet bears look wonderful with the purples & greens.
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