Saturday, March 15, 2025

Second Week of March

We were housebound over a few days with threats of the cyclone.  We had a windy night and a few branches down and no power for most of a day.... and some very welcome rain.

So it was a good time to get out one of those tops from the Quilting Queue and play with it.....

I took this scrappy one (which I really love and it used so many of those little pieces) and also found a bunch of strips to make into binding......  off to the Binding Queue!!!

Girlfriends came round for machine sewing day and I am up to date with Be My Neighbour blocks, I am sewing this one with Susan and our neighbourhoods are looking very different, but I can assure you they are both respectable and good value to live there!!!

this is the first street done (the colours are a bit fresher than the picture shows)

I went to Quilt Group on Tuesday and there were some lovely quilt tops made using strippy scraps

This picture shows how Betty made hers... she backed with some lightweight fabric and after sewing the squares cut smaller strips

then placed them in opposite directions to get this ziggy zaggy effect....

Shirley made a shadow box quilt using her strip blocks....

... and another making diamond shapes with the strips....

Some great ideas ......

I did the binding on this little Charm Pack quilt

soft curly hooks for quilting ... makes a modernish cot quilt, or even a lap quilt....

and of course no scraps left from the charm pack!!!

This weekend I will prep up a few projects though not much will happen for the next 5 weeks, we are going away for a short island break and then children from far away are coming to help celebrate Hubby's 70th birthday at the end of the month.....

Excited is an under-exaggeration!  During this time I will be taking a break from blogging ....... xx

Righto, Gotta Go - I think I will take some yarn and pattern for baby clothes, nice and easy to travel with.....


1 Jennifer said...

Enjoy your break, Fiona!

2 loulee said...

Good that you all got through the cyclone. That is a friendly looking neighbourhood and some great looking scrappy strip blocks and quilts too.

3 Lin said...

Houses are very pretty. Love the different uses of the strippy blocks. Have a wonderful few weeks. Many happies to your man. xx

4 Janice said...

I love the variations of the stripy quilts, especially the chevron one. I like your scrappy quilts What size scraps did you use? Are the 3 1/2” squares and 1 1/2” strips/sashing, or larger? How wonderful for your next few weeks. No wonder you are excited. Enjoy.

5 Maria said...

Great to get another quilt ready to bind.
Some great idea with the strippy blocks.
Cute charm pack quilt.
Have a lovely holiday and how exciting to have your far away family visit for hubby special birthday….

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