Sunday, December 22, 2024

Third Week of December

Hubz and I had a trip to Brisbane, our closest  Capital city.

Long walks around Southbank.... this is one of the newer footbridges (we were standing on the one that opened the day before)

Passed through the Botanical Park - very very very long queue mostly teenage girls waiting to go into some concert - gosh they had a long wait so I hope it was a lot of fun!  I think we walked over 20 minutes and the line still wasn't moving and was still being added to....

Passed our Parliament building.... we often see picture of protests etc happening outside on the news...

I tried to run off with this tall man but he just wanted to gaze at the sky!

An on/off day at the cricket.... India vs Australia at the Gabba .....

I was prepared for the rain showers stopping play (started a cardigan) ....

A lovely couple of nights and tasty meals

On the way back we took a detour and while Hubz went to look at golf stuff I got time with bestie buddy Michelle..... of course we found a Christmas scene for photo evidence

Before we went I did quilt up my little scrappy buttons...... loose waves

It's a lap quilt size and I think it's rather fun..... I still have the binding to do

Decorations arrived in the mail, sulphur crested cockatoo from Karen and a packet of seeds from Susan

and from Jeanette....

Thank you so much dear friends

The tree finally arrived so it has been decorated....

Just covered in hand made ornaments (except a couple that I'm sentimental about)

A friend arrived with these cute beanies....

.... with treats in them .....

Wendy hosted FNSI this week and I did a bit of prep work.  Can you see those thin lines - I am marking up a piece of 16 count Aida for a blackwork project next year - its a free SAL and I am sewing along with a couple of others in our Embroidery group....

Stitching with friends I did a few more framed hexagons....

... and of course a few more rows of the crochet blanket have been done.

We are celebrating Christmas on Christmas Eve here.  My daughters partner has 3 children and they don't have Christmas stockings.... so that is what I will be doing today!

Righto, Gotto Go and search for some Christmas fabric.....

Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas time.  For me it is not my favourite time of the year but I do like home baked ham!  xxxx


loulee said...

A busy few days. Lovely to see your tree with all of the hand made ornaments. Lovely to see your new ornaments too.

Susan said...

I am so far behind reading posts so will only comment occasionally. a busy time....those little beanies are fun.

Janice said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family. I enjoyed tagging along on your Brisbane trip. Not somewhere we have explored much. How disappointing the rain delays were at the cricket. Nice to catch up with Michelle and your tree or special ornaments looks lovely.

Jennifer said...

Happy Christmas to you and your family, Fiona! Have to say I like the turkey and ham, but best of all are mince pies and cake.

Maria said...

Nice trip to the big smoke, lovely to catch up with Michelle.
You were organised for a rained out cricket day. My hubby was very disappointed.
Bet those stockings are now completed …
Like you I’m aa bit of a Grinch.

Michelle Ridgway said...

I love a wander along Southbank. Glad you got to see some cricket. So lovely to catchup x Your tree looks just lovely. The handmade ornies are my favourite too. Those beanies are too cute. Enjoy your Christmas celebrations xxx

Lin said...

Lovely trip to the big city! Buttons looks great. Very nice ornaments and the tree is looking good, glad it arrived. xx

Chantal said...

Sounds like you had a nice outing with hubby. Love that beautiful dress you have in the picture with Michelle. I also love your button quilt. I want to make one too. Those little hats are so cute. We don't really celebrate here. DH brings the boys to his family as they do celebrate it. I just bake something for them to bring along. It is more a family gathering than anything else. So it is very quiet which I love. Have a great week. ;^)

Jeanette said...

Sounds like a wonderful time visiting Brisbane. Shame about the rain when the cricket was on. Love the button quilt. Those little beanies are so cute & adorable.

Sharm said...

I’m catching up on blog reading after the last couple of months ….. I was actually up there at Southbank right at the end of November - the day after we took Dads ashes up by plane to be buried in Wynnum ( Hemant Cemetry) - the new bridge was great and my cousin took my daughter & I up the new casino to see the view! Amazing!! Lots of rain while I was there. I love your button quilt - it’s really cute!!! Merry Christmas to you Fiona

Julie said...

A wonderful post Fiona - great that you got to catch up with Michelle. I absolutely love your tree with all those gorgeous handmade ornies on it - how special. We have had our main christmas meals over the weekend so it will be a quietish day for us on Wednesday. I hope you got the stockings finished okay. xx

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Looks like you had a lovely trip to Brissy! Love the photo of you and Michelle! Oh those little beanies are soooo cute!!! Merry Christmas Fiona!! xx

Barwitzki said...

Dear Fiona, I enjoyed strolling through Brisbane with you... and I had to smile, you can knit really anywhere - I've knitted myself for many years :-))) It's great that you were able to meet your friend.
Your button blanket is fantastic.
You got lovely little presents... I especially like eating these Lindt balls made from whole milk :-) and I always try not to buy as many of them as possible :-))
We also celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve... the Christmas tree in the living room lights up for the first time (now it's fully decorated so that I don't have to stress - my son always does that)
in the afternoon we cut the Dresden Stollen (from my chosen baker!!!) and in the evening we have potato salad with sausages and other treats... as well as the Christmas presents... and Christmas songs.
I wish you and your loved ones a merry Christmas.
Hug from Viola

Karen's Korner said...

Your tree looks very festive all dressed up. That quilt is as cute as a button....pardon the pun. It is always fun being a tourist in your own capital city.

Karen S said...

Late as ever but here I am catching up on your Christmas.
And of course I really need to say thank you for your decorations that arrived in the mail. Always fun and greatly appreciated.

kiwikid said...

I am with you Fiona, lots of rushing around and prepping. Lovely you had time in Brisbane and caught up with Michelle. Your Christmas tree looks wonderful.

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